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How am I going to spend 13 years without you Arjuna Aarya.

"Why would you be alone Dhaksha you are going along with them to vanavas," Kanha Na said." Duruyodhana's ordered everyone should go on vanavas that includes you took Dhaksha"

"Be ready all of you, this 13 years should be a training time for all you for the upcoming war!!," Kanha said.

"You have to be ready too Dhaksha!!,"Kanha Na smiled.

Here we go again,his 1000 meanings smile.....

"Yeah I will be,"I stammered.

It was sunset and I was sitting in garden thinking about how I came here , how I became the part of the family and how my life changed here.

I saw all my wounds and I felt like crying,but thinking about the woman society's struggle here it made my sadness into anger.

"I'm sorry my dear sister!," I heard Kanha Na voice.


"I'm sorry that I bought you here and made you suffer and as a brother I failed to help you there" he said while sitting near me.

"It's okay Kanha Na , Do you remember your quote??,
"I have purpose for your struggle,
And reason for your pain,"I smile at him."I hope you had your own reasons."

"You believe me that much Dhaksha?,"he asked while tapping on my head.

" I believe in my fate Govindarae. You told me right I had a part in this Mahabharata .I believe in my destiny brother. I'm pretty sure getting tortured by Kauravas is not only  my part, I believe that I do have a destiny here. When time passes I want to know it myself."I said.

"You will definitely know my girl,but seeing my naughty and happy girl wounded makes my heart weak. I thought I have to apologize to my sister"he pouted.

"You don't have to Govindha, you girl is still happy!"

"I don't think so Dhaksha what is going on your head?," he asked doubtfully.

"I'm pretty sure you would have know already, I'm thinking about the  future I came from, thinking about how bad is our woman situation in my time, comparing to today our future is much worser".

" Don't worry my girl everything has an end point, think about Kamsa Uncle he  brutally killed all my brothers and was ruling the kingdom badly. Eventually he had his ending by me, like that everything will have an endpoint,"he said.

"I'm sure it has...."

"Sleep well dear,from tomorrow onwards everything going to change..," he smiled and pinched my cheeks

"Aishh I'm a big girl now you don't have to pinch me!!!," I shouted.

"You are always a little girl to me my dearrrr!," he smiled mischievous and went.

Aishhhh!!!!he is never going to change..

(Next day)

They removed all my jewels and colourful dress and gave vanavas dress. It look good too actually kinda light.

Because the usual one,I should wear all the jewels which would weigh 1-3kg.

Dress was soo light, Sandal and orange colored.

Me and Arjuna Aarya made couple goals same combination of cloths we wore. If we were in future I would have taken selfie and uploaded as couple goals. Shit what am I even thinking.

We came oustide the palace and there stood Vasudeva and Subhathrae.

"This vanavas should be your training period for the upcoming war,everybody be prepared!!," Kanha said.

"Arjuna, Lord's Brahma's weapon Brahmastra is world most divine weapon and there is something equal to that, Lord Shiva's Pashupatastra, in the state when your enemy is more powerful than you. You can use that. Give yourself to Mahadeva  and get Pashupatastra" Vasudeva said.

"As you wish Madhava," he said and greeted him.

"Nakul Sahadeva you both get aswini kumara's power it will be very useful to heal many in the war,"

"Sure Vasudeva!," they both greeted.

"Darmaseelarae there is nothing you don't. Punya is got from helping others and helping other is always dharma. You and Draupadi serve for the tapasvis (ascetic) there,"

"As you wish Govindha," he said.

Okay so everybody got their work, what I'm going to get.

"Dhaksha, I would like you to offer water to Surya God and worship him for 6 years and seek his blessings" he said.

Then what about the next 6 years.

"This is soo important my girl ,next 6 years go to kailayam and seek for Lord Shiva's blessing." He said.

What why Lord Shiva?
Why is that I have to seek both Lord Shiva and Lord Surya...I'm sure he has a reason.

"But Madhava Why Lord Shiva 's  blessing when I'm getting his Pashupatastra?," Arjuna Aarya asked.

"I'm sure he has his reasons Aiyanae!," I said.

"I can't leave you alone too my sister, you can stay with Draupadi and Yudhistran for first 6 years. Paanchali,you both go along with her to kailayam and serve for tapasvis there," he said.

He is caring about me even now.

"Bheem world's most strongest man is Sri Hanuman, there is no one more strong than him. Stay in Hanuman cave and get his blessing," he said.

"Let the war begin after your vanavas and darma shall win" Kanha Na said.

"And adharama should be punished," I finished.

"Be careful my dear Dhaksha!!," Kanha Na held my shoulder.

"I shall be safe my brother!,"

We all got blessing from him.

Subhathrae was standing there with eyes full of tears.I can feel the pain she felt.
Missing her husband during this time would be worst.I can see the pain in Arjuna Aarya's face too. Leaving his wife her.

"Be careful sister," she cried and hugged.

"What's with you calling me sister, don't cry I would return after 13 years,all I would miss  seeing is my Abimanyu grow. Make sure to tell him about me in this 13 years. Tell him that this ma loves him soo much." I said.

"Of course I will take care Dhaksha,"she said.

I bend down near her stomach.

"Take care my dear Abimanyu ,this ma will miss you soo much!!!,"

Subhathrae smiled.

We all gave our last goodbyes and we were about to move.We saw Duruyodhana, Shakuni approaching here with Hastinapuram flag with them .I'm pretty sure they came to fix their flag instead of our flag Untill we return that flag would fly.

Shakuni came near me.

"Don't think after a 13 years Indraprastha flag would fly," he whispered.

"Make sure that you don't fly with that flag my dear Uncle Shakuni," I shouted so that everyone could hear.

Everyone gave a little smile.
I heard my brother laughing from there.

"Don't worry my sister ,to hold Uncle Shakuni from flying Dear Duruyodhana is there" he laughed.

Shakuni gave a evil smile.

"Just watch me Dhaksha, Think whether you can come after 13 years. Do you know one thing-," he said

"That if there is any problem in our vanavas we have to go for another 13 years right, old story my uncle," I said.

"Heheheh it seems you know everything my girl be careful and watch me" he said

"Heeheh have an great journey my dear Dhaksha!," he smirked.

"Come let's go Dhaksha," Draupadi called.

So Yeah our journey starts.....

To be continued...

When Duruyodhana fell in the water and all teased him in front of all and  also teased his father's blindness.

What will happen during journey?

What obstacles will they all face during the journey?

Why is Dhaksha asked to seek for both Lord Shiva and Lord Surya?

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Lately, I'm having so many online tests.
I will try my best to update next chapter soon.

Thanks for the love and support💛

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