Agyatvas- Final

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"Ughhh," I shouted in pain.

Karna turned quickly towards me.

"Sakhi??," He said with an confused expression.

I noticed Virthik and Mirthik running towards me.

"He is Mirthik right?," Sakha stood still in the same place.

"Mythra help me... Help..," Duruyodhana should.

Karna stood with the blank expression staring at my leg.

"Mata Mata what happened," Virthik came running towards me.

While Mirthik came running to me while throwing his sword away.

"Sakhi.... Sakhi...," Karna zoomed back.

He came running towards me keeping his bow down.

"We told you to be careful right," Virthik teared a piece of cloth from his dress.

While Sakha tried to move forward. I can see his face had this guilty thingy.

"Don't please don't come near our Mata," Mirthik stopped Karna.

"Sh you shouldn't talk to elder like this," Virthik said while tying the  cloth piece around my leg.

"What happened what happened," Uttar shouted.

"Nothing this is an accident," I tried to get up with the support of my two putras.

My two pillars.

"Accident don't name it that way Mata," Mirthik shouted.

"Hush my dear putra.He doesn't know about disguise" I said in weak tone while avoiding Karna's eye contact.

"Sakhi I'm-," He moved forward.

"What have you done Angaraj," Aarya came running while handing over Duruyodhana to Viratraj.

"Nothing it's just-"

"I was already worried about the  scars which already she got because of me. Now what's this Dhaksha?. I told you to be careful right?," He looked at my legs.

"Enough Angaraj , be loyal to atleast one side. Don't be a double gamer. Go now," Aarya lifted me up.

"Arjunaa?," Karna said in weak tone and bend his head down.

He looked up and stared at while his tears flows from his eyes and guilty which was filled all over his face.

I didn't know but this is not his fault too. It's all my fault I'm the one who wanted to fight with him.

I gave a little smile to him and nodded like it's all fine.

"What have you done Dhaksha!!!," Aarya shouted while carrying me.

"I told you right he is not the person who cares you a lot. See what he have done to you. You were so excited to fight with him. Now look!!!! It's you who is suffering," Aarya said.

He dressed like women with one earring ,smudges of his make up all over his face and his fake anger.

"Virthik, tell your tau that I'm going to take her to the palace. Uttar and you shall help tau and Viratraj capture him. Mirthik come with me," Aarya said.

"Yes Pitashree," Virthik ran towards Uttar and Viratraj.

From distance I can see Karna was nowhere to be found in the battle field...

While Aarya took me to the palace.

"What happened sakhii??, " Draupadi ran from inside.

"Nothing just a cut-," I said.

"Not just nothing it's Angaraj who made my Mata like this," Mirthik interrupted.

"That Karna!!!, we told you to stay here right," Bheem shouted.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry guysss," I pouted.

Aarya made me sit in the chair.

"We will treat her don't worry Bhaiya," Sahadev smiled.

After sometimes:

"You'll be alright Jyesthabhavikshree," Nakul smiled.

"Are you sure Nakul ," Aarya took glance at my leg.

"Yes, you don't have to worry Arjuna," Bheem Na said.

"Be careful from now on sakhi," Draupadi held my hand.

"Sorry for making you guys worried," I pouted.

"I thought something bad would happen to you Mata," Mirthik sat down near me holding my hands with a weak tone.

"Areyy my boy, with you and brother beside what bad shall happen," I smiled while brushing his hair.

He gave a bright smile.

"Ahemm," I heard Aarya coughed.

"I guess you forgot to brush someone else hair too," Bheem Na laughed while showing Aarya with his eyes.

I smile at Aarya and he smiled back.

"First try in battlefield is a great flop huh,"I heard Kanha's voice.

"Don't talk me Bhaiya," I said.

"Why my dear Dhaksha. Did this Krishn do something wrong?," Kanha Na said in mischievous tone.

"Where were you look your sister is hurt and you are talking after all this happen"


"Don't laugh and try to change my mood"

"So me laughing did change your mood right?"

"Fine you won bye"

"Long live Pandavas!!!!," I heard Viratraj shouting and approaching inside.

"What happened Sakhi," I turned to draupadi.

"We have won the battle Rajkumari Dhaksha," Maharani said while holding  arthi in her hand.

Omg this weirdo Dhaksha's plan worked out?

Of course,I did no good to the war just had a cut in my legs.

"We won Arjuna," Yudhistran approached inside.

"What really happened?," I stood up.

"After you guys left the battlefield. Angaraj disappeared from the field. Which made their army weak. So we all managed to capture Duruyodhana," Uttar walk towards me and made me sit down again.

"We ordered one he have to be jailed here or they have give away half of their wealth and never ever return to Virat again. They choose the second option. So here we are soo happy and fulfilled. And that's all because of you all. I have to do something," Viratraj shouted in happiness.

"It's all our duty Maharaj for allowing us stay in your place. It's all because of you we are going to finish our Agyatvas successfully,"Yudhistran Na smiled.

"Dear Arjuna can you marry my sister Uttara?. It's you who taught me what real bravery in today's battlefield. I never thought being smart is also a part of being a good warrior. All I thought was being brave is enough.We are grateful so please do take this," Uttar smiled at Arjuna.

My Aarya marrying Uttara what? Why I never read about this scene anywhere or did I forgot?

Me and Aarya made eye contact.

