Mother's obsession

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Dhaksha's pov

I felt few drops on my hands .I slowly opened my eyes.

I saw everyone standing around me gazing at me. While Aarya holding my hand smiling and tears rolling down from his eyes.

Smiling while crying? I Fainted down?
Wait is that what you think?

"Draupadi tell yes, tell me what am I thinking is true!!,"I asked.

"Yeahh Dhaksha!!!," she smiled.

I looked down to my stomach I closed my eyes to feel it.

I looked up towards Aarya who was still holding my hands.

I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Dhaksha!!," he said while still tears flowing down.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

"Look what's happening there look your sister is pregnant!!,"Lord Shiva said.

"My little sister now have grown up to a Mother!!," Lord Vishnu smiled as  Goddess Lakshmi came running.

"Aarya Aarya my Sakhi is pregnant huh??," Goddess Lakshmi asked.

"Yess my dear supriyaa she is..." Lord Vishnu said.

"How sweet, looking ahead to know how have you created her child Aarya," Sarasawati said.

"Hahahah you'll see my dear," Lord Brahma asked.

"This child shall protect their mother and help her to preach darma in this world full of adharma" Lord Vishnu said.

"And I shall protect her child Aiyanae," Lakshmi added.

"Yeahh she our Sakhi's child we shall protect!, " Sarasawati said.

"Ayushmaan Bhava," All of them blessed.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

"Wowww Our Dhaksha is a Mother now," Bheem shouted.

"Ohh my my well," Nakul jumped.

I saw Jyesthabhratta he gave me a huge wide smile.

Oh my child you have made your whole family happy!!!

"Don't worry today I'm going make laddoos for you," Bheem Na said.

"Ahemn come let's leave them alone," Bheem whispered.

"I can hear you Jyesthabhratta," I smiled.

"Are you...uhh?? Dhaksha you.."

"What happened??, " I smiled.

"Did you call me Jyesthabhratta??," he pretended to wipe tears.

"Yeahh," I smiled.

"Draupadi, Bhartta  Nakul Sahadev let's leave if I stay here for longer my heart would burst," he said while holding his chest.

We all Laughed.

As I looked down to my stomach, I don't it felt soo good thinking I'm going to become a Mother. World's most strongest word "Mother". I could feel that now!!

While in Hastinapur:

Duruyodhana's pov

"Mamashree why are you being so silent, if this  continues they shall finish this one year and shall continue their Agyatvas," I  said.

"My dear Lovable Duruyodhana, we have to plan properly and take step. That too with Pandavas we have to think more than  twice. They also have that smarter, special kid Dhaksha!!. We have to think properly," Shakuni Uncle said.

"Mamashree are you by chance afraid by the news we heard from our spies that she is the incarnation of Paravati??,"

"No no why would I be, she can be anything but she is nothing to me when it comes to brain.," Shakuni Uncle stammered.

Ahaann he is definitely scared.

"My dear Mithra why did you call for me,?" I head Karna's voice.

"Ohh Karna here you are, just to help me with some stuffs Mithra"

"Yuvraj Duruyodhana we have got an special news from our spies. Rajkumari Dhaksha is pregnant,"servant said.

"Dhaksha is pregnant.....,"Karna smiled.

What stupid bond do these two have yuck!!!!

I saw Mamashree signaling me something through his eyes.

What is tryna say.

"What happened Mamashree what are you tryna say," I asked.

"Nothing my son nothing," he shouted. "Brainless kid!" I heard him whisper.


"Go Duruyodhana take care of the work you have with Karna," he went away.

"Karna!!??Karna where are you," I shouted

Why is that people always walk away from me aishhhhh

Karna's pov

"Yuvraj Duruyodhana we have got an special news from our spies. Rajkumari Dhaksha is pregnant,"servant said.

What Sakhi is pregnant....

"Dhaksha is pregnant??, " I smiled.

"What happened Mamashree what are you tryna say," Mithra shouted.

I saw the servant went outside.

"Nothing my son nothing," Gandharaj shouted.

Maybe I should follow and ask him about further news

I went behind him.

"Hey you!!!"

"What happened Angraj?," he greeted.

"I want you to update me with further news about Dhaksha,how is she ,what happened to her everything!!,"I said.

"And don't tell about this to Yuvraj"

"Of course I shall tell you Angaraj"

"Where are they now??"

