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"But Jyesthabhavikashree you should also protect the women inside the palace right?, " Nakul said.

"We have you three for that right. Aarya give me permission to fight,with the disguise as Dhakshan. Maybe I could fight," I pouted.

I was gazing at Aarya like so innocently. Maybe he could change his mind.

"Okay okay fine,you can also join but stay with Yudhistran Bhratta during the fight," He smiled.

It worked.

"So let me tell the plan.  Aarya and Uttar first to get back his Gandiv. While Yudhistran Na fights with Duruyodhana till Aarya comes and Viratraj with Dhushasana. Virthik you have to fight with the soldiers until Uttar returns he will join with you too. Mirthik Putro you shall fight with Gandharaj until your Pitashree comes back and captures Duruyodhana. Okay?," I took breath.

Phewww this is a good plan I guess.

"What about you Dhaksha?," Bheem Na asked.

Oh yeshh me?

"We still have Angaraj Mata," Mirthik said.

Karna? Sakha? fight with him...
Sounds so cool.

"Yeah maybe I could fight with him," I smiled.

"What if he finds about you Dhaksha?," Aarya asked.

"I'm sure he would have recognized me on the day we met at courtroom. Anyways, I shall fight with him until you capture Duruyodhana," I smiled at Aarya.


"Nothing shall happen to me Aarya. He is my Sakha, I'm sure he won't hurt me,"I said.

"But I shall never remain without hurting him at any cost, if something happens to you"Aarya shouted and went away.

"Aiynae Aiynae!!," I shouted.

I shall never remain without hurting him at any cost...?
Oh Lord why these two brothers have to fight this much.....
I wish I could tell them the truth.

"It's okay Dhaksha," Draupadi held my shoulder.

It's not okay Dhaksha....

"Fine let's be prepared for tomorrow," Yudhistran Na said.

I can see he was not in our room.
I peeked from the balcony,he was lying in the grass in the garden.

I went down and approached near him.

"Ekrmm.,"I cleared my throat.

He didn't even care.

I approached near him. I could see his bronze pale skin shining from the moonlight. His face structure seemed perfect even though it had some wrinkles here and there. It actually felt like the first time I saw him in the woods. This prince of mine was sleeping... I caressed his cheeks and had this desire to pinch his nose.

"Yahhh," He pulled me beside him.

"Aarya I thought you were sleeping," I said while lying on his soft arms.

"I was sleeping,but I had this strange dream of me lying under hundreds of stars and searching for the moon in that dark sky. Then I thought I was soo dumb  to search it in the sky, while I had one near me," He smiled.

Please Lord!he is a father to many sons now, where can he find pickup lines like these. No Google too..

"I hate you!!!," I bet on his hands which was around my waist.

"Why my dear supriyaa?," he laughed while he turned towards me.

Please lord I have to live my life so that I could fullfil my purpose of birth. Not to die in middle because of him.

"Because you have this weird talent of making me think  only about you. Like Only you," I pouted.

He smiled

"Look at the clear sky Dhaksha, feels like we both have to stay here forever.
Like no war,no fight,no palace, no thrones nothing. Just love only love," he smiled.

He  pointed the sky,but I was gazing at at his hands.

"I would love to do that my Arjuna," I pinched his nose finally.

"Yahhh,"he smiled.

"What Brihanala dear why crying," I laughed.

"Sh! come let's enjoy this while this lasts,"he pulled me closer.

I love you.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

In battlefield:

"Return as soon as possible Aarya," I smiled.

"Of course we would return," He smiled back.

"You too be careful," I turned to Uttar.

He smiled and nodded.

"Be careful Dhaksha. Remember stay with Yudhistran Bhratta and be safe," he held my hands.

"Erkmm..Guys we are fighting here," Bheem Na teased.

Everyone gave a little chuckle

"Take care Bhartta bye,"Aarya smiled.

"Jyesthabhratta Be strong," I smiled at him.

"Laddoos here why fear?," he laughed.

"Let's go I guess they have arrived," Viratraj called us.

I could see the Hastinapur armies where approaching near us while we assembled in our places.

"Pranam Viratraj," Shakuni shouted from there.

"Stop speaking and start fighting!," Viratraj shouted.

"Jyesthabhratta target Duruyodhana as we planned," I whispered.

He nodded.

"Virthik help your Tau and Mirthik get Gandharaj," I said.

"Watch me Mata," Mirthik smiled and moved his horse front.

"Dhaksha be careful with Karna," Yudhistran Na shouted.

As the conch shells blow we started fighting.

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Between Shakuni and Mirthik:

"Pranam Gandharaj,"Mirthik greeted while smirking.

"Oh my god poor child. I have never seen you before? Who are you,"Shakuni smiled.

"I'm your Godfather Gandharaj," Mirthik winked.

"Very funny very funny. What's your work here now?," Shakuni said while controlling his laughter.

"Maybe to fight with a person name Shakuni?"

"Hahah you haha with me haha very funny," Shakuni shield.

Mirthik got down from his horse.

"Get down and raise your weapon. Then we shall see which is very funny," Mirthik took his bow out.

As he released one arrow exactly between Shakuni's foots.

"You want to make it like this huh? Okay let's do this," Shakuni took his bow out.

Shakuni released a arrow out towards Mirthik. Which Mirthik caught by his hand.

Shakuni stood being embarrassed.

"What happened Gandharaj. Where is your beautiful smile gone now?," Mirthik laughed while keeping back his bow.

