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Dhaksha's pov

"So where have you seen me Rajkumar Uttar?," I asked.

"Well I have seen you with Karna,who won the commoner competition of archery in Hastinapur," He said.

"Oh yeaa I..uhh was with Karna that day," I faked a smile.

"Yea you were the one who stood against a man there and won against him right?," He asked.

He is talking about the bully bulky boy....

"Yeaa that was me. But I didn't see you there and it was commoner competition right? What's with you?"

"Well actually I was disguised as commoner that day to check on  Hastinapur," he rubbed his neck.

Ahaan he can disguise as commoner and come to Hastinapur. I shouldn't disguise as a men. INJUSTICE.

"So yeaaa tell me why are you here?," He asked.

I guess I have to go on with this...

"He will definitely find it out soon" I heard Kanha Na voice.

"I have no other go Govindh," I said.

"At your own risk my dear Dhakshan" He laughed.

"Well I'm Karna's sister. I'm here because my family is suffering a lot. So I thought I should work too. You know working as women won't do. So I disguised myself as men and serving for you," I finally started breathing.

"Where did you learn to lie is much perfectly," Kanha Na asked.

"Well my dear Govindh from you," I said.

"Return as soon as possible ,you will get nicely from me," he said.

"Karna's sister?But I heard he is King Of Anga. Then how come you guys can suffer?,"he asked while seeing me doubtfully.

This boy is aware of everything happening around the world.

"Well..uhh you know.. Yea my mata was not soo happy about him becoming Angaraj. She thought that my brother chooses wealth instead of his family. And she refused to go live my brother in the palace. So here I'm to survive dot," I said.

"Yahh!! I'm your only brother, don't be like my brother Karna my brother Angaraj," Kanha Na said.

"I can smell jealously!!!," I said.

"Anyways I'm your only brother and the universe knows it," he said.

"Yes Mr.Vasudeva Krishna," I said.

"Ohh so that's the reason you are disguised as men but why in our kingdom. While you can work anywhere near your kingdom," he asked.

He is asking too much questions Govindh!!!!

"Don't call me I'm busy eating coconut laddoos," Kanha said.

"Well I thought people would recognize me soo easily there. So I thought I could work here. But I didn't expect you would recognize me!!," I pouted.

"You are good at cooking stories than cooking foods," Kanha said.


"Okay bye," I heard him laughing and chewing his laddoos.

"Ohh yeah but when did you found out that I'm a woman today?"

"Nah nah long before" he winked and  started walking towards the lake.

What? so these many days he is been playing with me.

"But why you didn't ask me anything about this?," I shouted.

"Shhh sit here" he pat on the rock near the lake.

"Well Dhaksha! I did find you suspicious when we met on the first day. You didn't have a eyes usually other men had like a unique different one,"

That is exactly what my Aarya used to say all the time.

"Next thing is whenever you are with me teaching, you gave me vibe like I've been spending my time with a woman I don't know I can't explain," he said while rotating his hands and all.

While I zoomed out thinking about Aarya. Lake reminded me of practicing Archery with Arjuna,together it was perfect.

"Umm yeaa continue" I zoomed back.

"Next how in the world men would shout so softly. Well you did. For God sake you should have at least shouted more louder" he said while controlling his laughter.

Yup I totally agree boy

"You can laugh if you want,"I said with blank expression.

"Okay okay let me continue. Then I know a warrior's  hand. While you were teaching me about Archery and adjusting my position. I can see that you hands are small and soft,"he pointed my hands.

Is he complementing or teasing?

But yeah warriors usually don't have soft hands except my Arjuna. His hand is like perfectly manicured smooth hands.

"Are you listening Dhaksha," he waved in front of my eyes.

"Yea yea so how can you jump to a conclusion that I am a woman with these things you found out??"

"I do have another reason," he smiled.

What? So did my hair fell out or what.
This is why I don't grow long hair. But this era made me grow my hair so long, till my calf.

"Just a few months before while you were teaching me how to handle bows, remember Mamashree disturbed us. That day I saw your chain with feather outside. I'm sure no men in the world would wear that. So yea with all these I came to a conclusion that you are a woman. End of the story" he took a deep breath.

He can even write a book named "Disguised as men" and write about all these.

I clapped my hands...

"I'm not reciting anything don't  need to applaud,"he said.

"Yeaa so now you know  everything. Can you promise me that you won't tell anything about this to anyone.Anyways I'm leaving after 3 days," I said.

"Leaving after three days?," He sounded astonished.

"Well...uh yea I..uhh heard my Pitashree's sick. I better stay with him there and help him," I said."Promise me."

"Yeaa I promise you Dhaksha," He said in weak tone.

"That's good," I  smiled.

"Well may be you could stay-," he started.

"Rajkumar Uttar you are called by Maharaj," soldiers interrupted.

"Don't you have manners interrupting in between?," he shouted.

"It's okay Rajkumar Uttar, Look acting all tough and strong won't make you perfect prince of Matsya. Sometimes you have to be patient and kind too" I smiled.

"You can go now,he will come there soon," I said.

"Well Rajkumar if you have seen Dhakshan anywhere tell me I have to convey to him too. Maharaj have called for him too. I have searched for him a lot around here "he said.

"Ahem yea sure You can go now," Uttar looked at me up and down.

"Thank God he didn't find out" I shouted." Well I have to change wait for me here."

I ran to change and came out.

"Perfect right," I asked.

"Even now your Neckpiece is out" he took my chain.

"Well my brother gave me this," I smiled.

"Beautiful looks like a royal chain?," he asked.

"Huh..well he is the King of Anga right" I took the chain from his hand.

"I gave you that Dhaksha,"Kanha said.

"Eeee," I said

"You are soo dead Dhaksha," he said.

"Huh let's go now," I said.

As we entered the court room.

I saw Duruyodhana and Shakuni standing in the middle of the courtroom. Seeing them after many years I thought maybe I could forget everything theu have done to me and my family. I could possibly see them normally, but memories poured back and my body started shivering.

"My dear son this is Yuvraj Duruyodhana and Gandharaj Shakuni," Viratraj said.

"Pranam," Uttar greeted.

I prayed to everyone lords of the universe, Viratraj wouldn't introduce me them.

"This my sons's-," he started.

"What's with the visit Gandharaj," Uttar shouted.

"Thank you soo much," I whispered

Uttar is an life saviour else when Shakuni hears this Dhakshan, at once go he would find me. Smart head Shakuni.

"Well I'm here because, I heard that you have been accompanying our people from Hastinapur. So we are here to check on that" Shakuni said while still gazing at me.

Well I can remember, this is when Shakuni and Duruyodhana finds about us and comes here to disturb our Agyatvas.

"What people from Hastinapur?," Uttar turned to me.

To be continued.....

When shall Uttar know about Dhaksha's real self?

Will they find Dhaksha who is disguised as Dhakshan?

What more tragedy shall Pandavas face before finishing their Agyatvas?

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