Meeting of loved ones

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Flowers sprinkling all around us, sound of joy could be heard every where, all hailed our names while we were all sitting inside our chariot peeping outside and smiling at them all.

Indraprastha felt so good after years....

"Long live Charkavathi!!! Long live Charkavathini!!!,"They all shouted.

We entered our palace after 13 yearss. Home feels soo good after these many years.

I changed into my simple lehenga.

Dhaksha in Lehengha


"Sakhi Our people looks soo happy right?"Draupadi said while correcting her earrings.

"Yes they all look so happy and good,"I smiled at her.

"Dhaksha what do know about this war we're going to raise,"she turned towards me.

"This war for Dharma shall definitely destroy many families here. Even take away the happiness from some families,"I said in low tone.

"Do you think this war is necessary Sakhi,"I moved forward.

"Of course sakhi. This war is necessary to vanquish all adharama from this universe. I too have this feeling of losing many people. But if we let this adharama live in this world. The whole universe shall be destoryed,"she said.

"The whole kuru dynasty shall be destoryed Sakhi,"I rested on my hands on her shoulders.

"For Darma, I'm ready to die Sakhi,"she said firmly.

O'Lord! The word War sometimes gives me goosebumps but sometimes my blood pumps so high that I wanna kill them all in my very own hand.

"I'll go for an walk and come,"I smiled at her.

"Yeah of course,"she smiled.

I came down and started walking towards our garden with ponds and flowers all over.I noticed the women who saved me was sitting right beside the pond playing with the lotus floating in the pond.

When I look at her I don't even feel strange. I have this normal feelings towards her. She doesn't even seem strange to me. Why lord why?

"What are you doing here"she asked while facing towards the pond.


"I was just roaming around to get some fresh air" I walked towards her.

"You look beautiful in your Lehengha Sakhi" she said with a smile.

This Sakhi tone I have heard this before...

She chuckled.

"You would looked beautiful if you would have braided you hair,"she said.

"I wish I had that interest of tieing my hair and making me pretty and all,"I said while sitting beside her.

"That's all because of your oath right?,"she asked.

"Yeah,"I said in low tone

She knows each and every corner.

"Look I wanna know why you look normal to me. Why do I have this weird connection with you?,"I asked.

"That's because we do have that connection,"she smiled.

"I can't understand. I don't easily trust people. But now I have a brought an stranger to my home without even knowing her name. But I can't even name you an stranger-,"I said in hurry.

"I'm Dhirti my Sakhi,"she interuppts me.

"Dhirti?,"I looked closely.


( So as you see I have included my Sakhi jimmyprotested29's book Kanha's priya's protagonist Dhirti in here. She is playing some guest role❤️ Thanks for soo much support Vv ly...)


"Don't you recognise me Sakhi?,"she gave me the Lotus in the pond.

It changed into gold.

"Golden lotus?,"I looked at it.

"You can't remember your own Sakhi,"she pouted.

That day in Amaravati Indralok I got this same golden lotus while playing Veena. That means-

"That means what?,"she turned towards me.

"That day you were along with me while playing Veena right?,"I pointed.

"I'm with you everytime Sakhi,"she smiled.

"That means you are...huh"I stammered.

Is she what I think...

"What did you think Sakhi?,"she asked.

"You were the one who was with me while playing Veena. You were the reason why I felt an connection with this Lotus. You are Goddess Lakshmi,"I asked her.

"Well well I'm Goddess Lakshmi but for you. I'm your Sakhi my Dhaksha"she smiled.

Why my mind can't process anything?
Why I can't react to this situation...
The fact that she is my Sakhi....

"You better call me sakhi right now. I have disguised as Dhirti just to see you and your family. If you aren't calling me sakhi. I'm leaving right now,"she crossed her arms.

"So that's the reason My mind and heart trusted you so blindly. That's why I can't leave you back there. That's why this Dhaksha had this desire to know you and wanted you come with us. That's all because you are my sakhi,"I gave a smile.

"Of course my Dhaksha"she held my hands."Now call me Sakhi".

"You are my sakhi doesn't matter I call you or not"I smiled.

I'm astonished by the connection I had to her. Just like that I was soo attached.

"Of course you would be. There is no astonishment here,"she said.

"Oh I forget you could read thoughts right" I laughed.

