History changes

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"We should go there," Yudhistran said.

"Yeaahh Yeahh," My Aarya nodded.

"I m soo happy that they have planned to welcome us," Draupadi said.

"What happened Dhaksha anything wrong?," Draupadi asked.

"Nothing," I just faked a smile.

I know everything about what's going to happen to my sakhi and Pandavas, yet I m so selfishly keeping quiet what to do.

"How are you all?," I heard Kanha Na's voice.

"Bhaiyaa,"I ran and hugged him.

"Pranam Madhava," Arjuna greeted.

"Pranam Govindharae," Draupadi said.

"Greetings All," Kanha greeted back.

"What happened Dhaksha anything wrong,you don't seem okay to me," he looked at face."Anything happened?".

"No,I'm just excited  to see you"

"Ahaan," He replied.

He knows why am I like this

"You have arrived in right time Govindharae, we have got two good news. One  Your sister Subhathrae is pregnant and two we have been invited to Hastinapuram," she said in excitement.

"I m soo happy see Subhathrae  as an mother and you should be happy too Dhaksha you are going to be mother too," Kanha said.

"Subham jeya!! Partha your son would be born with all your braveness and your qualities. Your son will be known to this world as brave warrior Abimanyu. Your son's generation will happily rule while preaching darma to this world," he praised.

They all looked so happy...


He turned and nodded.

We both went down to the garden.

"Vasudeva, I can't withstand this. Knowing they would be embarrassed in that Raja sabha how can remain quiet tell me" I shouted."Draupadi is my friend and after becoming a part of their family how can I leave them like this....?"

"See Dhaksha what should happen will happen,the adharma have to be destroyed from this world for that this is needed"

"But you can punish then right you can destroy those devils.. Why needed for this war ,I know I can't change history but my heart says no to hide  things...,I know your the preserver not the destroyer .But to destroy adharama that is the purpose of your incarnation right?,"

"I took this incarnation for preaching darma ,not to destroy people. Everyone have their own fate of death,remember Sisubala who was killed by me in Rajasuya yogam. That's his fate to be killed by me.So I can't Dhaksha ,it's Bheem who should kill Duruyodhana not me," Kanha Na said."Now just go and visit Hastinapuram and prepare yourself for what's going to happen "

"But what I am doing is adharama right,knowing everything I  let my family to endure pain No I can't!,"

"Fine Tell Draupadi about your truth and all ,and convince her not to go to Hastinapuram," Vasudeva said."It's all in your hand if you can convince her or not..,"

" Really,I m right away  going to say to her, "

"Best of luck my Dhaksha," he smiled his mischievous smile.

I saw Draupadi and told her about my flashback and truth.

"So you are really from future?," she asked.

"Yes I am,"

"So I wanna say something,"

"How did they show me?,"

"Yeah they have written you are the beautiful girl with dark complexion and brave tooo"

"That's soo good to hear"

So Draupadi because I know everything ,I know what's gonno happen tomorrow too,"

"Tomorrow we have been invited and we gonno enjoy!,"

"No the thing is quite opposite,listen I can't tell what exactly will happen as I have promised to  Vasudeva, but I am telling tomorrow is going to be the worse and turning point of both Kauravas and Pandavas life .Can you not go there?,"

"Oh my dear Dhaksha I understand that your concerned about me,but still I have borned to destroy adharama from this world,so tomorrow if that's the turning point of Kauravas life I'm really very glad to be there .I'm ready to endure the pain Dhaksha,that is what my father want too I think you have read about my birth too,"

"Yes,so really you gonno go,"

"Yes,we are going don't worry I will never let anything happen to you," she assured.

"So don't think too much and sleep well .I guess  Arjuna Aarya was looking for you. Go and see him,"

"Remember not to tell anyone about this please,even to Pandavas promise me,"I begged.

"I promise you," Draupadi smiled

This smile is going to vanish tomorrow Shit being here  I can't do anything.

