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As Alarm sounded loud to my ears I got up.

I opened my eyes as I could see sun shinned brightly to my eyes from the window. I stared at the our golden maknae Jungkook's poster fit beside my bed.

I was about to stretch my hands but then I noticed something strange.
It was my hands, it had venflon  connected to glucose hanging in other side of my bed.

"What's happening wait? Why do I have to take glucose," I stared at my hands.

"I'm so happy about her doctor,"I saw my mom entering through the door.

"Yess finally this happened,"my  dad said who was standing beside my mom.

I noticed a little boy standing beside the doctor.

"Mom... Dad..," I called them.

They were seeing me and smiling at me. But they didn't respond.

"She is something  special Mister," Doctor smiled at me.

I waved at her. But yet she didn't respond.

"Look your little sister," my mom said to the little boy pointing me.

"Take care of her from on now  more carefully," Doc smiled at me.

"Now happy my dear?," dad held my mom's shoulder.

"Soo happy honey," Mom smiled while approaching near.

While the little boy came running sat on my bed and smiled at me.

"It is true my dear, don't worry my dear sister. I'm here for you always. Narayan-Parvati bond has no  end," Kanha appeared from nowhere beside me.

"Dhaksha Dhaksha!!!," I heard someone waking me up.

"Dhaksha Dhaksha  get up!!!," I recognized it was Draupadi's voice.

I opened my eyes.

"Huh it's a dream.....," I pat on my forehead.

"What happened Sakthi?," she held my hand.

"Nothing nothing. Now why are you here in my room  Sakhi??," I asked.

We heard knock on the door.

"Let me see. You hide somewhere,"I gestured Draupadi.

I opened the door it was Uttar stood smiling.

"Good morning Dhaksha, well there is no time for good mornings. You have to hurry now. My father have called for you to the courtroom," he said.

"Did they know about Kichak's-"

"Death,yea of course," He nodded.

"That's why I was waking you up," Draupadi said from behind."Go there fast Sakhi, I shall now go to my place now".

Both Uttar and Draupadi approached out.

"What's with this dream?,Mom dad and my brother? Kanha?. What does this even mean Bhaiya!!! .'It's True',What is true???"

"Kanha?," I called him."Kanhaa...."".
What's with him, to tease this Dhaksha he can speak from anywhere but now...

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

In Matsya's courtroom:

"I can't accept the fact that my brother is dead Aarya. Please do  something. Find who did this to him and kill him," Sudeshna cried sitting beside Viratraj

"I  have one person who I doubt the most Aarya," Sudeshna turned towards Draupadi.

While Draupadi stood seeing down with cloth covered on her face.

"Pitashree isn't suspicious that when Gandharaj and Duruyodhana stayed her for one night my dear Mamashree was killed. Can you see any connection here?," Uttar stared at Duruyan.

"What are you doing? The one suspicious is you Uttar. This whole Matsya knows you don't like Kichak. Then why 'My dear Mamashree'," I whispered to him.

"What do you think my dear Kankanbhata?," Viratraj turned towards Yudhistran Na.

"Well without proper information we can't punish anyone nor accuse them.
But we also don't have proper information or any clues about this murder," Yudhistran Na said.

Our Yudhistra is the best!

"But Kichak promised us that he will find our slaves and bring  them infront of us right. Now Kichak is dead,I'm sure our 9 slaves are right here. They are the reason behind Kichak's dead." Duruyodhana said.

I noticed Karna was peeping at me while I hid behind Uttar.

"So I guess it's your duty to check on this further. I'm sure our slaves are right here. Maybe I couldn't identify them. But I can say they are here...," Shakuni stared at me.

Father son and the holy spirit save this child from this Lucifer, no no way more than Lucifer.

"Look Gandharaj and Duruyodhana with him dead his promise have also died. So I don't have anything to do about that," Viratraj said.

"So I guess you are in the side of Pandavas??," Shakuni smiled.

"Pandavas? I have no idea what you are saying Gandharaj," Viratraj raised his voice.

"I know you knew them Viratraj. If you could reveal them to us. I guess that's better for both of us," Duruyodhana said.

Why Karna here in this place. I mean not even an single dialogue. I can't even remember seeing him here  in Tv. Why Sakha,now I have hid like this....

"Stand properly Uttar. Don't move here and there," I dragged to hid behind him.

"Aishh Dhaksha,"Uttar stared at me.

"Shh look there," I gestured him.

"I think it's good for you to leave this place immediately before I say my guards to push you guys out," Viratraj stood up and shouted.

"So I guess you have really decided to help Pandavas. You'll have to face the consequences Viratraj,"Shakuni said.

" I can't answer your meaningless question. Now out of my kingdom, before I call my guards to drag you three out,"Viratraj came down from this seat.

"This Virat Kingdom will face the consequences, for doing this to us. You and your country will pay. Within one day your country will turn into waste barren land-," Duruyodhana shouted.

"No it's okay you don't have to do this Mythra. Maybe there are really not here," Karna interrupted.

Duruyodhana stood still looking down and thinking.

"He's right this country will pay for this. After becoming a barren wasteland how will you save the them, "Gandharaj shouted.

I wonder where does this loud voice come from this small body?

"Come my dear Duruyodhana and
Angaraj come if you want!,"Gandharaj dragged Duruyan outside.

While Karna went behind while seeing me, his gaze was at me till he got out.

