Game of dice Part-2

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"I bet on myself Yudhistran King Of Indraprastha and Son of Pandu,"

No no no he is definitely going to lose.

"Oh no my dear now that you have lost yourself," Shakuni faked to be sad.

"I hope you won't discountinue Darmaseelarae," he said."I'm sure you still have precious things on your side,"

What precious thing?

"Your dear sister Dhaksha,sister of Vasudeva Krishna and Wife of the great warrior Arjuna," he smirked.

"I'm sure he will bet on Dhaksha too,our brother always won't do anything adharama. As of now discontinuing the game is adharama for him, " Bheem said.

"No, I can't lose her I can't!!!," tears started flowing from my eyes."That Shakuni will definitely win by cheating".

"Absolutely wrong uncle Arjuna is no more an Great warrior, he is my slave now," Duruyodhana laughed.

"I...uh bet on Dhaksha my sister, Kulavathu of our family," Yudhistran said while tears flowing from his eyes.


I prayed all the gods that he should win.

"Darmaputra,I guess you lost your sister Wife of Arjuna too," Shakuni Uncle smiled.

I started crying so hard.

"Don't cry my dear Arjuna, adharama will be destroyed .If not now,maybe in future,"Bheem Na consoled me.

Lord are you even watching this thing.

"Dhaksha is my slave now , Vasudeva Krishna's loving sister, Gandivathari Arjuna's Wife and Beautiful lady who rejected me is my slave now,"
Duruyodhana laughed..

"King Yudhistran, I don't how I  can console you so I guess you will have to go with the last one....," he smirked.
'Draupadi ,Chakravathini Daughter of Draupda , Wife of all five Pandavas.'

"Yudhistran Na please stop enough," Bheem shouted.

"Shut up!!! Bheem now follow my orders you are my slave now," Duruyodhana laughed.

"Bhaiya don't," Nakula screamed.

Yudhistran totally lost his self consciousness...

"I bet on my Wife Draupadi, Queen of Indraprastha and Princess of Panchalam," he stammered.

Nooo please Lord!!!

(After playing for long)

Duruyodhana laughed

"My dear Yudhistran Na, now that you have lost your wife," Duruyodhana laughed.

"Queen Draupadi is my slave now, both of your Kolavathu is under me now,I can do whatever with them",

"Duruyodhana!!!!!!," Bheem Na shouted.

"Shouting my name do you think that will help Dhaksha and Draupadi?," Duruyodhana asked.

Situation like this shouldn't come to anyone in this world.

"Listen up everyone, Pandavas their wife Draupadi and Dhaksha is my slave now," Duryodhana shouted.

"Mamashree Shakuni now that they are my slave I can do anything with them right?," he asked.

"Yes my dear ," he smirked.

"The one who rejected me ,the one who was the reason for teasing my father's blindness in that Rajasuya yogam, the one who have stolen my heart long before," he described.

No no where is Karna maybe he can stop this.

"Dushana go bring my beautiful slave blindfolded and her hands tied," he commanded. "Let all see how I and Dhaksha play hide and seek".

"Pitamah!!! This is adharma, I can't bare that you are watching this without even saying anything Guru Drona!!! Why?," I shouted.

"Calm down My Arjuna ,they can't say anything you and your wife is my slave now. No one can say anything or stop me,"Duruyodhana said.

Pitamah bend his head down

"She is your Daughter too Pitamah, why are you being silent," Bheem Na asked.

"Dhushasana Go now!!!,"Duruyodhana laughed.

Dhaksha's pov

"What happened Dhaksha we can't get any information of the happenings.I m soo afraid!!," Draupadi asked.

"Even I don't know what is happening!!,"

I saw a soldier walking towards this room.

"Rajkumari Dhaksha You have been called to come to the Rajasabha,"

What why me

"I'm coming with you too," Draupadi asked.

"Sorry Chakravathini but only Rajkumari Dhaksha is allowed!," soldier said.

"What but....,"

"It's okay Draupadi nothing is going to happen to me,you are the one who should be careful," I said.

"Be careful Dhaksha. I can't afford to lose you and I won't forgive myself if something happens to you," she said.

"Nothing would happen  to you be safe," I smiled.

I walked outside and went farway from our room

"What happened Soldier why they.."

Suddenly someone closed my mouth And started tying my hands with rope.

"How dare ,you rejected my brother Duruyodhana and insulted our father in Rajasuya yogam," I heard Dhushasana voice.

What's happening why am I tied. He blindfolded me immediately....

My mouth still closed he dragged me till the stair.


-Bold italic represents Vasudeva's words.
-Italic represents Dhaksha's words
-Bold represents Arjun's words.

Just to show it more clearly I'm using this.


"How dare you, do you think you are some kind of Heroine with super power," he pushed to the fire holder.

I screamed in pain. I hit my head soo hard.So this what Vasudeva said history would change.

I felt the pain my sister endured,I can feel the selfless girl's pain sacrificing her instead of Draupadi.

I heard a girl screaming that felt like Dhaksha voice.Tears started shredding from eyes.

"How did you manage to seduce my brother ,I think you are good at seducing,"Dushasana teased.