I went to garden to get some lone time.

"Dhaksha,"Aarya called." What happened why are like this I have never seen you like this,".

"Nothing just an headache Aarya," I replied in weak tone.

"No there is something tell me what is the problem?,"

"No no go and take care of Subhathrae, Aiyanae she might need help,she shouldn't be lonely in this time,"

"No I can't leave you like this too," he shouted.

"I'm all fine,see normal,now please go and take care of my sister!,"

"Wait are you by any chance jealous,that I give more attention to Subhathrae?,"

"No I'm not jealous,why would I be she is my sister and you are her husband you taking care and giving more attention to her is your wish what I have to do with it"

"I'm just having headache that's it,"

"No even though you have headache you are always goofy and funny I knew it,"

"Aiyanae can you please stop this shit,oh yes I m jealous happy. Now please go I need some alone time,"

"Dhaksha you don't have to be this much angry on me,As your husband I am trying to take care of you that's it,"

"I told right I have headache and need some lone time , Listen Rajkumar Arjuna people always can't be happy and goofy all the time.I have emotion too and I do become sad sometimes..,"I shouted.

" I'm sorry Mr Arjuna I can't be same always..,"

Shit did  I shouted too much.
God me and my short temper thing.

"I'm sorry,Dhaksha for behaving like this. Good night sleep soon and don't be out in night for so long," he said in weak tone but concerned and kind tone.

(After  sometime )

Shit I have to say sorry to him where is he.

I noticed he slept while sitting near the garden door.

Aww how sweet he is been watching at me,making sure I m okay or not.
You stupid Dhaksha shouted at him.

"Aiyanae get up let's go to Subhathrae's room,"I said while waking him up.

"Oh no I slept here. Are you okay Dhaksha?,"

"I'm sorry  My Arjuna I'm always short tempered as I had headache I reacted soo much, you haven't done anything wrong, you were always loving and caring .On the top you even gave me special attention,but all I did was fight .I never cared about you or nor been kind to like Subhathrae or Draupadi did,"

"That's what makes Dhaksha .The Dhaksha I loved is always goofy and funny .The thing I loved about us was fighting and reconciling after a fraction of second .No matter what I will love you forever Dhaksha,"

"Will you forgive me?,"

"Unless you smile I won't,"

I gave a little smile.

"Looking Beautiful my dear Dhaksha,"

"Okay okay,Go now look after my Subhathrae,"

"Let's wait and see the moon and stars for sometime and will leave please," he said.

"Okay" I smiled.

"Your are the only girl who made me beg and made me  to please," he laughed.

"I m Arjuna's wife I would have some pride right," I teased him.

"Haha right, "

As he said he took my hand and pulled me closer to him and I leaned on his shoulder. Enjoying the view there.

"Moon is beautiful right," I asked.

"Yes it is beautiful when it smiles," he said while seeing me.

"I asked the moon not me," I turned his face to other side.

"Right  I don't have rights to describe about my wife,"he pouted.

"Wanna start fight?,"

"Lord never!! you looked like the Goddess Sati when you were angry that time,I m never seeing that angry sati again," he teased

"So definitely it's gonno be fight,"

"No come,no fighting sweetheart,be the happy sati,she is the most beautiful woman you know,"

"So you are trying to console me by comparing me with Goddess Sati,"

He hugged me Suddenly

"You are always incomparable," he said.

God no wonder why many girls fell for him.

I forgot everything when I m with him. I even forgot about what's gonno happen tomorrow.
I even  forgot that I am just an girl from future visiting the  past.
I am just totally completely madly truly in love with him.....

To be continued...

Imagine this Dhaksha drawn when she was in Indraprastha.
She actually was well versed in Archery. Portrayed and known as a brave woman.

What do you think will happen?

What do you think would happen to Dhaksha in Hastinapuram?

Why did Krishna refused to help Dhaksha and insists her to go there?

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