Game of dice Part 1

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"I want you to update everything happening there," I commanded.

" Don't worry Dhaksha, Nothing will go wrong in playing game,"Draupadi tryna to console me.

"Told you right turning point remember,I can't tell you everything," I said in weak tone.

(After sometime)

"Rajakumari Dhaksha, King Yudhistran have lost in the bet on his jewelry...," maid said.

" It's okay just our jewels,he will play good," Draupadi told me.

"Draupadi Well... Nothing", I replied.

" Rajkumari Dhaksha,King Yudhistran lost in the bet on the horses and elephants he got from Rajasuya yogam too,"maid said.

"Let's be brave just stay put," Draupadi said.

Shit what I am going to do I cant watch Draupadi suffer!!!

"Rajkumari Dhaksha, King Yudhistran Lost all his wealth," maid said.

"Wealth can't buy happiness let it go,I hope they would have finished their game,"Draupadi said.

"No they are continuing Chakravathini,"maid  said.

"What but with what,go find it," Draupadi commanded.

Arjuna's Pov

I can see my brother lost all his wealth,I hope he finishes his game.

"I bet on  Nakula my 4th brother," Yudhistran Na said.


"So nice of you King Yudhistran," Shakuni Uncle smiled.

"Brother I have a bad intuition about what's going to happen here!!," Sahadev said.

"Let's watch my brother I hope he wins," Bheem Na said.

"I think you lost your brother, Dharmaseelarae!!," Shakuni Uncle said.

No no this shouldn't continue....

"I bet on sahadeva my 3rd brother," he said.

He lost sahadeva too!!!

Noo Brother please don't continue....

"I know you can't afford to lose your Brother Bheem and Arjuna,but you know it is adharama to leave the game in between,", Shakuni smiled.

" I bet on Arjuna my 2nd Brother,"he said.


"There are cheating definitely!!!," Bheem Na said.

"Yeahh Shakuni Uncle's plan I guess," Nakula replied.

"I don't how our brother is going to handle this," I said.

He lost this time too.

"So next King  Yudhistran??, " Duruyodhana asked.

Why everyone in this Raja sabha is watching ,no one is against Shakuni and Duruyodhana.

"I bet on Bheem my 1st Brother," I can see he lost all his confidence.

"I can't watch this Arjuna," Bheem said.

He lost now too...

Shakuni's pov

As planned it's going soo good.

"My son make sure Karna shouldn't be here," I whispered to Duruyodhana.

"Yes Mamashree he is not here!!," he replied.

It's the time to finish this thing....

I saw a maid giving information about things to Draupadi.

"Aswathama," I called him near.

"Make sure that maid don't go to the roon where  Draupadi and Dhaksha is there," I whispered.

As said he stopped her too.
Hahahaha Now I'm really going to crush you all.....

Dhaksha's pov

"Why is the maid not bringing me any news ," Draupadi shouted.

"Wait let me see,"

"Let me through," I shouted to the guard.

"I'm sorry Rajkumari ,I can't leave you down it's an order!!," he blocked me.

"If you stop then all should answer to my weapon now!!,"I shouted.

"Calm down Dhaksha, we will wait,"she pulled me.

God I m damn sure he might have lost all his brothers...

What is going to happen...

Arjuna's pov

He lost all of us to him,now what's left huh??.

"So King Yudhistran what's next?," Shakuni Uncle asked."I hope you won't discountinue the game Darmaseelarae!"

No no no what's all asatya is going to happen in this Courtroom!!!!

To be continued...

Pandavas sitting in the court room embarrassed!!

What do you think Yudhistran will do?

Will Shakuni 's plan work out?

PS:I made the Chapters short so that you guys would read it more carefully because this is the turn point of the Epic Mahabharata...

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