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"You don't have to be sorry Aarya," she said in soft tone while opening her eyes.

I got up and looked into her eyes

"Dhakshaa are you alright? I'm sorry"

"What can you do you have been tied under dharma," she tried to get up.

"No what type of husband am letting his wife suffer in front of all!!, I am called Bravest Warrior Arjuna but I can't even protect you and Draupadi" I weeped.

"My husband Arjuna is the best men of all in this world"

"Dhaksha will you forgive me?,"

"Okay I forgive you  happy? Now smile!!," she tried to smile.

"How can I smile Dhaksha when I see you suffer like this"

"Ugh! I have suffered not because of you Aarya, it's all fate,"

She still managed to smile while she is under soo much pain and struggle to make me happy. No wonder why I love you soo much.

"Awww crying baby!! I don't know why people call you Bravest Warrior. Crying like a kid,"she teased.

" How can I smile tell me any one reason to smile"

"Smile because I'm here with you,smile because you are here with me,smile because I love you soo much and smile because you love me soo much!," she smiled and held my hand."You love me right."

I smiled for her sake.

"Yes I do love you..." I smiled.

"See My Aarya look good while smiling,"she said."

"Where is my Sakhi and how is she," she asked why trying to get up.

"Draupadi is all fine ,your brother Vasudeva consoled her" I made her sit near me.

"Where is my Chudamani?," she searched around her.

"Draupadi took oath that she would braid her hair when Dhushana's blood shall wash her hair"

"You don't have to wear this Chudamani too Dhaksha, you without Chudamani would remember that I Should crush them all," I shouted.

"As you took oath you shall bathe in Duruyodhana's blood and then wear this Chudamani!!!," I shouted.

"Calm down Aarya, being angry is not always the  answer. Think plan and demolish adharama from this. Then I shall wear my Chudamani in front of all proudly. I will wear it in the place where I lost it!!!!" She said firmly.

"Your wish shall be fulfilled Dhaksha!!!!"

"Okay now calm down.I'm here with you. Don't worry about anything of today's suffering and struggle. Make my sacrifice meaningful , being angry won't do it all Aarya".

"As you wish my Dhaksha,"

"So I wanna ask you one thing ,was Karna there in court room?," she stammered.

"What should I say Dhaksha he was right in front of me when you were carried by Draupadi outside. But-"

"But he stood there without saying word right?"

"Yes,"I replied.

I can see disappointment in her face.

"So guys have planned to wage war?,"she asked suddenly.

"Yes, after 12 years vanavas and 1 years Agyatvas we will wage war. Bheem Na have vowed to kill all Kauravas in that war. Dharma shall win the war!!!"

"So my brother is here come let's go and see-"

I pulled her closer

I wish she stays under my hand forever, so that I can protect her forever.

"Stay under my hands like this forever Dhaksha I shall protect you forever" I said while hugging.

"So you don't want me to go and see my brother now?," she asked.

"No stay like this forever,Promise me that you shall never leave me" I asked.

"Aww soo cute, where will go Aarya,without you?,"she smiled.

"I just thought of saying and I said."

"I won't leave you, will stay by your side forever and ever...."

I held her small face and pecked a kiss on her forehead.We both smiled,feels so good seeing her smile.

She laid on my chest as I pulled her closer to me.

"Are you trying to kill me," she teased.

"Yahh I'm showing my love, is this seem like killing??"

"Soo Wann-"

I pecked a  kiss on her lips and I made her speechless.

"I made you speechless see..." I laughed.

She blushed and turned away.

"Remember if you start fighting this would be the result!," I laughed.

Even though she laughs and smile,I know how much she is hurt deep inside.Whenever I see all her wounds,
It made me remember those monsters.

Even her friend Karna didn't do anything for the sake of wealth and power Duruyodhana gave he avoid his Sakhi. Dhaksha liked and respected him soo much. I shall kill him in my hand for sure.

Dhaksha's pov

Small talk with Arjuna Aarya felt soo good.All my pains and worries went away..
I can see how much guilty he felt for letting me suffer.But I don't want my Aarya to suffer..

After the talk he took me outside.

"Dhaksha, Are you alright," Subhathrae came running and hugged me.

"Yes I'm," I smiled.

"Are you alright Draupadi,"

"I should ask you ,thank you soo much Dhaksha!!," she hugged me.

"I should thank you for fighting for me in that court room," I smiled.

"I shall never leave your side Sakhii," she smiled.

"See my Sakhi looks great while smiling," I teased her.

"I told right My sister is soo brave look how she is," Kanha Na said.

I hugged him tightly and tears started rolling down.

"Don't worry about anything ,think the person who made you like this, they are soo happy there!!," he said while wiping tears.

"Why am I not allowed to cry in my brother's  shoulder?,"

"You always have" he smiled.

"Sacrifice like you have done can't be done by anyone, I'm soo proud my Dhaksha!!,"

I smiled.

I saw King Yudhistran was standing there trying to tell me something.

"You don't have tell anything King Yudhistra!, I forgot everything.
All I have in my mind is our poor woman society of our country. Something have to be done for the struggle and pain they endure," I said.

"Definitely Dhaksha we shall wage war and let dharma win," Draupadi said.

"We have to leave for exile tomorrow!!," Nakula said.

"Yess we shall successfully finish our exile and  the war shall start ,my hands  are already ready to kill all the Kauravas," Bheem said.

"I think you need some laddoos  to defeat them," I teased to change all their moods.

"Your right make 1000 laddoos I shall eat them and kill them all," he joked.

Everyone laughed

"You always manage to make all laugh bhavikashree," Nakula said.

"Of course she is my sister!!," Vasudeva said.

"Yeah this would be my last day seeing you guys smile,tomorrow you all shall leave then after 13 years I should meet you all," I pouted.

"Don't worry Bhavikashree It's all for good," Sahadev said.

"That miss you guys doesn't mean us,it meant Arjuna," Bheem Laughed.

How this 13 years gonno run without you Arjuna Aarya....

To be continued...

In court room while disrobing of Panchaali

What would it be like for dhaksha for 13 years?

What will happen to Karna and Dhaksha bond?

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