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"He should compete with me and then you can join here," I saw a man approached  near.

Now who is this? Dhaksha you are soo dead!

"Well He is the chief of soldiers in my Virat kingdom," Viratraj said in weak tone.

"Maybe he could fight with Kichak and prove himself!," Uttar added.

Uttar gave me mischievous smirk from there.

Kichak? The one who would disturb Draupadi...  This A hole.

He started walking around me.

"You shall fight this Kichak and get your job," He smirked.

I shall kill you Kichak for doing that to my Sakhi!!

"Fine if Dhakshan wins the fight I shall appoint him as trainer," Viratraj said.

"I'm soo ready Viratraj," Kichak said while taking his sword out.

Woah Dhaksha with sword!
Let's do this!

We both went to the center of the court.

"All the best," He smirked.

I don't need your all the best to win this. Govindh, be with your little sister.

"Let the fight start!!!," Soldier shouted.

He started attacking me soo hard soo messily. God did he even learn properly?

"What tired already huh??," He asked while keeping his sword on his shoulder.

"Never Kichak!!!," I struck my sword to his sword.

This is interesting...

We both were fighting a balanced fight.

He suddenly pushed me down with his shoulder.

"What thinking you could win Kichak," He asked while pointing his sword.

"Not just thinking I will win," I stood up while striking the sword so hard on his sword.

He was about to point his sword at my neck.

Remember what Karna taught you focus. Focus!

I hit hard on his shoulder with my elbow and strike my sword to his sword which made both sword and him fall down.

While I took his sword. Pointed both the sword at him.

"Now what do you think about this Dhakshan. Perfect right?," I winked.

"Va rey va," Viratraj gave an applaud.

Yudhistran Na gave me a wide smile.

"Don't underestimate a woman power and try to take control of her. Remember, even you were born because of a woman," I whispered taking the sword closer to his eyes.

I walked away.

What did I say to him. Aishh Dhaksha!
I can see he was standing with a  confused expression. He would have been confused. Poor him Hehehe.

"Wow excellent Dhakshan. You have beaten up him," Viratraj held my shoulder.

"He acted as if he is the ruler of this kingdom. He took control over my father. I'm soo happy that you have beaten that Kichak," Lady spoke while getting down.

She might be Uttara. Wait who is that other two  girls?

"Dhakshan,this is my first daughter Uttara. And these two are my Tavaputris Saigavi and Palavi," he introduced.

I can see Uttar was disappointed he thought he would win. But this Dhaksha won!!

"Well Dhakshan,as I said I will grant you job. But I want you to be my son's personal trainer. My son is well versed at everything except Archery. I'm sure you can teach him Archery," Viratraj said.

Uttar looked at me like what you my trainer that is fucking hell. But I had no other go to spend our Agyatvas I have to do this.

Let's do this.

"Yes Maharaj,I'll be glad to train Rajkumar Uttar"

"Guards Make Dhakshan's room ready. And my daughter's teacher, make Brihanala and her children stay here in our palace," Viratraj commanded.

Aarya and my sons next to my rooms Thank God.

"Let's start our training tomorrow," I said.

"Yeahh sure see you tomorrow," He faked to smile.

What's with this boy?
What did I do to him..

"This is your room," Guards showed me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

Now where is my Aarya and my sons. I'm sure their room is near mine. What makes them soo late.

I peeked to the next room to check.

"There are not here yet. Where are they?"

I again peeked inside.

"They are still practicing, I guess they will be late," someone pat on my shoulder.

"Ohh that's the reason!!"

What!! Who is that behind me!
I messed up.

It was Rajkumar Uttar

"Why are peeking at woman's room huh??, he locked me to the wall.

Aishh I screwed up.

"Are you some sort of psycho peeking at woman's room huh?," he asked.

"Will you talk to your Guru like this huh??," I stammered.

"Well you seem like you are same age as me. You can be my friend, now tell me talking to a friend like this okay right??,"he faked to smile.

He purely dislikes me.

"Ahem!! It's not what you think. I just want to see her. Because I have heard about her name somewhere," I stammered while moving back.

Arey why this much close!! He always talks to people standing this much close huh??

"Even you seemed familar to me?," He came closer."I'll be watching you my dear friend everytime. See you tomorrow,"he took his hand away.

Aishh he seriously have some kind of problem!

"What happened??"

"Aishhh," I jumped.

"It's me it's me," Draupadi moved the cloth cover in her face.


"It's you Thank God!!!,"I whispered.

"What happened  why are you shivering," she held my hand.

"All because of that Prince Uttar," I shouted.

"He made you shiver like this huh??".

"Yeah I was peeking at my Aarya's room to see him. But he doesn't know about my Disguise so he misunderstood and he was like standing this much close to me and taking. Something definitely wrong,"I shouted.

"For him your are a man his trainer. That's the reason. Poor you have to handle him this one year!!!," She laughed.

"Yeaa,"I said in weak tone.

"Let's sleep Bye," she smiled.

"Sakhi... Be careful while you are working,"I stopped.

"So something is going to happen here. Fine I'll be safe," she waved and went inside.

I turned to go inside but I could see still Rajkumar Uttar was staring at me.

Did he know that I'm a woman or what?

I smiled at and went inside.

Months passed...

Uttar's pov

"I have been telling you from the beginning. Hold it firmly Rajkumar," He adjusted my hand.

I have been watching him since he arrived here. The very first meet itself felt strange. The way he behave and he talk. He doesn't even seem like he to me.

I knew a warrior's hand but his hand felt  as if his hands was  used to pluck flowers and all.

"I told you to look there not stare at me Rajkumar," He turned my face.

Let me find it now

"I forgot how to handle teach me," I gave my bow.

"I have been teaching you for many months but now you forgot to handle this bow," He shouted.

Okay now tell me how can a man shout this much softly. Maybe he is some enemy of my father disguised to attack us.

"Will you teach me or not?,"I asked.

"Okay now hold this like this," he lifted my hand to the bow.

This is soft?

"And stretch it and focus  only on the target. And now leave it," he said.

What are you hiding. But it feels like you are hiding something....

"Good look it's perfect!!," he said while smiling.

He doesn't seem bad to me too.
He has a good smile too.

Wait what is that?

To be continued....

Will Uttar find out about Dhaksha?

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