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In Hastinapur:

Duruyodhana's pov

"Look!What they have done,"Jayadratha shouted." Will you tolerate if this happen to you huhh??".

Ohhh god Control your laugh Duruyodhana.

"I'm sorry...uhh don't worry your hair will grow," I controlled my laughter.

"Don't worry Jayadratha we shall do something!!," Mamashree said.

I can't control anymore

"I shall uh,"I burst out in laughter.

"What help you shall laugh uhh?," Jayadratha.

"Shh! Dear Sindhuraj we shall do something in their Agyatvas. Don't worry!!," Mamashree consoled

"Do whatever you want only thing I want is them dead," Jayadratha shouted.

"Shall not worry Sindhuraj," Dhushana added.

"This Jayadratha shall not stay here like this,I shall go and seek Mahadev's blessing. Return back to kill them!!!," Jayadratha shouted and left.

"What have you planned Mamashree?," Dhushasana asked.

"First Let's find where are they are off to for Agyatvas. Go and tell our spies to find them," Mamashree smiled.

While Karna entered

"That's right Mamashree!," I said.

While I was staring at Karna, thinking whether he shall help me and stay by my side.

Even though with the selfish motive I became his friend, being his friend for so long I really care for him and I do get jealous when he chooses Dhaksha over all.

"Angaraj why you didn't help Sindhuraj back there??," Mamashree asked.

"I'm sorry Gandharaj I would have kill him with my arrows back there at the forest. But Dhaksha didn't want Dhushala my Mythra's sister to become an widow," Karna replied.

He really chooses Dhaksha over me..

"Ohhoo that's the reason very good very good. Come come let's do our work. Duruyodhana come," Mamashree called.

As I left outside still gazing at him.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Dhaksha's pov

"What is the plan for our Agyatvas Govindh?,"Draupadi asked.

"Yeahh I guess we have to leave before Duruyan's spies arrives'" Bheem Na said.

"Where shall we spend our Agyatvas Madhav in incognito mode?," Aarya asked.

"Virat Kingdom right??," I asked.***

"Yes my dear Dhaksha," Kanha replied.***

"Well my dear Parth you have to spend your Agyatvas in the place which has no connection with Hastinapur nor a Friend of Hastinapur!!," Kanha Na said.

"No connection with Hastinapur uhh?," Nakul said.

"It's Virat kingdom my dear Nakul," Yudhistran Na said.

"Yeaahh he is right. You all shall start traveling to Virat kingdom now before Duruyan's spies arrives here!!," Kanha said.

"Duruyan Duruyan!!,Is Duruyodhana Tau that dangerous Mamashree?," Mirthik asked.

"Every humans can be dangerous when it comes to their own desires my dear son-in-law," Kanha Na smiled.

"Let's all go," Bheem Na said.

"Take care of you and my son-in-laws ," Kanha said***

"Nothing will happen to my sons Bhaiya,I promise,"I smiled***

"See you all soon ,take care," Kanha Na said.

I smile and waved him bye.

"Bye my sister," he waved back***

"Bubye Mamashree,we will miss you!!!,"Mirthik jumped.

"Take care Mamashree," Virthik waved.

We were almost near Virat kingdom.

"Walk properly Mirthik you would fall and hurt yourself," I shouted while walking.

"Yes Mata, No worries," he winked.

Wow he is good at winking than his father.

"What even you would  walk like him. Exactly the same," Aarya said while holding my hands.

"What only now  Dhaksha is visible to you huhh??," I pouted.

"No no only Dhaksha is visible to me everytime," He smiled.

His skills never leaves him-_-

"Father of four kids still flirting ahh??," I took my hands.

"Why is that any rule that father of four kids shouldn't flirt??,"he held my hand.

"Well..uhh No,"I stammered." But still it's our duty now to take care of our kids. Go along with Mirthik"

"Fine!!," He pouted.

"But still the love I have for you never gets aged right?," he pinched my cheeks.

"Ahemmm!!!you guys will never ever change. Even this universe get destroyed ,you both shall be like this," Bheem Na interrupted.