"So how's everything going on?"she asked.

"It's pretty much what you see here Sakhi,"I said while staring at the night sky.

"I can see you are soo happy here Sakhi. Pandu's sons seems soo good to my eyes. You are lucky to have this family in this incarnation,"she said.

"But the war which we are going to raise is going to make many disasters. I'm pretty sure they shall never be like this after the war,"I said.

"Have faith in Darma. It'll never mislead you Dhaksha,"she said.

"That's all left now Sakhi. That's all I'm doing right now".

"Trust Yadav's Vasudeva Krishn too. He never misleads,"she added.

"Alright my sakhi. I always trust your Krishn my brother a lot,"I teased her.

She looked down and blushed.

"I'll be so happy to see other Pandavas's putras too,"she said.

"You shall definitely meet them tomorrow Sakhi,"I stood up.

"And my Bhaiya too"I said while leaving.

"Sleep well Sakhi,"I waved at her.

Finally puzzle solved.

Next day

"We have arranged everything for welcoming our guest,"Servant said.

"Very well. Please inform other daasi to help Saigavi Pallavi and Uttara to get ready,"I said.

"I'm soo excited for today,"Bheem Na said while sitting at his seat.

"We all know you are excited for today's meal Bhratta,"Nakul added.

Everyone laughed.

Dhirti stood next to me while Draupadi peeping at the door. Checking on her putras arrival.

"They'll come soon Sakhi,"I called her.

"Jyesthbhrattashree where is my Aarya,"I asked.

"Well he went to see his son Abhimanyu and bring him here,"Yudhishtran Na replied.

Abhimanyuu.. This Mata is soo excited to see you.

"Dhaksha...Draupadi"Yudhishtran Na called.

"What's the matter,"I turned to him.

"Yesterday we planned of sending message to Hastinapur about us raising a war against them,"Yudhishtran Na said.

"Do you think it's fine Aarya,"Draupadi asked.

"I guess it's fine Sakhi,"I held her shoulder.

"But I thought I should spend some time with my putras,"She said in low tone.

"You still have time sakhi. Go wait for your putras,"I said.

As she moved towards the door.

"Are you sure that message won't affect the wedding ceremony we are going to have,"I asked.

"Maybe we can sent them after the ceremony,"I suggested.

"As you wish Dhaksha,"he said.

"But the message should be sent after this ceremony,"Bheem Na added.

"Areyy bring down all your anger. You are going to meet your putra after many years,"I said.

"Sahadev bring him some laddoss to cool him down,"I pointed him.

"As you wish jyesthbhavikashree,"he laughed.

"Good suggestion Dhaksha,"Bheem Na laughed like huge giant.

"Where is Uttar?,"I asked.

"Right behind you,"he said.

"Aishh don't do this again will you?,"I moved to the other side.

"I won't I promise,"he smiled and stood beside Yudhishtran Na.

"Long live Charkavathi,"I heard a oldman approaching.

King of Panchal

"Pitashree,"Draupadi ran towards.

"Ayushmaan Bhava,"he blessed.

I moved closer to him.

"Pranam Maharaj,"I greeted.

"Dhaksha I have heard a lot about you from my putri. Seeing you after a long time,I'm so happy my girl. Show me your lovely putras,"he said in loud voice.

"Putras!!,"I called out them.

"He is Mirthik and this Virthik,"I smiled at him.

"Pranam Maharaj,"they greeted.

"Subham Jeya,"he said.

"I've heard a lot about you from my Mata too,"Mirthik smiled.

"That's great,"He replied.

"You don't find difficult in identifying them. They both look alike,"Dhrishtadyumna asked.

"We've been with them for a year now so it's easy,"Bheem Na replied.

"Yeahh I can identify them even in their girl costumes,"Uttar added.

While we all looked each other and giggled.

"Mirthi? Virthi?,"Dhirti added.

"Girl costume,"Shikhandi ka looked at them.

"Nah nah just a costume in our Agyatvas," I added.

While I can see my lovely little putras staring at me.

"Where are my putras Pitashree,"Draupadi asked in low tone with her eyes filled with tears.

"They are on their way,"Dhirshtadyumna said.

"They'll be here soon Sakhi,"I said.

"She is soo excited to see here children,"I said to Dhirti.

