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Dhaksha's pov

I heard flute and Tambla sound. I turned too see it was Brihanala and her children.

Man!!! warrior can dance this much . I can clearly say he is a pro.

"Well well Mister Dhakshan,"I heard a noise.


"What are you doing here?," I turned in towards while I raised my sword.

"I'm not here to fight Dhakshan. For I,here to talk with my dear son Uttar," He smiled at Uttar.

"Well-," I started.

"I can't come anywhere with you now Mamashree. I'm in middle of my training session," Uttar interrupted.

"Well,I guess you have to respect your Mamashree and do as he say,"I added.

"For you,shall be happy that I call you Mamashree. Don't expect anything else. I apologize!!," He turned away.

Maybe these both are not in good terms.

"What do you need Kichak? Now you have interrupted our training session too."

"I want to ask you something..," he smirked.

"Ask fast we have to resume our session," Uttar said.

"Remember you told something about woman power.. Taking control over them...what do you think of them. What did you mean by that Mr. Dhakshan?," He asked.

Shit He still remembers it.
What shall I do what shall I do...

"That.uhh was long.uh long ago," I stammered.

Aish think fast Dhaksha.

"This whole world knows about you Mamashree. The things you have done to women here. For thou sin you have escaped because of my Mata," Uttar said.

Good point.

"Hahahaha sin me?? there is nothing wrong to rule the weaker section. How can that be sin," He laughed while sitting on the bench.

"What do you think is not sin,torturing woman is not sin and forcing them is not sin. Treating them bad,worser than a animal is not sin. Even animals are better than you!!! Who are weaker section Womans???? Do you think you can withstand the pain of pregnancy delivery??" I shouted and walked closer keeping my one leg on the bench pointing my sword to his neck.

Everyone around us stood still. My Aarya and all from there stood gazing at here. While Uttar stood there frozen.

"Speaking like you are a woman and have endured  the pain??,"he teased.

"Well I can feel their pain. I can understand how they feel. Not like you who treats people like slaves. I respect all women like I respect my mother. Every women have a divine power called mother. No man  shall have that power. Remember and try to change!!," I said.

"What do you want to kill me now huh. Kill me go on," he smiled at me.

" No one can change you. Don't worry my dear Kichak. Your fate shall not be ended by me. The one you thought you could rule because there are weaker. It shall be the  reason for your end. At that time you would scream like anything but no one shall hear your scream, run  every where but no one shall help you and at last you would plead for forgiveness but your fate shall never forgive you that time,"I shouted.

"At that time , I shall hear you scream,watch you run and see you beg. My heart shall be fulfilled then!!," I whispered to him.

"Training session is over!," I said to Uttar and left from there.

I went to the garden near and sat.
Aishh this turban God!!!

I slammed it down.

"Dhaksha..," I heard a voice from behind.

I took my turban.

"It's me Dhaksha!!," Aarya stood in front of me.

"Aiyanae," I hugged him.

"What happened over there?"

"That Kichak talked badly about us womans. That's why I shouted," I said.

"It's okay Dhaksha don't worry people like him shall not last forever here in this universe," he held my hands.

"Where are my precious sons and how are they?," I looked around.

"You won't ask about me huh??"

"What's with you, you are beautiful as always Brihanala!!,"I pinched his cheeks.

"Don't touch a woman without her permission," he covered himself with the shawl.

I laughed.

"There are already ahead to our meeting place. Come Let's go too!"he said after laughing so hard.

"Devi Brihanala can I catch your hand," I smiled.

"Enough enough,who shall then catch my hand other thaan Dhaksha," he held my hands.

We soon arrived there.

"Mata!!," both my sons ran to me.

"Virthik and Mirthik I missed you both,"I hugged them both.

"Mata look it's like I'm have a grown up. I'm taller than you," Mirthik stood beside me checking his height.

"You fool , no one can grow taller within 2 months gap. You are already taller than our Mata," Virthik corrected.

"But can never be taller than Bheem Tau," Mirthik pouted.

"Who told my dear Mirthik. Sahadev give me a hand," Nakul said.

They both carried Mirthik and made him taller than Bheem Na.

