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Arjuna's pov

"O'my dear sons and daughters I'm soo happy that you guys have been here for so long and made my city more bright. I believe you guys have been prepared well," Pitashree said.

"Of course my Lord, we won't forget this help you have done to us. We are soo in debt to you," Yudhistran Na said.

"Thank you soo much Pitashree for being there for us," I greeted him as he held my shoulder.

"Did you get all your weapon my dear son??," he asked.

"Yes. I have obtained the weapons and I have learned how to use them. I think now I can depart for home," I answered.

"Yes my lord  Indradev you have done enough for us,it's our time to return and continue our Agyatvas," Yudhistran Na said.

"O'my dear son your brother haven’t obtained Gandharva-astra"

"Gandharva-astra?," Bheem Na asked.

"I am a warrior. What will I do with Gandharva-astra which will teach me the nitty gritty of music and dance?," questioned.

"O'my Arjuna Art is most powerful weapon ever,"he smiled.

"If that is the case, I can learn that after I have finished the war. I don’t need this weapon and its knowledge for the war that lies ahead Pitashree!"

"What will you with weapons and knowledge after the war is over? Remember, you have to spend one year in Agyata vaas. How will you hide yourself? Hiding yourself in your real form is impossible and hence you must prepare yourself to seek an Alibi," he said.

"I have heard about Brihanala too," he laughed.

"Brihanala is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," Bheem teased.

"Who is Brihanala Aiyanae," Draupadi asked.

"You will know soon my dear Draupadi," Nakul laughed.

I saw Dhaksha she was like all smiling and good.

"As you wish Pitaji I shall stay for more months and learn them"

"Dhaksha do you wanna who is Brihanala," Bheem asked.

"Yeahh I have heard from my brother about Brihanala," she laughed.

I saw her whispering to Draupadi I'm damn sure it is about Brihanala.


Everyone laughed.

"Ahem!! I'm sure you both would have learned about art of music, I heard that my girl Dhaksha was soo good at veena from every Nymphs here. We all would like to hear it my dear," Pitashree said.

"Wow Dhaksha now can handle veena so well. I want to hear you playing Jyesthabhavikashree!!!," Nakul shouted.

Dhaksha saw me like seeking permission.

I smile and nodded.

"I would love to play for you Lord Indradeva!," she greeted.

She sat with her veena in front all in the centre of the hall

She started.
Oh my she is good.

"She is playing so Beautifully Aarya," Draupadi whispered.

"Yeahh yeaah,'I nodded seeing Dhaksha as I couldn't  take my eyes off her.

As she continues she shinned like anything.While golden light shines from behind. Her music and she looked soo godly.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

"Soo good to hear her  music,"Lord Shiva saw from Melokha.****

"Divine too Mahadev," Lord Vishnu said.***

"Wait let me make it more beautiful Aarya," Goddess Lakshmi said.

As she sprinkles some Lotus upon her.

"This looks beautiful! one of your greatest creation Aarya," Goddess Sarasawati said."Let me join her too"

Lord Brahma smiled.

"This looks soo good Tridevi's darisana," Lord Brahma said.

"So rare...," Lord Vishnu smiled.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

As she continues playing.
With divine glow she had lotus sprinkling on her. And her veena glowed.

"O' my sons and daughter looks   Tridevi's Darisana!!," Pitaji smiled.

This looked soo divine.
While Dhaksha had her eyes closed with lotus sprinkling here and there with her Veena shinning.

Lord!!! We get to see this.

"Look Dhaksha as Mata Paravati, Lotus here there represents Mata Lakshmi and Veena in her hand Mata Sarasawati altogether forms Tridevi's of the world," Pitaji said.

"Om Trideviyay Namah," Yudhistran Na said.

"Om Trideviyay Namah," Everyone repeated.

"Om Trideviyay Namah," I whispered.

She slowly opened her and smiled.

As everyone were glaring at her like anything.

As she stood up,came near me and sat beside me.

"Sarva-Mangala-Maangalye Shive Saarvartha-Sadhike Sharanye-Trayambake Gauri Narayani Namostute; Om Bhagavate Parvatey namaha," Yudhistran Na prayed.

"Parvatey Namaha," we all greeted.

Dhaksha's pov

"What happened Aarya?," I asked  him.

I noticed everyone were gazing at me so hard. Did I missed any notes in between or what?

"O'my daughter-in-law you played soo well. This place shall be remembered forever for you have played her," Indradev praised.

"Thank you soo much Indradeva," I greeted.

"You played soo well Sakhii," Draupadi said.

