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In Hastinapur

Duruyodhana's pov

"Go go go play somewhere else my dear Lakshmana and don't hurt yourself"

When will he grow up?

"What my dear son-in-law playing with kids huh?," Mamashree asked.

"Yea it's been soo long I didn't spend time with my son. Because I was always focused on that stupid Pandavas and Dhaksha's children"

"Even now you have to worried," Mamashree held my shoulders.

"What happened I have sent my spies to find them right?"

"That is the problem my dear son. Our spies can't find them anywhere around the Kayank Forest. They left earlier. Definitely it would be the plan of Vasudeva Krishna," He smirked.

"That's fine. Send our spies to search in nearby kingdom right .No worries Mamashree"

"Yeaa I have already informed our spies"

"Let's wait till they inform us"

"But still Vasudeva Krishna behind them. They shall escape everytime,we should be more careful," He said.

"Just now we heard that Arjuna's son Abimanyu is under training of Vasudevar. Don't worry he shall not interfere!"

"Hope soo"

"I have to train my son, he have to be more brave than that Abimanyu. Right now all are thinking that Abimanyu is bravest," I left from there.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Dhaksha's pov

"Dhakshan would be a great name for you Dhaksha," Yudhistran Na said.

"Yeaa great name!," Nakul added.


"You look exactly like a men," Draupadi glanced at me shockingly.

"Aishh whole year I have to stay like this. My dear Sakhii can we exchange our characters?," I held her hands.

"No no only you have some education about-"

"About?? Sakhi..Draupadi where are looking?," I turned back.

It was Brihanala....

"My dear Brihanala you look beautiful!!!," Bheem laughed.

"Even now Arjun Bhratta and Jyesthabhavikashree look like an couple!!," Nakul laughed.


I controlled my laughter.

"You look beautiful my dear supriyaa," I teased him.

"It's all because of Madhava,"Aarya said while correcting his earrings.

"How is my idea of Brihanala," Kanha Na asked

"Perfect brother," I laughed.

"No no wait you have to wear it like this!," I adjusted while smiling.

"Wait what about Mirthik and Virthik? Where are they," Yudhistran Na asked.

"Putras!," Aarya called.

They stepped outside from the tree.

"OMG!!," Draupadi exclaimed.

"Greetings all I'm Mirthi and this is my sister Virthi," Mirthik greeted.


"There both uhh.. are my Putras?,"I asked.

"No no no Putris!," Mirthik corrected.

"My dear Dhaksha! Whole family is upside down!," Bheem laughed.

"Who's idea is this??,"I crossed my hands and stared at Aarya.

"No no not mine don't look at me!," he nodded.

"Mata this is your lunatic son Mirthik's stupid idea. I told him let's work with Bheem Tau in Kitchen!!" Virthik pouted.

Aww cute I can't control my laughter too.

"Mata nothing is wrong in wearing women's dress. Just for one year right. We are now Daughter of Mata Brihanala!!" Mirthik winked.

"You both look cute my dear sons," Draupadi pinched both of them cheeks.

"Mata!!," Virthik gave me innocent stare.

"It's okay my dear brother you will be fine. We both have some knowledge about Flute and Tambla right. Let's manage with that,"Mirthik said.

"Wow you guys can use magic for musics too," Nakul asked.

"Yess yess!!,"Virthik nodded.

I'm sure Virthik is not happy with this idea. But I can't deny the fact that my Putras look cute.

"Okay now all set Let's all go to our respective places. Remember we should meet sometimes too," I said while adjusting Virthik's dress.

"You look great," I whispered to him.

"As long as you are happy it's fine Mata!," He smiled.

"Yea yea I will add extra food to daily meal. That is the signal for us to gather here," Bheem Na said.

"Take care all," Bheem hugged his brothers with his huge arms.

This looks great. Why Lord why did you make their life into a scrutiny.

"Take Care Sakhi," she smiled.

"Anyways we will be around only right!!," I smiled.

As everyone left to their own places.

"Take care my Putras!"

