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Vasudeva's pov

This girl won't change the past. She is the past. You will know when the time comes, my Dear Dhakshayani.

Diana's pov

"Alright, let us leave from here. Go get on the boat" he said.

"But there is no boat-"

Ohh here it is. I forgot he had the name Maaya Kanha.

"What happened, Dhaksha?" He asked.

"Nothing Kanha." I smiled at him.

We got inside the boat. Vasudeva sat in front of me, rowing, as we got deeper and deeper the ocean seemed so clear and shining.  We saw many sea creatures like dolphins and many other fishes, which greeted Vasudeva on their way. I've never seen ocean water which shone bright like this.

He started to narrate his childhood stories and many other stories which weren't even known to the whole universe.

"How can this Krishna be mischievous and lovable at the time same time?  How it is humanly possible??
Yeah, right, Diana he is God. The Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is possible."

We reached the shore soon.

"What happened Govindha?"

"My dear, we have arrived. We are in the period when all Pandavas finish their training in Gurukulam.
Remember, you are called by the name Dhaksha here and known as my sister." he held my shoulders.

I have to just get used to Bhagavan Shri Krishna touching me here and then. Cause my blood pressure rises every time it happens. Lmao

"Are you listening, my lovable sister," he said in a mischievous tone

"Oh yeah. Your sister, by the name Dhaksha. All clear, Brother."

"Let's get out of the boat then," he said.

Woods out here were dense and very green. We wouldn't see a forest like this anywhere in the world.

"Govindha, Where are we? Dwaraka? Anga?Panchalam or Hastinapur?"

I took a look around and found no trace of him.

"What? What am I supposed to do? Where is this Kanha??"

"My dear Dhaksha, you will soon find where you are. All you have to do is serve for yatis there for a few months and I am sure you could find a way and as you wish to learn Archery from Karna. Remember to return to me after 6 months." I heard him.

"My dear, Vasudeva will always be with you. There is no such place without me. Bless you, Dhakshayani."

"Dhakshayani? What? Why am I called by this name now? God so many mysteries."

As Vasudeva said, I went in search of yatis to serve them.

Finally, I reached Lord Shiva's temple. It was surrounded by many flowers and trees all over. I closed my eyes and prayed.

"But I have to change my clothes and wash myself as well. I stink so bad."

I closed my eyes and uttered those magical words. "JAI SRI KRISHNA"

"Dear, the blue-coloured flowers are always soothing to my eyes. It reminds me of purity and calmness."

"What blue rose? Kanha? Oh, wait that rose garden."

I went closer to that garden. It had a small hut with blue roses and peacock feathers in front of the house.

"So, this is what he meant. Why can't he say that directly? Why always mystery and puzzles?"

I went into the hut. I found food, dresses and essentials.

Time went fast as I served yatis there.

"Devi, Can we get water?" one of the yatis asked.
"Sure give me a minute." I walked out.

I went to the river to fetch water. A well-structured man, with an exquisite physique, seemed very old doing stood near the river, praying.

"Who is this? Wait, is he Goddess Ganga's son, Bhismapitamah?"

"Yes, he is. I'm in Hastinapur."

I drew water from the River and left from there silently as he was praying.

It is almost 3 months. I don't know the reason why he made me serve for Yatis at Lord Shiva's temple.

While returning after I got plenty of Prasatham from the temple. I was stopped by the arrow shot in front of my foot.

"God. It almost got me. Who was that?" I looked around.

I turned to see a man with a bow in his hand, staring deep into my soul. The light pale skin shone brightly in the sun. He did resemble someone. That's when Suryaputra Karn got into my mind when I saw the Kundal in his ears.

Karna's pov

"Oh no. Is she alright? My bow has never missed a target. How did it miss this time?"

She stood still staring at me for so long.

"Devi, I'm sorry. This Karna's bow has never missed a target except this one time. Can I help you with carrying those to your home and make it up for this?" I walked forward.

"Me? Are you talking to me?" She stammered and approached nearby.

"Did I ask anything wrong?

"No mister. How about you make it up to me by teaching me archery?" she asked me

"How can I teach archery to a women?"

"How about you do it as a Daan? You can never say no to this?" she smiled.

She sounded so confident.

"But archery is hard for you to learn? Are you sure, Devi?"

"Dhaksha. My name is Dhaksha. It's been my long-term wish to learn Archery. How about just a few months? A little bit about Archery. I'm sure I can be a good student. After that, I'll move back to Dwaraka," she said so firmly.

"Dhaksha? Vasudeva Krishna's sister. Why does she seem so simple like a commoner? Why does she want to learn Archery from me, when she can learn it from Vasudeva?"

"Okay, Devi. I meant, Dhaksha. But I can't take a girl as my trainee."

"Well then think of me as your sister or maybe your Sakhi and teach me. You can do that, right?"She smiled at me.

Dhaksha's pov

His voice was deep and firm. Karna's looks were beyond my imagination.

"I can't stop thinking about meeting others. The Pandavas and Draupadi."

"Okay, but why me, Dhaksha? I am just an ordinary Charioteer's son?" he said in a disappointed and weak tone.

"All I care about is a good heart and excellent Archery skills you have, Mister."

"But why do you have to learn it from me when you have your brother, Vasudeva Krishna to teach you? Why me?" he asked.

"Can you stop asking questions and give me the bow? So that we can start the training now." I smiled.


To be continued
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Let's see what happens to Dhaksha.
Will Mahabharata be like what she dreamt of.
Wanna know why she is called Dhakshayani??

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