Dhaksha's Sakhi

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Dhaksha's pov

"Mata..,"Mirthik shouted.

"Shhh don't shout it shall destroy my mood of killing him" he laughed.

"I said leave him-"

Suddenly a arrow strike the guard's neck and he fell down.I looked around.

"Who is that if you are so brave come fight in front of us not at our back,"He shouted.

"Aarya???,"I bend forward to look at the place.

"WHO HAS THE RIGHTS TO FIGHT INFRONT ME,"I heard a woman shouted.


"WHO HAS...?,"she walked to the middle of the ground.

I can see the fierce woman with her face covered ,dressed like men yet had a feminine vibe. Her hands moved swiftly with sword in both hands and bows hung back in the shoulders. With some shinny hair dazzling in front.

"What do you say now?" she twisted her swords.

Who in the world is she??

"What fighting with women I can't do that"he laughed."Guards take care of her and clean this mess".

In the count of 10 all 5 guards down?

"Clean this mess now,"she smirked.


"Yess..."Mirthik shouted.

"I'm here to take Dhaksha and her son Mirthik away from you shall I?,"she moved closer to him.

Dhaksha??? She knows me who is she?
Did my Bhaiya did something?

"Taking away? do you think it's that easy"he laughed.

Why his dailogue always includes an laugh. Such laughing freaking psycho.

"It's not just easy it's way more easy" she smiled while she flipped her hair.

Why do I get blackwidow vibe from her.

"Let's do this Dear Rishyarupan,"she took her bow out.

They both started fighting.

I have never seen a woman more fierce like this.Meanwhile I signalled Mirthik to free himself.

"Yes Mata" he mouthed.

"Come here.."I signalled.

"Heyyy you little moron"He walks away from the fight.

"Walking away from fight against a women, we probably write this in your history. "Rishyarupan walked away while fighting against an women". Nice right?" She smiled while placing her sword in the ground.

Why does she look familiar to me..

"That's not going to happen,"he came right.

"Show time,"she smiled.

As they both fought more furiously Mirthik approached near me and freed me.

"Accept your defeat and go back to where you come from Rishyarupan,"she said while placing her sword in her shoulder with her one leg placed near his neck."Tell me?".

"From on now I should never see you talking about us womans or treating them badly. Because next time my sword won't show pity,"she said.

"You always manage to save her" he said.

He vanished

"Thank you soo much but who are you,"I moved forward.

She smiled walked closer as she placed her sword and bow down.

Do I know you for long time?

"Yess..."she said.

"What?"I said.

"Yes..Your welcome,"she corrected.

God I thought she could read my mind like some kind of God or my weird krishn trying some women form.

"What?,"she said.

"What what...,"I asked her.

"What are you doing here"she completed.

"Well we were crossing by but how do you know me and my son Mirthik,"I asked.

"This whole universe knows about you and your special son Mirthik,"she smiled.

"Thank you soo much for saving us,"Mirthk said.

"Yess.. we owe you a lot"I smiled.

"There is nothing we owe to each other,"she said with that unique smile.

"Dhaksha!!!!!?,"I heard a loud voice.

"Bheem Na?,"I looked the other side.

"What are you doing here, how did you come here, who took you here what happened here, why does this whole place seems haunted and finally who is she,"He took a breathe.
"Why are you guys silent?".

"Well because we didn't get chance and time to answer the question you asked,"I crossed my arms.

"Well Dhaksha- Just wait,"he walked back towards the big tall dry tree without leaves standing alone.

"What happened Tau?," Mirthik walked along with him to look.

"Stay away my dear,"he said.

He moved close and started shaking the tree fastly.

"Can you explain what is he trying to do?,"she whispered in my ears.

"Even I can't figure out,"I scratched my head.

He took the tree in his freaking big hands and huge palm.

Mahn? what's he up to.

"Bheem Na??,"I shouted.

He dashed the whole damn tree down which made a freaking earthquake. Earthquake caused by human beings?

"Now tell me,"he walked to us.

"What did you do?,"I asked.

"You will know now?,"he replied."Wait for some time".

Arey you better have a meaningful reasons behind this.

"What's happening,why is Pandu's putra doing this weird thing all of suddden,"she whispered.

"No no he always does everything for some reason. I'm sure he has reason,"I gave fake smile.

Don't do this infront of her.

(After sometimes)

"Dhaksha!!!!,"I heard Aarya's voice.

Aarya and Uttar rushed towards us.

"I'm giving you your wife Dhaksha!!!,"Bheem Na said with a huge tone.

"What happened Dhaksha? Why are you standing here? Are you alright? Who is she?,"he took a breathe.

"I know where he got his power of asking question without even breathing,"she said.

I turned it to Bheem and I explained the whole thing to three of them.

"Yeah so she saved me from them,"I told them.

"Thank you soo much but who are you I have never seen you anywhere?,"Aarya asked.

She stood still without even answering.

"Huh whomever she is, that woman saved our Dhaksha and Mirthik's life. We have to do something in return,"Bheem interuppted.

"It's okay Rajkumar Bheem I was on my way to-,"she started.

"No you are coming with us to Indraprastha that's where we live and stay with us for little lunch there with us,"I said.

"Yeah she should probably stay there,"Aarya finished.

"Come let's move,"I said.

