Game of dice Part-3

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Draupadi's pov

It's been soo long she didn't return yet.I secretly ran outside from the room and saw from the stairs.What's happening ,she said I will endure the pain.She is enduring it instead of me...What I have done,made my sakhi suffer....

"Dhaksha!!!!!," I shouted from here so that all could hear.

I ran down the stairs...

"Leave her!!!," I pushed Dhushasana away.

"Dhaksha look Dhaksha why are you doing this, why instead of me!!!!," I cried.

I was about to remove the blindfolded cloth.

"Dhushasana the fish have trapped itself to the net, take her!!!!," Duruyodhana shouted.

"Leave me leave me now,Dhaksha speak up speak something!!!! I'm sorry that I  let you go!!!," I shaked her while struggling with Dhushasana pulling me.

But she didn't move an inch she completely lost her consciousness.she was sitting in the floor her head hanging down.

"Pitamah!!!! Is this Hastinapur Raja sabha watching all adharma.Don't call yourself Pitamah of us all while you are watching your two daughters suffer!!!," Bheem shouted.

How will she forgive me, hell is awaiting for me .For I sitting as stone watching my wife suffer!!

"Leave me!!!," I pulled myself from Dhushasana.

"Pitamah Don't think yourself that your are spending your life for preaching dharma now what's happening here watching a girl getting harassed.She's our Kolavathu,"I shouted.

"And Dronacharya Guru Drona I guess you are no more Guru.Watching your trainee hurting a girl.Is that what you taught in Gurukulam!!!!" I shouted till my throat became dry.

"What I have done to you my Dhaksha, you had faith in me you worried about me getting hurt. But now I have let you endure the pain instead of me," I cried.

"Your are my slave too dear Draupadi, your husband Yudhistran lost you too," Duruyodhana laughed. "No use of screaming my dear , no one is going to listen to you."

Dhushasana took me by hair and pushed towards the game board.

"Leave her leave her let me endure the pain for the sake of my Sakhii," I saw Dhaksha begging to Duruyodhana.

"Don't beg Dhaksha , the mens here are all ruthless. Look even my husbands who bet on their woman for just an game!!,"

"You don't have to beg, I told you right let's face it for the sake of darma".

"Do you think I will leave her soo easily.she was the one who embarrassed us in Rajasuya yoga by getting our weapons, look Dhaksha now pandavas sitting like stone, sorry you can't see right," Duruyodhana said by holding her hair.

"Come Draupadi come sit in my thigh make me happy," Duruyodhana laughed.

"Duruyodhana!!!!!,remember I will tear the thighs and kill you in my hand!!!!.You can't escape with this," Bheem shouted.

"Ahaann What can you do how can you doo?," Duruyodhana laughed.

He said by shaking Dhaksha by hair.

I wanted to kick him and crush him but Dhushana got me soo tightly.

All she cared was me...

I'm proud to be your brother Dhaksha..Soo selfless enduring pain and now begging to leave her too.
Tears rolling down, my body felt all the pain she felt.

"The more you beg the more I feel like I should torture her more," Duruyodhana whispered.

"Dhushana leave me," I pushed him and pulled Dhaksha.

"I should have listened to you and leave from here early," I cried to her while holding her.

"Leave please leave now Sakhi," Dhaksha whispered in pain in my ears.

"I won't leave you alone my sakhi," I said."It's our freedom no one has the rights over our will and freedom. You all are considered to be monsters who ruthlessly tortured a women."

"Freedom is not just an cloth which can be taken away" I shouted while I made Dhaksha sit down as she fainted and became weak.

"Dhaksha!!! Dhakshaa," Arjuna came from there.

"Don't touch her you have lost your place as her husband a long before when you saw her getting tortured without even helping her.What's the difference between you and that monster Duruyodhana?," I shouted.

I deserve this yess she is right I let her suffer like an stones sitting still.I wanted to hold her in my hand and hug her but I already lost that place.

"Oh yess so cloth can be taken away,"Duruyodhana smirked."Dhushana take away her cloth in front of all."

So this is what Dhaksha meant pain for me I deserve this for letting my sakhi suffer.I jointed my hand and closed my eyes and started praying.

I felt Dhushasana pulling my cloth away.

Dhaksha's pov

I came to my consciousness as I heard Duruyodhana ordering Dhushana to take Draupadi cloths away. I tried to move but my body was too weak to move.

I didn't know what to do I just sat and seek Vasudeva's help.As I know Vasudeva would help Draupadi now.

We were sitting like dumb fellows watching our wife Draupadi's disrobing.Madhava please her your sakhi and my Dhaksha from suffering...

Dharna shall be preached and adharama shall be destroyed.
For the love and kind you had on me and for the fate I shall be on your side , dharma's side.....

I saw the more Dhushana pulled her cloths more and more cloths came from above.I guess this is Madhava is helping.After he became tired,all our jewels were thrown away from all men in court room.

"This Raja sabha have become soo impure and filled with adharma.No one has the brave to help a woman, no one even thought that a woman shouldn't be harassed this much. Is is what Hastinapur Rajasabha calls dharma??," Draupadi shouted.

"You all will face the consequences,you all tried to takeaway my cloth now you guys are the one without your jewels" Draupadi pointed Duruyodhana.

I tried to get up and go near her but suddenly everything went blank ,I fell down.

Draupadi's pov

"I think Draupadi needs more go and give her more Dhushana!!!," Duruyodhana commanded.

He was about to take me Suddenly...

Dhaksha stood up from her place and ran towards , she kicked Dhushana so hard that made him Fall so hard.

Everyone one in the hall became astonished!!!.

Is the time to know Dhaksha's fate now, her part in Mahabharata.
The reason why she became my sister. Time to know why she married Partha,time to know why she was tortured along with Draupadi....

To be continued.....

Wanna know why Dhaksha was tortured too?

Wanna know about the destiny?

Why history didn't change but extras were added like Dhaksha being tortured..?

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As I'm having tight schedule of online classes ,there will delay of posting the upcoming Chapters.
I will try to post as soon as possible.💛

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