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Uttar's pov

"Here you go Guru your sword" I gave him the weapon.

I can see he was soo nervous and scared .I just want to check whether what I thought is true or not. I want to make sure that my instincts are right.So I need this...

"Let's do this " I winked.

He started attacking me with the sword. I decided to defend. His sword strike mine,still it felt so weak.I strike his sword and dashed him in the wall.

"What losing so easily huh," I smiled

"Never!!!!"he pushed with sword.

Wow this is interesting....

The fight was soo serious,we moved near the lake near our palace while fighting.
I was about strike at his sword but he bended down and escaped.While I managed to remove his turban.

Shockingly what I thought was True.

Her long  brown shinning hair fell down when I removed her turban,making her look totally different. This is an familar face.

"This is interesting!!!," I smiled.

But she was full focused on the fight that she didn't notice it.

"Let's see,"she came closer.

She kicked my legs which made me fall and she pointed the sword to my neck from behind. While I defended her sword from my neck.

             To make it more clear

"Now it is interesting right???," she asked.

I pushed her with my elbows  and turned to face her.I can clearly see her hair flying in air and her eyes full of anger to win. She dressed like a man. Well this is more interesting than I expected.

"That's it huh" I smiled.

"Want more huhh," She approached near raising her sword.

While we move near the lake.She indeed fights soo well.

"Why do laugh like idiot??," she asked while fighting with me.

"Just thought of smiling," I pulled her sword and dashed her to the tree near.

I can see she was breathing heavily.

"Thinking you would win against Uttar huhh Dhakshan,"I smirked.

While I kept the bindi I had in my forehead in her forehead within a fraction of second,that's all I had.

"Don't have overconfidence Uttar. I'm your Guru!!," she kicked me away.

Ughh I underestimated her. Damn she is strong. But still she was soo determined to win and concentrated in the fight, was not aware of this situation she is in.

"Sword is my game Dhakshan," I shouted.

"Well then play well my dear Uttar," she smiled.

I attacked her so hard while she defended so well. She did practice soo well. Girl warrior maybe? But she doesn't look like enemy to me.Why is she disguised...

"How's it Guru, made you proud ," I asked

"I'm not going to leave you," she shouted.

She approached near and pushed my sword down soo hard which made my arms twist. I tried soo hard, Atlast got grip.

I pushed her and hid behind a tree.

Dhaksha's pov

"I'm not going to leave you," I shouted.

I approached near him, pushed his sword down .God why this is soo hard!He suddenly pushed me.I turned around he was nowhere to be found.

"Rajkumar Uttar,where are you, are you afraid. Why hiding like a kid," I shouted.

Suddenly  branches from the tree near shook while flowers fell on me.

"Aishhh I don't know about your previous guru, but I'm sure I didn't teach you to play in between!!," I remove the flowers all over me.

He approached slowly smiling mischievously.I raised my sword to fight.

"I think we shouldn't fight anymore," he dropped the sword."I win this match".

"What but-"

I noticed my hair hung down.
What the...

"This belongs to you right, how may I call you Dhakshan?," he showed my turban.

I'm soo dead now what shall I say.
I noticed bindi in forehead. I remember when this happened. God I was not even aware of this whole situation.

"What do you wanna say now strange lady?," he raised his sword to my neck."Tell me who are you why did you lie to us and what is the need for being disguised as men."

"I..uhh can explain first uhh down put your sword down Rajkumar" I stammered and dropped my sword down.

"First remove this men costume and change into your own costume," he shouted."I have to see your real self you strange women."

"But people might find out. See let me explain here-"

"I said change or else I have to call the guards " he raised his sword."I can take care of that people."

"Yeahh yeah wait..," I said in weak tone and returned to my room to change.

I changed into a plain lenhenga and simple jewel.

"So yeah this is me alright?," I said in weak tone.

He stood staring.

"Is it okay Rajakumar Uttar!!!!," I waved my hands.

"Dhaksha right?," he zoomed back.

How did he found out my name. He researched about me or what?

"Yeaa but how did you know me?," I asked.

"Well just by seeing you in your own costume.I could identify you,"he said while smiling."But why you need to work here Dhaksha that too disguised as men."

What when did he see my original self.
Areyyy I didn't even remember seeing him anywhere.God How am I supposed to manage this situation....

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

In Hastinapur:

Shakuni's pov

"What you can't find them anywhere get lost everyone. Don't even stand in front of me. Get out now," he shouted to the spies.

"Calm down Duruyan my dear son-in-law. Getting angry won't do it all," I his shoulder.

"What do expect me to do. There is only 4 days left. After that Pandavas would finish their Agyatvas and happily return back to Indraprastha and wage war on us" He pushed the Fire holder down.

"Calm down. Let me think they are no where to be found in our
neighbouring countries. They didn't go to Panchal or Dwaraka. So definitely they are some where we didn't even care about" I started searching on the map.

Where are you guys,Pandavas... Not here not here. NOT HERE TOO.

"Let's check which country's wealth have increased. Maybe we could find with that right. Because Yudhistran is good at advising about how to run a court and stabilize the income soo perfectly,"Aswathama said.

Yeaa he right..think what else the Pandavas are good at. Shakuni think...

"Cow and Horse Yess Nakul and Sahadev are well versed with these things right," Duruyodhana shouted.

These kid do have brains.

"Wow Dear Duruyodhana you do have brain my boy," I pat on his shoulder.

He stared at me.

"Uhh Just Kidding my boy. Yeaah soo tell me which country's horse army's population and skill have increase.
Whose country is contributing more dairy product??," I asked.

"It's Virat Kingdom Mamashree, they are both well in wealth as well as with horse and cow too,"Vikarna said.

"Hehehehe well well well my dear Pandavas are in that Kingdom," I laughed.

"Excellent Mamashree!!," Duruyodhana shouted.

"Let's visit Virat Kingdom tomorrow itself," Dhushasana said.

"Right just me and Duruyodhana is enough .We will go check and return with good news my sons," I said.

"That's right Mamashree!!," Dhushasana said.

"Pandu's sons here we come. I shall make them go on Vanavas for next 13 years too, "I laughed.

Let's see how you guys can escape, Let's see who shall help you this time.

To be continued....

How did Uttar identify Dhaksha?

What shall happen after finding about Dhaksha's real identity?

Here are our villains ahead to Virat Kingdom. What all treason they are going to cause?

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Thank you my readers for supporting me always. From now onwards there shall be timely updates of my book. Sorry family for making you guys wait. Here is my new update. Hope you guys love it❤

Love yaa guys

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