"Well done Jyesthabhavikashree!!!," Sahadev shouted.

"Va rey va soo good Dhaksha!!,"Bheem said.

Oh my my my did I played soo well?

"Thank you all,"I smiled.

"Beautiful,"Aarya whispered.


"So beautiful Dhaksha, I'm soo proud of my supriyaa!!," he held my hands.

While playing Veena my concentration was only on the Veena and the music.
No thinking about Aarya,no thinking about how all will feel about music nor being shy. All I had in my mind was music and it's beauty.

"Bless you," All of three Parvati, Lakshmi and Sarasawati said from Melokha.***

While a shinning lotus fell on my hand.

I caressed it and kept in my shawl gently.

As time went Arjuna Aarya was learning Art of dance and music from Uravashi, while all four Pandavas continued practicing. Draupadi and I were continuing our Veena session.

I had my mind soo clear I was not cared about Arjuna and Urvashi I knew I mistook it.

(Time passed)

Between Uravashi and Arjuna

Arjuna's pov

"You have surpassed your Guru, excellent Pandu's putra," Urvashi said.

"No student can surpass his Guru ever. If you are pleased of my dancing skills, it means that you will not be ashamed of me for my performance," I smiled.

"If you have been an Apsara, you would have ruled this court. How can I warrior like you dance so well, I wonder. You have made the impossible, possible,"she smiled.

Do I really have soo much talent??

"Well nothing is impossible Devi!!"

"My name is Urvashi you can call me by my name. Why Devi?," she asked.

"That is not possible Devi"

"Well just now you said nothing is impossible,"

So screwed -_-

"Crossing the limits of Decency is impossible. I am a man of virtues and I cannot cross the limits of decency and respect," I said.

"Has your mind ever strayed? We at the God’s court don’t know what straying of the mind is. You are a mortal, tell me more why the mind strays?," she asked.

What is she tryna do oh my lord!

"If the mind is straying, it means that the mind is looking for a new objective. If the mind wants something, it means the objective is fixed. To reach the objective if your duty. One should always try to reach his/her goals," I explained.

"Rajkumar Arjuna, Rajkumar Dhaksha is looking for you," Daasi interrupted.

"Well don't you know to ask permission while entering. Tell her that he is in important discussion. Will visit her later," she shouted.

What?? I should visit my Dhaksha!!

" To be Frank, You are my objective and I desire you. I want your love, accept me as your partner,"she said.

What she my partner? Never that's not gonna happen after all she like my mother and my guru!!

"That is not possible!!!," I shouted.

"Sometimes you say, nothing is impossible. Am I not beautiful enough or not worthy to become your supriyaa?," she pleaded.

No no she is my mother tho,wife of our ancestor Pururavas.

I closed my ears no no no


"Didn't you admire me while I was dancing, even you didn't care of your own wives yet your gaze was at this apsara!!," she said.

"There is no doubt! That I had gazed particularly at you , is true. There was a reason for it. I shall truly tell it to you.   In the assembly I gazed at you with eyes expanded in delight, thinking, 'Even this blooming lady is the mother of the Kaurava race.O'blessed Apsara, it behoveth you not to entertain other feelings towards me, for you art superior to my superiors, being the parent of my races."I explained her.

"The sons and grandsons of Puru's race, that have come hither in consequence of ascetic merit do all sport with us, without incurring any sin. Relent, therefore,it behoveth you not to send me away. I am burning with desire. I am devoted to you Accept me, O'you giver of proper respect."

I must hurry Dhaksha might have been waiting for me!!

"I have the feeling towards you like the feeling I had towards Maatha Kunti and Madri or Sanchi.I bend my head unto you and prostrate myself at your  feet. Your deservest my worship as my own mother; and it behoveth you  to protect me as a son.'"I said.

Her Blooming faced turned into fire

"Since you  disregardest a woman come to your mansion at the command of your  father and of her own motion,therefore, O Partha, you  shall have to pass your  time among females unregarded, and as a dancer, and destitute of manhood and scorned as a eunuch and because you were bewitched by the beauty of Dhaksha you rejected me. Thus she shall never live as a Woman with all her beauty instead she shall be the opposite for the rest of the life" she cursed me.

What as  a dancer among females what???destitute of manhood???

Oh no what about my Dhaksha. What have I  done Arjuna!!!

"Ohh No stop it my dearest Urvashi, don't curse!!," I heard Dhaksha's voice.

"O' Celestial maiden of this court. Forgive my son's behavior," Pitajishree interrupted.

To be continued....

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