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Dhaksha's pov

"O'my dearest Urvashi please don't curse my son. This is all my fault. I thought he is interested in you and insisted you to come here. Please do forgive. I shall take all responsibility," Lord Indradev said.

"Please Uravashi! I can understand how will a woman feel when she is disregarded. But think you wife of his ancestors Pururavas. You have to protect like a mother; shall bless him like a son!!," I said.

"Mortals like him embarrassed a immortal like me!! Myself Celestial maiden of this court Immortal,have been disregarded by thou Arjuna an mortal!!," she shouted.

Ohh Noo I can't let this happen to Aarya.

"I shall take thy curse But I beg thee relieve my Patni!!," Aarya begged.

"O'my son, It's all my fault what will Dhaksha and you do. Listen upon me Nymph; How they both shall live being the opposite. Please do consider for this Indra chief of this court!!," Lord Indradeva.

"O' wisest Chief of this court, his son and dearest Dhaksha hear upon this Maiden. I shall consider because of thou father Arjuna!! I can relieve thy wife Dhaksha as she haven't done anything wrong. But thou!!! Shall be an dancer for an girl for next one year!! This is my curse!!!," she shouted and left the place.

"I accept this whole heartedly my guru" he greeted.

So this is how Aarya Arjuna shall be in Agyatvas??

"I'm sorry my son,I thought you were interested-"

"It's okay Pitashree, I can live my Agyatvas as dancer teacher. You told me right search for an alibi," Aarya smiled.

"My son uhhh... let me prepare for you guys farewell from here,"Lord Indra left.

"Are you alright with this??," I asked.

"I'm good until you beside me!!," he smiled.

I smiled and held his hand.

"Are you that much interested in Brihanala!!!," I teased and ran.

"Yaah!!! I'm taking this for you too, see this girl teasing," he ran behind me.

"Thank you so much for taking care of us and letting us stay here for so long. We are leaving Good bye!," Yudhistran Na greeted.

Still I can see guilt in Lord Indradeva Face. He stood there totally lost.

"O'my Pitashree, Chief of this court you shall never feel for what happened here; Should happens will happen!!"

"There is nothing for you to feel. I have got an extraordinary father in this whole universe," Aarya hugged him.

Awww soo cute I miss my father:(

"O'm dear sons and daughters I hope you have enjoyed here and have learned a lot from here. I shall thank you guys for making my city more brighter. This city will definitely miss you guys. I hope all happiness in the world shall find you all!! Ayushmaan Bhava!," Lord Indradeva blessed us.

"Farewell Father!," Aarya smiled.

"Dhakshaa!!! You forgot something," I heard him calling me.


"Here you go keep this safe my dear girl," he gave me the golden lotus I got while playing Veena that day.

"I shall keep this safe Goodbye,"I smiled.

He waved back while having an pleasant smile on his face.

"We had lotto fun in Indralokha!!," I pouted.

"Yeahh I got many laddoos too," Bheem added.

"Happiness for Bheem Na is Laddoos," Nakul added.

"My dear Nakula....," Bheem shouted.

"Yudhistran Na...uhh.. let me walk beside you," Nakul hided.

"Great escape!!!," Bheem continued walking down.

Sometimes Mind and heart wanted different things. It's soo difficult to satisfy both of them. But now both my mind and heart was soo satisfied. All I wanted is their happiness. My heart felt strong while seeing them smile. My mind felt good seeing them being happy. I don't want anything else in this world my Lord. Let all happiness shall find them.

I smiled while Bheem was holding both Nakul and Sahadev by neck teasing while all were laughing.

"What happened Dhaksha?," Draupadi pat on me.

"I'm soo happy Sakhii, seeing my family like this. This is all I wanted. This all I would ever want," I said.

"Dhaksha, Thank you soo much Main reason for this is you. You made us happy. You made us feel strong. I wish this lasts forever," Draupadi held my shoulder.

"Well, well I can see a big sentimental drama is going on there!!, " Bheem shouted from there.

"Well, well I can see a big Kailayam mount standing over there," I shouted.

"Don't mess with Dhaksha dot," Nakul shouted.

"That's my  Devarah," I said.

"Ahaan That's my Devarah," Bheem imitated me.

"Yahhhh Bheem Na" I shouted.

"Yahhh Bheem Na,"he imitated.

"Draupadi look at him!!,"I shouted.

"Draupadi Look at him, "he pouted.

"I'm never talking to you,"I turned around.

"Well I can't stay without talking with you," he laughed.

I gave a little smile.

We soon arrived to our hut.
All our clothes change back to normal.
We were back to normal.

"Fine let's continue our work, we still have one year for our Agyatvas" Yudhistran Na said.

"FINE BROTHO...," Bheem said by dragging the words.

"Dhaksha can-"Draupadi said.

"Flowers right! I will go," I completed.

"I'm coming with you too, I can't leave you alone," Aarya held my hand and drag me towards the river.

I started plucking flowers

"Don't go alone, call me whenever you come here," he said.

He started looking around

"Are you searching for any other Rishyasringa??," she asked.

"Well I'm..uhh just enjoying the scenery," he stammered.

"I have no wonder why his poem was soo beautiful, he wrote it exactly what he saw," he said.


"Soo beautiful!!," he smiled.

"Aishh he wrote for the sake of seducing me!!"

"And you didn't fall for the poem?"

"Of course I could fall for just a single word "Arjuna" then why would I need an long poem"

Great Dhaksha!!! Your speaking skills have increased.

"This Arjuna doesn't even need a word to fall for, eyes of your can speak many," He added.


"Hold the basket properly Aarya!!"

"World's most braviet warrior your basket holder?," he pouted.

"Fine leave I can search for some other Rishyasringa!!,"I teased.

"Dhaksha...uhh look there is one flower in the top pluck it I shall hold it for my dear Dhaksha, "he changed the topic.

I smiled.

Suddenly I felt dizzy everything went blur and I fell down.

Arjuna's pov

"I don't know why she fainted,she was talking with me so nicely and suddenly she fell down," I said.

"Don't worry Bhratta maybe because of tiredness," Nakul said.

"Yeaahh don't worry Arjuna," Yudhistran Na said.

"Aiynaee!!! Aiyanae!!! Come fast"

I heard Draupadi shouting.

"What's with her shouting let's rush," Bheem said.

I saw Dhaksha lying down while Draupadi standing beside her.

"What happened Paanchali, what's wrong," I shouted.

Draupadi approached near me and held my hands.

"Nothing is wrong, what happened is your dear Dhaksha is  pregnant,"Draupadi said those golden words.

Tears started rolling down while wide smile planted on my face while look at Dhaksha....

"You are going to be a father Aarya," Draupadi added.

I went near her sat beside her, holding her small little hand tears started flowing......

To be continued....

That's a huge news for us....

What else will happen?

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