"Of course I can see a mom's desire to meet her children after a long time,"Dhirti replied.

"Wait he is here,"Dhirti added.

"Who is here? Draupadi's putras?,"I turned towards her.

"Look for yourself,"she pointed.

"Is everyone been well?Did you miss this Krishn,"Kanha entered the room.


"See,"she pointed.

"Welcome Vasudevarae,"Yudhishtran Na welcomed.

"How've you been Krishna,"Drupada Maharaj asked.

"I've been soo well,"He smiled.

"Wow you both have an extordinary connection,"I stood shocked.

"Lakshmi can always feel her Vishnu's presence everytime,"she smiled."Go see your bhaiya Sakhi".

"Bhaiyaa,"I ran towards him.

He kept staring at Dhirti who stood behind me.

"Bhaiyaa??,"I called him again.

No response.

"Areyy Vasudeva Krishnaa,"I shouted.

"Oh ohh my dear Dhaksha. How've you been? I missed you,"he zoomed back.

"It doesn't seem like that my dear krishn,"I gave a faked smile.

"I missed you for real Dhaksha,"he gave his mischievous smile.

"Very well,"I pouted and turned away.

"Hahaha,"he laughed.

"It seems your sakhi Dhirti helped you in right situation back there yesterday,"he said.

"Of course she would help me she's my Sakhi,"I smiled.

"Very good to hear,"he replied.

"Dhaksha...,"I heard Subhathra's voice.

"Subhathra...,"I ran to her and gave her big hug.

"How've you been?,"she broke the hug.

"Look this is how am I,"I smiled.

"Beautiful...,"she said.

Then I realised Draupadi standing near the door waiting for someone.

"Your loved Abhimanyu is here,"she said.


A young man approached from far away. The closer he came the more excited I was. Finally he was at the door. He stood firmly with a huge big smile. He had his father's skin looked just like Aarya. With some long hair dazzling in front.

"Pranam Mata"he said standing near the door seeing Draupadi.

I don't know I was so excited to seeing him grown into a young man. It's just me telling him weird stories when he was in his mom's womb. But he is all grown up seemed different. He always had special place in my heart.

"Who are you,"Draupadi stopped him.

"What happened Panchaali?,"Aarya moved forward.

"Tell me who are you,"Draupadi repeated.

"I'm Pandu's Grandson. I'm son of world's most bravest warrior Gandivathari Arjuna and Subhtharai.
I'm Abhimanyu and I'm the world's most luckiest person because I have three lovely and caring Mothers. My first Mata Charkavathini Draupadi and Mata Dhaksha,"he smiled.

"Pranam Mata "he moved towards Draupadi and greeted her.

"It's been so many years my son,"she smiled and hugged him.

Everyone in the hall became silent and drawn up by this emotional scene.

He walked towards me and my eyes started shredding tears.

"Pranam Mata,"he smiled and greeted me.

"Abhimanyu," my eyes was filled with tears.

"Yeah it's your little Abhi who used to hear your stories while I was in my mom's womb,"he smiled.

I caressed his cheeks and smiled.

"Ayushmaan Bhava,"I said.

"I've have never been this much happy my son. The word 'Mata' made me so happy,"I said.

"You always are and will be my mother,"he smiled.

"Putras,"I called them.

Mirthik and Virthik approached near smiling.

"He is your Elder brother-"

"Abhimanyu Na " Mirthik Finished.

"We knew you Bhaiya. Mata told us about you" Virthik smiled.

"He is Mirthik and Virthik,"I showed him."These two are your younger Brother".

They all saw each other and smiled.
They started talking with each other seeing them like this made me feel good.

"They did have connection,"Aarya whispered to me.

"And I'm so happy about it Aarya,"I smiled.

"Yeahh it's soo nice to see them like this,"he rested his hand my shoulder.

"Where are my putras Pitashree,"Draupadi asked again.

Suddenly we heard loud noises of horses from outside and sound of people outside hailing names...

"My putras....,"Draupadi said with her eyes filled with tears.

To be continued...

Abhimanyu and Dhaksha bond is so good for now.

What do you think about Uppandavas arrival?

What do you guys think about the war?

Give me some suggestions about the Kurushetra War.

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Here is another update hope you guys love it

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Love ya guys❤️.

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