"Maybe bow is not my thing. Let's see with this," Shakuni told his sword out.

"Show time," Mirthik took his sword out.

Mirthik ran forward and starting hitting Shakuni's sword. While Shakuni was defending him.

"What happen sword is not your thing too huh?," Mirthik moved back a little.

"You ugly little boy," He shouted and ran towards Mirthik.

Mirthik strikes at Shakuni's sword, he bended his hands down and kicked his back while snatching  Shakuni's weapon.

"Me ugly? shut up!!!," Mirthik shouted while pointing both the swords to Shakuni's both eyes.

Shakuni saw around ,he noticed Karna fighting against the army.

"Angaraj... Karna help me!!!!please help me from this dangerous little monster," Shakuni moved back.

"That's why,don't disrespect your Godfather," Mirthik smiled.

"Angaraj!!!!!," Shakuni smiled.

Karna noticed him and approached near Shakuni.

"Wait Gandharaj I shall come," Karna shouted."Please move my chariot towards Gandharaj".

As he approached near Gandharaj.

"You shall go near him after fighting with this Dhakshan," Dhaksha interrupted.

"You shall never escape from me dear Gandharaj. Here have you sword, fight!!. Let me have some fun with you," Mirthik winked at Shakuni.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

Between Karna and Dhaksha:

Dhaksha's pov

I noticed Karna going near Mirthik an Gandharaj.

"Move the chariot towards Karna," I said.

"You can go near him after fighting with this Dhakshan," I shouted.

Was this voice okay? Erkmm..

"You don't know who are you against. I'm giving you warning please move or else you have to answer to my weapon," He shouted while standing in his chariot.

What he still didn't recognize me?
Karnaaa!you can't identify your own best friend...

"I know who am I opposing. Radheya Karna, Angaraj, the great warrior known for some of his archery skills," I shouted.

"Not some skills, I have many skills. If you don't move maybe I have to show some to you," He smirked.

This is getting interesting....

"Ohh yeaah show me some Angaraj!," I took my bow out.

Lord I wish I survive this fight.

"Any last wishes," I added.

Why did I even say this...

"You are asking last wish to me huh?," he smiled and took his bow out.

He stretched and released one arrow out.

He must have thought that I'm only capable for opposing this one arrow. Shame!

I released my arrow towards his arrow which made both arrow fell down.

"I'm thirsty for more Karna," I shouted.

Erkmmm.. Aishh Dhaksha...

"Ahaan Here you go," He released many arrows.

Thank God he didn't recognize my voice.

I stretched and prayed  for shield around ,just like Aarya taught me.
All arrows disappeared while hitting the shield.

"So you do have some skills," he said

You are the one who taught me abcd about Archery .I should have some skills right bruh!

He suddenly attacked me with a single arrow. I moved towards the left side while the arrow slightly teared my cloth a bit.

And I could see my single hair came out of my turban.

Aishh why is  being a men is tough too.

"Luck I guess," He nodded his head.

Luck my head!!!

I stretched,prayed for Vayu's help and released my arrow.

Which shook his whole chariot made him fell down to ground but still had bow in his hands.

"Who taught you this," His face looked confused.

"A great master and a good friend," I smiled and got down.

He released his arrow which released dense smoke towards me.

I coughed.

"God what is this..yuck," I started clearing the smoke."Shu shu ughhh".

Suddenly my bow fell down from the hit of a arrow after half of the smoke cleared.

Seriously Karna you are talented mahn!!!!

I was clearing the dust which got inside my eyes. While half of my hair fell down. I was in fucking irritating and suffocating condition. Like my hair down and my eyes with smoke.

I pushed my hair inside while all the smoke cleared.

I smiled at Karna, seriously I don't know what to do in this awkward situation.

"I noticed something different before," he pointed my turban.

"This is turban erkmmm," I cleared my throat.

Don't make this worse Dhaksha...

"Yeah but that turban," he pointed it again.

"Aye Karna nothing," I shouted."Take your sword out and fight".

"Seriously after getting this much you wanna fight huh?,"he took his sword out.

I took my sword out.

While I noticed Brihanala was on the scene, already she started doing her work. Well done!

"Pray to god that you shall win my sword," he came running towards me.

I'm praying that, I should survive this fight win thingy is aside.

Both our sword dashed each other.
He started attacking me so hard.

You are really brainless Dhaksha, you have planned to fight with this bravest warrior with the experience of fighting with Uttar.

My Sakha is like 30x strongerr!!!

"Do you give up?," He asked while bending my sword down.

In the name of father,son and holy spirit please let my sword raise.

I was struggling a lot while defending his attack.

Stop in the name of law Karna. I should have planned to fight with Duruyodhana,but still Yudhistran Na should capture that stupido right.

"Mythra.... Help," I heard Duruyodhana voice.

Karna leaned to get a clear view on him while holding my sword tightly

Let me attack you once Sakha....

"Seriously I don't know why am I taking so long with you," he snatched sword and attack my leg with his sword.

The sword smoothly cut my legs while blood started bleeding so fast. I fell down while he approached towards Duruyodhana.

"Ughhhhh!!!!," I shouted in pain as my leg bled so hard.

To be continued....

Will they manage to capture Duruyodhana?

Will Karna know about his Sakhi's disguise?

Will Agyatvas finish as they have planned?

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an new update, I hope you guys would love it❤.

Love ya guys

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