"Eee my dear brother Good morning," Aarya said.

"Aishh Aarya it's going to be sunset,"I whispered.

"Well..uhh..Mirthik... Yeah Mirthik don't get hurt," Aarya ran away.

"Walk beside me!!," Bheem Na said so firmly.

Why did he suddenly became an protective brother.

"Ughhh!!," Mirthik shouted.

"Putra what happened??," I ran to him.

"He got hurt in the leg by the thorns," Aarya said.

"You should have been careful my dear Mirthik,"Draupadi said while wiping the blood.

"Uhhh Mata!!," Virthik shouted.

"What happened dear??," I turned to him.

"I bleed in the same area where Mirthik Bleeds!!," he said while wiping the blood.

"What??," Sahadev said.

They both are interconnected??

"There are some twins like this. They both shall be interconnected!. Even in death they both shall die in same time," Yudhistran Na said.

What die in same time
I have never heard about this?

"Bhratta so if one gets hurt in any fight, the other shall be hurt too. No matter where he is huhh??," Aarya asked.

"That's a good news Pitashree!!," Mirthik smirked.

"Mirthik I know what you are thinking. That is soo stupid don't even try that in cost!!,"Virthik said.

"Well then better don't mess with me or else.. You know what would I do!!," Mirthik smirked.

"Okay okay enough let's rest somewhere it's already sunset!!," I said.

"Yeaahh Let's rest there near that place full of rocks," Yudhistran Na said.

We all sat near the warm fire.

"So how are we going to spend there at Virat Kingdom?," I asked.

"Well we have to think about that?," Sahadev said.

"Well  Bhratta you are well veersed with both the scriptures and skills of dice, rules and functioning of royal court right??,"Aarya said.

"Yeah so I can  serve the king in the capacity as an adviser and priest,"Yudhistran Na said" But I can't lie about my name to others?".

"Aiyanae you don't have to lie about your name. If people ask your name tell them you are Kankanbhata," Draupadi replied.

"Well said Sakhi!!!,"I smiled.

"So Bheem Na,I guess you have to work in kitchen that is only thing you love the most,"I teased.

"Well Bheem Tau can work in the Royal Kitchen as chief cook right?," Virthik said.

"Ballava!! We can call you Ballava!!!," Mirthik jumped.

"As you wish my dear son,"Bheem Na said.

"So Aarya what about you," Draupadi asked to Arjuna.

While both me and Bheem made eye contact and laughed.

"My dear what about dancing??," Bheem Na said.

"I got it I know what you guys gonno say. Let me be dance and music teacher of Princess of their country!," he pouted.

"Wow you can dance too,Pitashree," Mirthik asked.

"Well he dances better than your Mata," I added.

"What about your name Pitashree?," Virthik asked.

I and Bheem Na saw each other.

"Well what about Brihanala," I said while controlling my laughter.

While everyone chuckled.

Aarya gave a death glare to me.
I smiled back.

"That would be perfect my dear Dhaksha," Aarya faked to smile.

"Nakula and Sahadev you both can do what you guys are good at!!," Yudhistran Na said.

"I can be the care taker of Horse as Granthic," Nakul said.

"I can take care of the cow-sheds as Tantipal," Sahadev replied.

"Perfect!!," I said"What about you Sakhi? ".

" Well there is no problem I can be the chief maid-servant to the queen as uhhh Malini yeahh good name,"she replied.

"So what about you what are you going to be in Agyatvas Jyesthabhavikashree??," Nakul asked.

Oh yeahh I have to be unknown too.

"Well uhh??"

"You can be the personal trainer for the  Prince of Virat!!,"Bheem replied.

"What you mean dressing up like men?,"I asked.

"Of course you Aarya is dressing up like Brihanala why can't you huh," Bheem Na replied.

What being the opposite for one year???

What am I going to do...

To be continued....

How can Dhaksha spend the opposite  for one year?

What all shall happen?

How shall Virthik and Mirthik spend their Agyatvas?

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