"No no they are like my daughters my students. I can't marry them," he smiled and held Uttar's shoulder.

"Instead my sons shall marry your sisters," Aarya said.

"Yeahh, Abimanyu shall marry Uttara," Draupadi added.

"And my putras here see shall marry your tavaputris,"Aarya pointed both of them.

While Mirthik face had a big smile!!!!

I looked at Mirthik and gestured him what?.He just smiled and winked back.

My son Mirthik is already excited.

"Is that okay Bhaiya," Arjuna asked to Yudhistran Na.

"Of course this shall make our both country's bond more stronger," Yudhistran Na smiled.

I'm soo excited about my sons marriage.

"This is going to fine right Sakhi," Draupadi whispered and held my shoulder.

"I hope so sakhi," I smiled at her.

"We have to leave tomorrow to Indraprastha," Yudhistran Na said.

"Yea yeah I want you all to join us too. Let's have their vivaha in Indraprastha," Draupadi said.

"It has to be soo special and grand too," I added.

"Of course of course," Vitraj smiled.

"Okay okay let's leave rest now tomorrow we have to travel right?," Bheem Na said.

I noticed Mirthik stood still staring at something. I turned to see it was Saigavi who was climbing the stairs while smiling at him.

This love thingy is soo complicated at the same time so special too.

But love towards my Arjuna. I don't know it's never been complicated or confusing. I was so sure about him.

"Let's leave Mirthik," I called.

He stood still.

"Mirthik dear!!!!," I shouted.

"Mata here I come," he zoomed back.

"To your room Mirthik dear," I smiled.

I walked to the flower garden filled of lilies and pond in the center. While I sat down near the pond. Staring at the lotus floating in the water.

"Why you seem soo special," I stared at the lotus.

"It's a long term bond...," I heard a women voice.

"Who is it???," I shouted and looked around.

No one?

Am I hallucinating or my weird Krishn is trying women voices now?

"Bhaiya???," I called for him.

I miss him soo much.....
My brotherrr......

"Miss me?,"I heard a voice suddenly  behind a tree.

I fell back due to the shock.
I turned to see it was my Bhaiya....

Are you Annabelle from conjuring? Miss me? Seriously I was scared.

"I can be even more scarier if you want," Kanha came out and sat beside me.

I stared at him.

"What? No hugs for your brother," He pouted.

Please don't do this....

"You!!!," I started beating him.

"Stop stop I thought you missed me. Now why all of a sudden beating this Poor Krishn,"he pretend to be hurt.

"Don't act Bhaiya,I know that not even  one beat from me would have been stronger enough," I crossed my hands and looked away.

"Just like Massage," he mumbled.

"What??," I turned to him.

"I'm sorry my dear sister for letting you to be hurt like this. I'm sorry I didn't respond to you," He smiled and looked at me.

"You won anyway I was never even angry at you," I smiled.

He smiled.

"So you have successfully made your family finish Agyatvas," He said.

"Yess it had soo many work and difficulties you know?"

"Well you have just made up to half of the chapter of the book you still have other half," he said.

"Do you think I can handle this Bhaiya. Do you believe that I can work hard for woman society?," I looked down.

"Just don't lose hope on yourself Dhaksha. I'm sure you can get through this. You are stronger remember this till the end," He lifted my chin up.

I gave a big smile.

"See that's my Dhaksha," He pinched my nose.

"I'm older now Bhaiya don't treat me like small kid. Soon going to have grandchildrens too," I smiled.

"Uh..huh..yess," He stammered.

"Bhaiya," I looked at  him.

"Yess tell me Dhaksha," He zoomed back.

"What do you feel about the lotus in the pond?," I pointed the Lotus.

"Lotus is everything I feel everytime Dhaksha," He stared at the Lotus while smile formed at his face.


"Lotus is something which I find it soo beautiful than any other flowers," He smiled at me.

"I agree," I started playing with the water.

"So why are not sleeping yet,I'm sure your Arjuna will be searching you by now"

"I told him I'm going to get some air here. And I can't sleep properly too. I miss my family, I miss sleeping in my mother's lap and listening to her old lame stories," I said in weak tone while waters sprinkled at me because of the soft breeze.

"Then sleep dear," he smiled.

"What do you mean Bhaiya?," I asked him with a confusion.

He gestured to sleep at his lap.

"I'm not sure whether I can tell stories like your mother. I'll try my best tho," He smiled.

Few tears started flowing down.

"You don't cry Dhaksha?. Look this Krishn is there for you all the time everywhere and everytime you really want me. I'm sure you need this too," He smiled.

I lay on his lap and stared at the stars and moon.

"What story you need?," he asked.

"You story," I smiled.

"There lived a  innocent boy named Krishn-"

"Seriously innocent?," I looked at him.

"Fine fine just a boy a named Krishn...."

He started telling his story while I stared the clear the sky.

"Wait you are a god right?. Tell me how many stars are there at the sky. I really want to know," I looked up to him.

"Need beatings or what?sleep now!!," He shouted.

"Fine fine," I giggled and closed my eyes.

To be continued

Will Dhaksha manage to complete the other half successfully?

What about Karna will they will be able to clear the misunderstanding?

What about our Abimanyu and twin's vivaha,excited?

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So guys after a long long gap an update. I really missed you guys and this wattpad. Finally Agyatvas's final chapter😂. I hope you guys shall love this chapter❤.

Love yaa guys

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