"You have done an great job Pitashree," Uttar smiled.

"Thank you soo much Viratraj. For keeping our secret with you and helping us out," Yudhistran Na said smiling at Viratraj.

What so he knows about everything.
Wait so he knows that I'm a women too. Jyesthabhrtta why you didn't tell this to us at first.

I was working so hard to act infront of Viratraj. Imagine what he would have thought. Poor woman trying so hard to be men. Aishhh!!!!

Wait what about our Brihanala whenever he dances infront of Viratraj he would have known that he is Arjuna  right,Lol.

I chuckled looking at Aarya.
He gave me big stare.

"You know that your Pitashree knew about us?," I turned to Uttar.

"He knew about this Dhaksha," Viratraj said.

"What?,"I crossed my hands stood staring at him.

"Uhh..I's just...maybe...," Uttar stammered.

"It's okay Uttar you don't have to explain anything," Aarya approached while removing his shawl from his head.

"You helped us a lot Viratraj,I don't know what are we gonna do to you,"Yudhistra Na said.

"Charkavathi Yudhistarae, first you guys have to leave this place, before Hastinapur comes to attack us. And finish your Agyatvas successfully," Viratraj said.

"No no that's not fair.Maharaj, you helped us. So we are soo grateful to you," Yudhistran Na said.

"So we are staying here and going to help Matsya," Nakul said.

"Anyways we are partially reason for this attack,"Sahadev said.

"Why you didn't tell me about them Aarya," Maharani asked.

"I told him to keep it secret," Yudhistran Na walked forward.

"So you know about us too Viratraj," Virthik asked.

"Of course my dear sons, I know about you too," Viratraj smiled.

"Thank god," Mirthik removed his shawl.

"So everyone in this room listen up,I'm a boy. Son of Arjuna the great warrior. Born just like my father his skills too," Mirthik shouted while staring at Saigavi.

What's happening right now.

"What's happening," I whispered to Aarya.

"Can you see what's going on?," Aarya whispered to me.

"Your training huh?"

"Eee," he smiled.

Aww it's adorable too.

"Who are you informing this to my dear son?," Bheem Na asked

"No no just common to all," Mirthik said while smiling at Saigavi.

"Seriously he is better than you Aarya not like you," I whispered to him.

"There is nothing like old school Dhaksha, you want some samples," Aarya winked.

Of course,being a father to 6 children but still being like him. Absolutely impossible.

I noticed Saigavi smiling and blushing at him.

Look at my another son soo good and innocent. Poor kid, don't worry child you are like me.

"It doesn't seem like that," Bheem teased.

While  everyone chuckled.

" Anyways, I sincerely apologize Chakravathini, for insisting and forcing you to go to my brother's room," Sudeshna held Draupadi hands.

"No no it's okay Maharani. Don't be sorry," Draupadi smiled.

"So you are Dhaksha  Devakinandan Krishn's sister. These are both are your precious sons gifts from Trimurtis right?" Maharani asked.

"Yay, He is Mirthik and Virthik," I pointed them.

"Pranam Maharani," They both greeted.

"Maharaj the food is the ready to be served," Servant entered through the door.

It's like I heard Bheem where are you?

"Fine fine let's go eat and will plan about tomorrow's attack,"Bheem Na said.

"Expected,"I crossed my hands.

Few hours later

"So what's the plan guys about tomorrow," Nakul asked.

"Breaking bones," Bheem answered.

This Bheem seriously have breaking-bone syndrome.

"No breaking bones," I shouted.

"Anyways listen tomorrow, You and Uttar going to get your Gandiv back ,join the fight. And Bheem,Nakul and Sahadev are going to be here protecting all womens inside the palace. I and with Maharaj will fight with them," Yudhistran Na said.

"What about me. I wanna help you," Mirthik jumped.

"Yeah we will be so happy to help you Tau,"Virthik said.

"What do you feel about this Arjuna," Yudhistran Na asked.

Aarya turned to me. I nodded and smiled

"I'm okay with this Bhratta. My sons are brave tho," Aarya smiled.

Why do I miss Brihanala I thought while seeing him.

"Fine you both can come with us. So I can handle Duruyodhana until Uttar and Arjuna arrives. And-,"Yudhistran said.

"I shall fight against Gandharaj," Mirthik shouted.

That's my boy.

"And I shall manage Dhushasana Tau  till Rajkumar Uttar arrives," Virthik added.

"Perfect my boys," I smiled.

"But be careful my boys. Remember about your interconnection thing," I added.

"No one shall harm me except your dear son," Virthik pouted.

"What will I do Mata," Mirthik pretend to be innocent.

"Okay jokes apart you both have to be careful okay?," I said.

Strict mom yeah...

"Got it Mata," Mirthik smiled.

Wait a minute wait a minute. What about me? Being a trainer  for one year shouldn't go in vein.

I wanna join too. Wait I can join them because I'm Dhakshan right?

"What about me, what's my role," I asked.

"That women includes you too," Bheem said.

"That's not gonno happen. I'm coming too," I shouted.

I'm never missing this chance to show woman power guys.

To be continued....

Do want her to join with them or stay in the palace?

How are Pandavas going to manage this situation?

What do you think about Dhaksha mystery dream?

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Guys I have been lately receiving many postive private message from you my family,I'm soo happy to see all the messages. Thank you soo much for the support❤. Here is an new update,hope you enjoy it.


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