"In Kayak Forest my dear Angaraj!!,"he greeted and left.

I wish I could see her....
Dhaksha, this Sakha wants that dream I dreamt about you to come true....

Dhaksha's pov

I'm now 8 months pregnant I didn't knew being pregnant needs so much care.

Time is moving slowly, 
The day is almost here.

The anxiety and joy is building up, 
For my hero will soon appear

I have so much to share with you 
day after day and talk to you everyday

And to you my son I will give you all my love each and every way.....

"What are you smiling at Aarya," I asked.

"Just thinking about our first meet and current scenario!," he smiled.

"Yeahh that fruit which united us,our arrow which united us!!"

"Well thank that fruit it got you an bravest husband," he said.

"Ahemn!!," I coughed and teased him.

"Well this Dhaksha is the only one who can make your braveness go in vain and make you crazy," I added.

"That's right!!," he said.

"Wondering when will our child come out and wondering when shall I teach our child Archery and make him the bravest of all," he smiled while still looking at my stomach.

"Fine fine stop looking at our child,now look at me your wife!!,"I said.

"I'm seeing only you for many years!!," he didn't even care.

I got the him by ears

"Look at me!!," I shouted.

"Look look you are jealous already my dear Dhaksha!!!"

"Fine see your child!"

I turned away.

"Aishh look here," he held my face and gave a gentle forehead kiss.

We both smiled together.

"Come out faster my son your Father is already missing you!!"

"Yeah save me from your mother," he teased.

"Yahh you!!," I beat him.


We sat to have our lunch

I started sharing the food.

"Dhaksha sit down we shall give you food now," Bheem Na said and made me sit down.

"Eat eat everything!!," he literally poured all the rice out of the pot.

"Bhratta she is not Bheem she can't eat that much," Nakul said.

"Heheheh stop teasing Bheem Na," Sahadev said while controlling his laugh.

They both started laughing

"Shh!! Enough Nakula Sahadev!!," Yudhistran Na said.

"Come out fast my dear this Bheem is soo excited," he laughed.

"I will teach you all my skills," Bheem shouted.

"To teach him how to eat well ahh Bade Bhaiya," I heard Kanha voice.

"Bhaiyaa..." I tried to stand up slowly.

"Careful Dhaksha," Draupadi helped me.

"Pranam Madhava...," Aarya said.

I tried to walk fast.

"Aishhh come slowly you will trip down my dear sister. This brother won't go anywhere!!," he shouted and approached near.

I side hugged him carefully without hitting my stomach.

"Awwww my  Dhaksha I finally see you as an mother!!. I missed you sister!!!"he held my shoulder.

"Where have you been huh you should have visited you sister earlier huhh?? Don't act like you miss me," I pouted.

"Ahaan, fine what about this," he showed me my favorite sweet.

"Soo sweet of you Brother,"I snatched it.

"Look this is Dhaksha!!," Kanha Na said.

"Madhava you should have told to me about this sweet earlier. I would also have used this many times!!"

"Ahan this works only between brother and sister!!," I added.

"Fine-_-," Aarya said.

"Bless us Madhava," we approached near.

"O'my sister you sons shall be born with both Mother's and Father's quality. Mother's heart and Father's bravery-"

"Madhva.... Sons?? You meant Abimanyu alsoo huhh??," Aarya asked.

"No no Vijaya, my sister;your wife shall give birth to a twins. World shall call them both As Mirthik and Virthik!!. They shall make you both proud," he said.

What twins ohhh my boys....!!!

"I'm sooo happy Keshav!!," Aarya smiled.

"With this happiness Let's all visit Lord Shiva temple and seek this blessing for my both sons,"Draupadi said.

"Yeahh your right Sakhii Let's all go," Kanha Na added.

"Well then I will stay with you," Aarya added.

"No no you are the one who should pray for our sons. I'll be fine alone. Temple is near only I can manage Aiynae," I said.

"But we can't leave you alone Jyesthabhavikashree," Nakul said.

"I'll be fine you all shall go!!," I said.

"But-" Bheem started.

"I'll be fine!!! Trust me," I repeated.

They all left from our I started doing pooja from our hut.

"Omm namah Shivay"

I heard some foot steps outside our hut.

"They can't return this soon maybe some animal!!,"

I again heard some foot steps

I stepped outside and saw......

To be continued....

How will Mirthik and Virthik grow?

What did Dhaksha saw?

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