"I can't let you guys," Bheem stood on his toes."Now what can you do my dear brother"

Bheem  Na laughed.
Perfect eyesight. Thanks Kanha Na for giving me such an wonderful family...

"Wait where is my Sakhi??," I interrupted.

"Yea where is Panchali," Nakul let Mirthik down.

"Mata is coming there,"Virthik pointed.

She was soo disturbed and looked soo down.

"Sakhi what happened why soo dull and you look disturbed," I held her shoulder.

"Dhaksha the thing is..."

"What is it??,"Bheem Na asked.

"It's all about Kichak he is like always staring at me like anything,today he walked soo close to me and he-"

"I understand Sakhi!!!," I held her shoulder.

"Let me kill that Moron," Bheem shouted.

"Don't Bheem Na, Let's see if he goes way beyond the level. If he does I have  plan. Because you can't straight go and fight him. Then we will be revealed and our Agyatvas shall be interrupted"

I told them the plan.

"That would be perfect Jyesthabhavikashree," Nakul said.

"I hope he won't cross his limits," I said.

"Dhaksha do have some great great ideas," Bheem laughed.

"Brother like sister," Kanha Na interrupted.

"Hushh you won't come when I wanted you the most .But for getting credits and teasing. You can even cross 7 oceans," I said.

"To see my sister I can do more than that," He said.

"Aye aye I'm angry now don't change my mind" I said.

"Dhaksha.. Dhaksha it's already time let's go," Draupadi shook me.

"Lost in some thoughts again," Bheem Na smirked.

"Brihanala thoughts," Nakul laughed.

"Bheem Bhratta Nakul please," He said while struggling with his saree.

"I guess you three struggle a lot with this costume," I said while correcting Aarya's necklace.

"No Mata Mirthik-," while Mirthik closed Virthik's mouth.

"What's it tell me Putra," I asked.

"Mata, Mirthik is been flirting with  girls there with this costume. Especially-"

Again Mirthik closed his mouth

"Especially one girl in the palace," Virthik said.

"Okay enough for now," Mirthik pouted.

While everyone laughed.

"Don't worry my dear Mirthik, you didn't do anything wrong," I smiled."Blame it on your Father"

While we all started walking.

"Blame on father what do you mean Dhaksha," Aarya walked beside me.

"My dear Brother we all know everything about you. We all have seen what all you have done in front of Dhaksha," Bheem shouted from behind.

"What uhh..what did I do," He stammered.

"Bhratta remember you told about the Yellow Lehengha hide and seek game.. peacock and her....some thing special about-" Nakul started telling them one by one.

While Aarya closed his mouth.

"Something special with her eyes," Sahadev finished.

What I didn't know all these. ...

"What are you guys telling I can't understand Devarah!!," I turned to Sahadev.

"Nothing nothing keep walking," Aarya said.

I smiled and started walking with my sons.

"Don't utter any other things after this," He whispered.

"I can hear you Aarya," I said.

While he joined with us.

"Look just like Mirthik closed his brother mouth, you closed your brother's what's the difference brother," Bheem shouted.

While we all Laughed.

"Point!," Mirthik smiled.


"Okay okay come let's move," I held his hand while controlling my laughter.

Our Agyatvas was almost going to finish just few weeks more.While I taught Uttar Archery.It was little awkward between me and Uttar,maybe he find out that I'm a women. But yeahh he was not bad like I thought....

"I guess you learned it all," I smiled.

"So does this means you will be no longer my  personal trainer," He said in weak tone.

Why all of a sudden worrying about me?

"Maybe yea let's see for few more weeks," I said.

"So because it's all over. We both can have a fight," he smiled.

What fighting with him?


"No my favorite Sword," He pouted.

It takes soo much effect to fight with him. I know how strong he is in sword.

"Ahh fine...uhh,"I stammered.

God I don't wanna win and all,least be alive.Let's do this Dhaksha!

"So let's make it interesting too. If you win I shall do whatever you say. If I win Mister, you have to do whatever I say," He smiled mischievously.

God I hope there is nothing behind this.

"Deal,"I faked a smile.

"Let's do this. Here you go Guru your sword" He gave me a sword.

To be continued....

Will Dhaksha win in this fight?

What's the reason behind the bet?

What shall happen to Kichak?

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