"See you around Dhakshan," he hugged.

"No now I'm Dhakshan and your are mother of two children you shouldn't hug other men," I said.

"Very fine take care and importantly be careful don't let the prince know about your true identity," he smiled.

"Take care," I waved to them.

I entered to the Virat palace.

"Dhakshan!!," I heard Kanha Na Laugh.


"Yes my dear brother,"He Laughed.

"Ahemn Sister!!!," I corrected.

"Fine fine Take care my sister. Act tough like an men from on onwards. Love you," He said.

"Bye bye"

He can easily tell act tough,but it's me who should suffer soo much. Let's better run from here.

"I'm still hearing you my dear Dhaksha," Kanha Na smiled.

"Fine fine I'm going inside Bhaiya," I said.

"That's my sister," he said.

"That's my sister," I imitated him.

I heard him laugh

It's okay Dhaksha It's a different experience.
I mean Dhakshan

It was soo beautiful and green too.
I was admiring the beauty and entered the palace.

"Rajakumar Uttar have arrived," Soldiers at the gate shouted.

He was approaching near on a horse.
Wow I thought he was young. But he looked older than me. I thought he was small cute and innocent to handle. But he looks like he didn't even need a trainer.

Rajkumar Uttar

I stared at him while he was crossing me.

"Open the gate the Rajkumar have arrived," Guards shouted.

"Stop stop stop," He shouted.

"Hey you young men," He shouted.

I looked back.

"You only why looking back huh??," He pointed me.

Young men oh yea it's me I totally forgot.

I cleared my throat. So that I can change my voice to men's voice.

"Well uhh Uttar No I mean Rajkumar Uttar,I'm Dhaksha here Dhakshan Dhakshan. I'm here to seek job!," I stammered.

Shit Dhaksha You suck at acting.

Act tough,Talk like a Men.

"I have never seen you here and you look different too," he got down from the horse and looked closer at my face.

Oh no breathe in breathe out uuhh!

"Rajkumar,You don't have to look this much closer. I'm normal citizen from Virat Kingdom .I'm just here to seek job for my living," I moved back.

He moved back.

"But still you look like stranger. Recently I heard my father's enemy have entered our Kingdom. You look exactly like that to me," he stared at me.

Aishh I thought he was so sweet and innocent. Even they showed in the TV like he is small and sweet. Look Older and arrogant. Not even close to the Uttar I heard about

"What??," I shouted.
"No Rajkumar It's not what you think. I'm here to work,"I faked to smile.

"Anyways Guards Keep an eye on him. Open the gates!!," He said.

He made eye contact till crossing the gate.

"Why this is always happening to me. Now I have to deal with this Uttar,I kicked the stone.

"Ughh ughhh My foot!!"

I entered into the main gate.

"Can you inform that My name is Dhakshan and I'm here to seek job to the King," I said to the soldier.

"Yes Sir,you can wait here,"He left.

I peeked inside.

That is Yudhistran Jyesthabhrtta.
Wow he already got the position.

Of course who would say no to Dharmaputra.

"Mister you have been called inside," He called me.

Mister?? Lol

"Pranam Viratraj," I greeted.

I gave a little smile to Yudhistran Na.
I can see Rajkumar Uttar was giving a death glare.

"Go ahead Mister why are you here!," He asked.

"Well Maharaj,I'm here to seek a job as trainer here"

"That would be great even we needed a trainer here. But I can't easily join you here," He smiled.

What so should I fight with anyone to prove myself.

"Yeaa Pitashree is right
We can't easily allow anyone inside," Uttar interrupted.

Definitely today you are going to get nicely from someone here.

"Maybe He can prove himself by fighting with someone right?," Yudhistran Na added.

What no no Jyesthabhratta....

"Your are right!He should compete with someone here,"Uttar said.

"Well Mister What's your name?," Viratrj asked.


"Well Dhakshan you shall compete with-"

"He can compete with me and take the job," I heard a voice.

Who is that?

To be continued...

How can Dhaksha manage to get the job?

How can she manage to be unknown?

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