"Leave me now no one has rights to touch me  other than my Aarya," I shouted.

Dushasana pushed me to the stairs holder.
I screamed in pain as my stomach hit the holder.

Draupadi was saved atleast.

I let her suffer just like that, I let my sister scream in pain.I felt the pain she endured .Tears started shredding from my eyes when the pain she endured increased.

"What can you do now ,I heard you are soo good at fighting, now come fight fight," Dushasana laughed.

I couldn't see anything as I was blindfolded ,all I said in my mind was Krishna Vasudeva Krishna.

Even though she is hurt ,she still thinking of me, hoping I would help.
But fate has tied my hands and blocking me from helping her.

I never thought Mahabharata would change this much ,but I'm happy that my sakhi Draupadi didn't endure this pain.

"What thinking of your brother Vasudeva Krishna, No one can save you," he laughed."Even you can't see me , can't you."

He took me by hair and pushed me down stairs .I hit my head again I screamed in pain.

Now I understood how much pain Draupadi would have faced.I was freely living with my parents enjoying my life.
Now I understood the pain of the womans here.

I m sorry Dhaksha for not being there for you. Forgive this Vasudeva......
For the pain you endure definitely there will be answer.

In front of my eyes the woman I loved, the woman I respected, the woman I protected fell in ground screaming in pain , blindfolded and her hands tied.

"Duruyodhana Stop this right now," Bishmapitamah shouted.

"I'm sorry but she is my slave I have all rights on here," Duruyodhana shouted.

"Aiyanae!!! Where are you Aiyanae," I growled in pain.

I couldn't do anything my dear Dhaksha was screaming my name and still believed that I would help her but here I crying.I shouldn't call myself an brave warrior of the world.

"My dear beautiful Dhaksha, your Prananaatha is now my slave he can't help you see.Oh I'm sorry you can't see right," Duruyodhana laughed by brushing my hair.

"Hands off me moron, no one have rights to touch me,where are you Aarya!!," I shouted.

"My dear Dhaksha, King Yudhistran bet on you and have lost you and your husband so your Naatha can't do anything," Shakuni said.

"Please Pitamah save my wife, please!Vasudeva Krishna trusted me and gave his sister to me but see here. I am watching her in pain," Arjuna begged.

All he did was Looking down and crying.

Dhaksha the sacrifice you made can't me done by anyone, We will definitely destroy them and crush them. Please forgive your brother Kanha for letting you suffer.

Madhava forgive me for I can't
protect you sister,wherever you are I know you can feel her pain.I know that you know what's happening at least you help her Vasudeva...

"I didn't marry a dumb man I married the brave warrior stop begging to those who don't even have the brave to stop what's going on here and fight Aarya!," I shouted.

I couldn't see a anything, I don't even know where my Aarya is.All I know was for the sake of Draupadi and dharama I have to endure this pain.

"Even though you have been blindfolded and tied still your attitude remains the same that's what I admire in you the most," Duruyodhana said.

I pushed him hard,I heard him falling down.

"Dhaksha! Even though you push me, I'm not going to get scared or dislike you.You always have a place in my heart,"Duruyodhana said

While he dragged me and pushed me near his chair and took me by my hair.

I'm sorry Dhaksha ,I'm sorry.
I could see her yellow saree was been teared.This made me remember the first time I saw her with this same saree blindfolded playing with kids but now she is in blindfolded and enduring pain...

"I can't bear to see Dhaksha cry Arjuna, she was always happy in our place playing around and teasing me," Bheem Na cried. "I will crush them for hurting our precious Dhaksha!!"

"Come Dhaksha come I heard you can dance soo beautifully, Well everyone can see now,"Duruyodhana shouted.

"Duruyodhana Don't think you can escape with this, for this I shall make your happiness disappear and make your life dark.This Vayuputra will crush you!!!,"

"Why are getting angry?Dhaksha have seduced you too. Wow you have some great hidden talents" Duruyodhana laughed.

"I think soo she will seduce all of them and she will marry all five Pandavas just like Draupadi," Dhushasana laughed.

"Dhushana!!!!!! Now start counting how much long you are going to live ,live happily cause your death is soon," Arjuna Aarya shouted.

I don't know what to do all I did was enduring the pain and searched for the support to stand.I stood up with the help of the chair.

"You are going to stab me with your knife poor you first save yourself," I heard Shakuni whispering in my ears.

"Come come my Dhaksha make this Duruyodhana happy you want some privacy," he laughed.

"Enough Duruyodhana Enough. I can't watch Hastinapuram Raja sabha getting this much impure. Please order to leave that poor girl," Pitamah begged.

I should endure this pain a little more after...Dhaksha you can...

I'm watching my loving wife die in front of me...Vasudeva help her please help her....

Pain increased as time passed.
My dear Dhaksha , enduring this pain for your sakhi..But your fate has blocked me from helping you..
This Krishna can't watch you screaming.....

To be continued....

Do you think Draupadi's fate has changed?

Why do you think Krishna can't help Dhaksha?

What will happen to Dhaksha?

Will Karna help her?

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Will try to update my next chapter soon!!!

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