Draupadi's wish

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Draupadi's pov

I left this Indraprastha happily with my Sakhi here I am carrying here...I'm sorry that I have let the monsters prey on you....I'm sorry Dhaksha, more tears started rolling down.

I can see Subhathrae running from there.

"What happened sister, what happened to Dhaksha why has she fainted. Tell me Ka," she cried.

"Your sister is been like this to protect me and Dharma,"

"Dhaksha Dhaksha!!!!!, Maids take her to her room call the doctors to take care of her," I gave Dhaksha to the maids to carry her to her room.

I can't bare to see Dhaksha in this state...
More I look at her the more I want to crush the people who made her like this...
What will she do,she tried to save me
But here she is suffering.

I went inside my room and locked.

Arjuna's pov

We soon arrived Indraprastha.
I saw Subhathrae running towards me.

"Aiyanae what happened to Draupadi Ka and Dhaksha.Dhaksha was unconscious and Draupadi Ka was all wounded," she cried.

"Where is Dhaksha now," I shouted.

"The physicians are treating her," Subhadra replied.

"Where is Panchali then," Yudhistran Na asked.

"She locked herself in her room I knocked and called her out but she is not opening the door," Subhathrae said.

"Come let's all go," Bheem Na said.

We called her out and shouted like anything but she didn't even respond.

Bheem Na tried to break the door.

"I can even break a wood which is stronger than this but this door I can't even break a inch," Bheem Na said.

"I know who can open the door," I said.

"Vasudeva Krishna," Yudhistran Na said.

Soon he arrived.

He was always smiling and happy this time his face was quite opposite.I can feel the pain in his face...

"Greetings Madhava," I said.

"What happened Partha?," he asked.

"She came here by herself carrying Dhaksha, we couldn't stop her!,"

"We can't stop the fire of angerness of a girl who is under emotional breakdown, even the Lord can't stop her!!, What have you all done to my dear sister," Vasudeva said angrily.

We all remained silent .That is all we could do now.

"Where is my sister now?," Madhava asked.

"Dhaksha is being treated by physicians," I said.

"Draupadi locked herself into her room after handing Dhaksha to me.We called her out even tried to break but we can't open the door Brother, " Subhathrae said.

"We can't open the door closed with woman's emotions ,pain and struggle," he said and went to her room.

We were all waiting outside for Madhava to come oustide.

Draupadi's pov

I heard Madhava coming inside.

"Don't try to console me or help me Vasudeva, I have lost all my power and energy.

"Mythran is a man who would always listen and take part in his/her Mythra's happiness and sadness, I have came here as your Sakha. Tell me about your worries Panchaali,"

"This world has made this Pavithra lady as impure lady and have avoided me," I said.

"A person washes himself in ganga to get pure,but that doesn't mean that ganga will become impure,"he said.

I can't control it anymore..
I ran to Vasudeva and fell on his foot.
Cried so hard.

"What should I do Govindarae , why it happened to me and what about Dhaksha. What did she do....,"

"Your this country's Chakravathini and Dhaksha is my sister and Kolavathu of your family, if you both are under this means. Just think about the womans in his kingdom what will happen to them" he said.

"If a person lives only caring about his own things his chance of success is less, but the one who lives caring about everyone in this world .The one always suceeds and Lord's support us always with him".

"Don't think as revenge for you struggle, think about the whole woman society and start a war Panchali"

"So you are telling me to forgive those monsters who tortured Dhaksha and embarrassed me,disrobed me in front of all?,"I asked.

"Forgive them Panchali, they will definitely pay for what they did," he said."Will you take my advice Sakhii?"

"Yess I will start an war and in that adharama shall be punished and Dharma shall win," I said.

We went outside I saw all my husbands were in isolated state.

"Panchali, I rolled this dice with this hand of mine and bet on my brothers ,Vasudeva's sister and also on my wife and made her embarrass in front of all .Bheem come burn my hand," Yudhistran Aarya said.

"You don't have to burn your hands Aiyanae, I forgive you,"

"No I have made a big mistake if I live this my life shall be a hell, come Bheem burn my hands," Yudhistran Aarya said.

I walked towards him and pulled his hand from the fire.

"You don't have to punish yourself Darmaseelarae, when all the one who did this to your wife and your Kolavathu are happy there. Start a war to punish them all," Vasudeva adviced him

"Yes we should start a war soon after the  exile and I vow that I would make Kauravas life soo dark. I will kill all of them in my own hand Paanchali," Bheem Aarya shouted.

"This is the five stones from the your Chudamani and this Dhaksha's Chudamani you both don't have to wear this and you don't have to braid your hair. The unbraided hair shall remember us about those monsters who made you and my wife like this," Arjuna Aarya shouted

"Then I will also vow that until my hair is washed by Dhushana's blood and my Sakhi's body is bathe by Duruyodhana's blood I shall not braid my hair!!!,"

"Yes Panchali your wish shall be fulfilled will be fulfilled," Bheem Aarya shouted.

"Where is my Dhaksha how is she," Vasudeva asked in weak tone.

"Docter have just treated her she will wake up soon brother," Subhathrae said.

"I have to see my sister," Vasudeva asked.

We all went inside her room.I saw her lying down in collapsed state.

"She is the one who always lit our moods up ,teasing me and roaming around but that monsters made her like this," Bheem Aarya weeped.

"I shall make her sacrifice for dharma meaningful Madhava, I will crush them all," Arjun Aarya shouted.

"Revenge is always not the answer Partha, think about normal womans of this society what will happen to them, move on with selfless motive you shall definitely get success," Vasudeva said.

"Wake up soon sister your family is missing your naughtiness already!," Vasudeva said.

Arjuna's pov

I can't bare seeing her in this state.
Seeing all her wounds makes my blood burn to kill them all....

"I'm sorry Dhaksha...."

"Let's all go out ,let them have their time ," Draupadi said.

"Will you forgive your Aarya for letting you suffer wil you," I said by holding her hand.

"Wake up soon... I want see your eyes before leaving for vanavas tomorrow, I want to see those eyes which I fell for..." I weeped.

I fell on her and started crying.

"You don't have to be sorry Aarya..."

To be continued...

Bhagavan Sri Parashurama

What will happened to Dhaksha after this???

Will Karna help Dhaksha or Duruyodhana?

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