It's him

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This story is written and developed just for entertainment and is written from my point of view and my imagination. Fictions added to the story of Mahabharata are not meant to hurt anyone's personal view or the historical.

If you wanna give out your suggestion, feel free to convey your opinion. My readers are always welcome to suggest 😊.

PS: My English is not so good
I hope you guys will enjoy this fan fiction.

                                    •●✡︎ ॐ ✡︎●•

Diana's POV

"Diana!! Diana, You have to sleep right now. It's already 12:30 am."

God! Am I not allowed to see historicals at night nowadays?

"Amma, I am watching Mahabharatham. In a few more minutes Rajkumaran Arjuna will finish his Vanvasam and he'll return to Indraprastha with Subhadra," I screamed.

"Diana I have heard this from you many times. I guess this is the 100th time. Keep your phone down and go to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow. "She shouted back at me.

This is not fair. I can accept the fact that I am not allowed to see Web series, but what's with the Epic Mahabharata?

" Okay okay, Amma. As you wish, "I replied.

Fuck!! Now I have to get up early in the morning. I don't know what plans she has for me. I guess we just have to go to church tomorrow. 
Govind, Save your child. I can't wake up early.

"Diana, are you asleep? Dear, tomorrow is your brother's death anniversary. We have to attend mass at church and visit your brother's grave," she said in a weak tone.

I acted as if I was already asleep, but deep inside I felt weak. Tears ran down from the corner of my eyes.  I just couldn't control my tears when I think about my Chimchim, My brother.

He passed away a few years ago. He didn't leave me though. He is still in my heart, my Chimchim

I closed my eyes tight and tried to sleep.

A beam of light shone brightly in my eyes. A man with a feather on his crown, wore a lot of jewels, with yellow sandals and dressed like royalty stood firm near the shore. He sure did have a divine aura. I couldn't resist but stand still and gaze at him when the soft breeze blew at me making me zone back to reality.

I moved forward to take a closer look. He held a flute in his one hand.

"Is this you, Vasudeva? Is this Krishna?" I moved forward.

"Yes, My Dear." He said those words in a divine way a person could ever sound.

"Diana!! Get up and get ready." I woke up to my mom's screams.

This was the first time, I ever dreamt of Krishna.
"In all these years, you've decided to appear in my dreams now, Kanha?"

We walked out of the church after mass with heavy hearts. All my thoughts were filled with my brother.

My eyes filled with tears, my heart so weak, my body shivering from sadness deep inside. All I can feel is my brother. It felt like, he was still around me when I stood near his grave, closing my eyes to pray for him.

My mom held my hands and consoled me. I held her hands back tightly. We consoled each other. That's all we could do.

I slowly walked back to our car, wiping my tears.

"Dhaksha," I heard a familiar voice.
"Who was that?" I looked around.

A man with an exquisite physique,  stood firm near the seashore, playing flute. He sounded so good. Peacock feathers on his crown moved softly from the soft sea breeze. He wore the same yellow sandal clothes in my dreams. I couldn't see his face as he was facing back.

I started moving towards him, with doubt, thinking maybe he was some drama man dressed like Vasudeva Krishna.

"Dhaksha, it is me. " he looked at me.

"You who and who is Dhaksha?"

It was the same man who I saw in my dream. Same divine aura and, the same smile.

"God, is this him? Or is my mind playing tricks?"

"You can't recognize me, dear?" he asked.

Is this Bhagavan Sri Vasudeva Krishna?

" Yes, dear. I am your Krishna." he walked to me.

Did he read my thoughts? Wait is he a God? What no. He can't be kanha. This is impossible.

"No no, you can't be Kanha.  How it is humanly possible to see Bhagavan Sri Krishna? You can't be him. You are just dressed like him." I narrowed my eyes.

"Ahaan?" He said in a sarcastic tone.


"Okay, let's talk about the day when you lied to your parents and went on a trip to the Amusement park. Oh wait, should we talk about your crushes? Aditya Praveen... and lastly, haven't you always imagined and wondered about being in Mahabharata?" he smiled at me.

Holy mother. He is Lord Vishnu.

"Yes, dear." he nodded his head, laughing.

His smile was always distracting.

"Govindha, Why are you here? Why did show up here, when the whole universe is calling out your name and wanting to see you?  I am not even Hindu, Kanha. I walked out of the church a few minutes ago. I assumed you'd never even hear my words."

"Oh, my dear dhaksha. I saw you suffering and mourning your brother's death. I couldn't stand seeing my people suffer so badly. So thought, I should visit you, dear. And I do respect those who love me and respect me. I don't care which religion you belong to by birth, dear! Everyone in the world worships what they believe. but all gods are the same, my dear. You had faith in me and loved me. How can I let you suffer, my dear?"

"Oh yeah. There is nothing you don't know, Vasudeva. I lost my brother a few years ago. He is the biggest loss I've ever had. We are just consoling ourselves that he is around us. And I kept ranting about all my problems and feelings inside me to you. You know, I've always wondered to be your sister."

"Dear, I am always your brother. Even the universe can't change that fact. Now, tell me as I have visited you, tell me what you want from this Krishn, my dear."

"Why do you keep calling me by the name Dhaksha? I'm Diana."

"Dhaksha suits you more." he bent down to my height.

"Dhaksha? It does suit me."

"You will get to know soon that Dhaksha suits you," he said in a mischievous tone.

"Here he goes again Kanha's words and it's 1000 meanings. Shame on me I don't even know one of them."

"Vasudeva, do you remember when you enlightened Rajkumar Arjuna about Karma-yoga and Bhakti Yoga during the war? You presented yours as the supreme being, he got your real Dharisana. I've always wondered about getting your Dharisana. Can I at least get a glimpse of it before my death, my god?" I bend my heads

"Oh my dear, Dhaksha, is that what you want? Don't you want anything now?" he lifted my head.

His soft fingertips touched my skin for the first time. I felt the touch of the supreme god of this Universe, the God of this Lokha for the first time.

"Well, Govindha.  What will I ask for? Is it possible to stay beside you and gaze at you like this forever, my God?" I moved close.

"How about I take you with me to the Epic Mahabharat? How about we travel to Dvapara Yug? He said while playing with water.

His palm touched the surface of the water, which made it sparkle more.

"Really Kanha? Can you do that? I would love to be part of the Epic Mahabharata. I wouldn't change anything, please let me see the epic from my very own eyes and let me feel it. The future here, won't affect the past. I promise you." I smiled wide.

"Dhaksha, I don't know whether I can give you my real Dharisana. But, I've decided to take you to the past and we'll discuss my Dharisana later?" he laughed. "But on one condition you shouldn't change the past nor tell anything about the future. Okay?"

"Is this all true? Am I dreaming about it?"

"It is true, Dhaksha. Stop thinking so much." he gave me a pat on my head. "Promise me now."

"Yeah, I cross my heart and hope to die," I promised him.

Vasudeva's Pov

This girl won't change the past. She is the past. You will know when the time comes, my dear Dhakshayani.

To be continued...

Stay updated

What do you think about her and what past she had?
What part does she have?
How is she going to face the Epic?

Pandavas with Sri Krishna

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