There is something I wanna know about her, there is something that tells she isn't a stranger to me. There is something that tells me to trust on her.There is something more than this for sure.

"You alright?,"Aarya asked while we were walking.

"Yay I'm good,"I smiled.

(Awkward silence)

"What happened that time why were you soo down,"I broke the silence.

"Uhh I went crazy that time,"he looked down.

"Why Crazy?,"I asked.

"Let's not talk about it huh?. I'm fine now right."He smiled.

What's with him.

"Sometimes I feel I know everything about you but sometimes you make me feel like I know nothing about you,"I started walking fastly.

"Areyy you know everything about Dhaksha Wait,"I heard him.

We said everything happened there to others. They were bit shocked and curious about this women. But it's me who been with her and made all feel less strange about her. Cause she doesn't seem strange to me....

We soon reached Indraprastha.


In Dwarka

Our Kanha's pov

"Are you that much excited meeting them"I laughed at him while searching for a perfect black cloth.

"Of course Mamashree. Mata told a lot about them. My Pitashree Gandivathari Arjuna who I have only heard about from you and others. You often say I look just like him right?,"Abhimanyu asked with an excitement.

"Of course dear you look just like him. You have my Parth's Smile,kindness and finally his strength,"I said while patting on his shoulder.

"I do...."he smiled.

"You gonno make him feel proud my son,"I said.

"When will that day come "he told as he took his bow in his hand and looked at it firmly.

"That day is not so far my dear,"I said.

That day is not soo far, the day you make your parents happy. The day this whole world praises you as a great warrior. The day is not soo far.

"I shall make them proud,"he smiled.

"What about My Mata Draupadi and Mata Dhaksha do you think they would like me. Mata told me a lot about them. I have grown up hearing their stories and their love towards me. Do you think they would be excited seeing me huh?," He smiled.

"Of course dear your mothers loved you soo much. Happy?,"I asked.

"Yeahhh I'm so happy to see them all. My Mata Draupadi who took care of my mother so that I stay safely in my mother's womb and my Mata Dhaksha who gave me unconditional love and told many stories while I was in the womb. She even told how much she loved me. I can still remember her sweet tone of her beautiful songs she used sing to me "he started dreaming.

"I'm so excited Mamashree he said with a huge smile.

"Okay now stop dreaming come let's start playing"I gave a knock in his head.

"But I thought we were practicing" he took his bow outside.

"My dear Abimanyu playing is also a part of practicing. Don't you know?"

"Is it Mamashree?" he moved forward.

"I was just joking" I started laughing.

"What??" he pouted.

"Come come let's play...Hey kids come over come over,"I gestured.

"You close your eyes first,"I gave him the black cloth.


In Hastinapur

Bhishma pitamah's pov

"I thought I could make a beautiful destiny for my Hastinapur. But look what has fate brought us. My kuru dynasty is in broken pieces.All  my loved grandchildren are against each other,starving to kill each other. Even though I had this luck to live forever I have this instinct to die soon. I can't watch this anymore. This gang's putra is dieing to give all his love to his great grandchildren but look this old man is not lucky enough to do so,"I said while tears drops fell my toes and Vidhura resting his hand my shoulder.

"Pandavas's sons? I heard they are just like their fathers,"Vidhura said.

"But my love and duty to Hastinapur have tied my hand Vidhura. Do you think I built this beautiful Hastinapur so that they can just fight each other. All my efforts have gone in vain. What all shall happen Vidhura,"I rested my hands on the wall.

"If this situation leads our kuru dynasty shall definitely see a great loss. But we do have chances to stop this. Don't worry pitamah let's leave this in lord's hand. He knows what's good,"he said.

"I can't make you proud Mata Ganga. Forgive me for what shall all happen,"I looked at the river.

"So I heard Arjuna and Subhthara's son is well versed in entering the chakravugam,"Vidhura tired to change the topic.

I remained silent

"It seem he has learned this while he was in his womb,"He said.

"Abimanyu...,"I said.

"Yess he is elder of all Abhimanyu who is been trained by Vasudev Krishn,"he added.

"Abhimanyu... He shall be just like my loved Arjuna,"I smiled.

"Sometimes I wish I was never a part of this. I'm just a ordinary man just a simple aged man who could tell his grandchildren and great grandchildren stories all night. Just peace and lots of love. When would my family change like this...,"I said in low tone.

"Everything happens for a reason. I'm called as Vidhura for a reason. I was born here for a reason. I'm standing right here in front of you for a reason. O' loved pitamah instead thinking of could happens try to accept the happens and move along.I'm sure you will be successful,"he said.

"I'm a failure Vidhura,I've lived for years yet all I have done is turned my loved one against each other".

"You're never a failure Pitamah.  Everything happens in right time. It's just not a right time for this Hastinapur. I'm sure it's soon,"he said.

"But we never knew who shall last still our right time pitamah,"he said.

"Let's rest for now,"he pat on my shoulder and left.

"But we never knew who shall last still our right time...."I smiled looking at the sky.

"I'm sorry Pandu for I have never been with your children and stood for them".

To be continued....

Who do you think that strange women is?

How excited Abimanyu would be to see his Father and Mothers?

How will be  Dhaksha's connection with Pandavas children?

What do you think about Vidhura's words?

Wedding ceremony soon of Abhimanyu Virthik and Mirthik soon.

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