Golden days

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I gave him my painting and ran down to garden.

I bumped into someone again.
No I don't want anyone to see my crying face.

"What happened Dhaksha anything wrong my dear?," Draupadi asked.

I just gave her a glance and ran to the garden.

Arjuna's pov

I turned the board to see her painting

It's me.....

I thought that painting was Angaraj but that was me...
No no I messed up

These many time she loved me like I did,Oh No What I have done!

I have even asked that are you seducing me and all shit!!!

"Wait Dhaksha!!!"

I ran down.

"Aiyanae,She went to the garden," Draupadi pointed.

She was sitting there crying!!

"I'm really sorry Dhaksha,"

"No don't touch, you told right without a girl permission you won't touch her. You don't have my permission!!!," she said while crying.

"I'm really sorry Dhaksha,for what happened earlier please!"

"Don't be sorry," she said while crying.

"See the reason why I wanted you marry you is I loved you from the beginning,remember you were wearing yellow saree that day .I kept my feelings to myself,at last I decided to come out because I thought you liked me too. But hearing you saying that you married me because of Madhava really made me mad,"

"I fell for the moment I heard about you,"she said with soft tone." I' m sorry for teasing you too I should have never talked about Duruyodhana".

"Will you forgive your Aarya?"

"Mhmm..," she finally smiled.

"How was my painting, how did my Naatha look?,"she asked.

"You are more beautiful, Dhaksha!'

I held her hand to make her feel better,she leaned on my shoulder.
Felt good.

Dhaksha's pov

"Three two one,I m coming....," I said.

I taught them some modern games.
Now we were playing hide and clap.

"Draupadi!you are the Queen of Indraprastha,you are playing with them like a kid," Nakul asked.

"Yeshh Paanchali like a little kid," Bheem said.

"If you guys won't play and you afraid that you will lose what can I do .I m just playing with my sisters and Indraprastha is also in peace ,so no worries I'm soo happy Aiyanae,"

"Okay okay then let's play ," Bheem said and called his other two brothers to come.

"Where is My Aarya?"

"He might be practicing don't worry Dhaksha," Bheem teased me again.

"Three two one coming...," Nakul said.

God where should I hide. Here! Perfect place...

Suddenly someone pulled me.

"Aiyanae, you should leave me now. I m playing with your brother,"

"I m also playing with you Dhaksha...," he smirked.

"No...Go now"

"Who should I play with other than you Dhaksha!!," he smiled.

"Don't smile and try to change my mind"

"Go and practice now,if your brothers see this means that's it, especially Rajkumar Bheem"

"I have already seen this," I heard Bheem voice.

"So this is the reason you didn't come to play my dear brother!,"Bheem asked.

"Eee ,come let's go Dhaksha continue the game," My Aarya said.

Time passed I enjoyed each and every second in Indraprastha...

Being with Arjuna is good.
Practicing with him also made me to think about Karna and Radhai ma.

I hope I get a friend like Karna in my real life so that he can stay with me foreverrr!!

I sometimes thought about Mahabharata ending and crying that I should leave this place but the same time I missed my family too sometimes.

In Hastinapuram

Duruyodhana' pov

"I can't withstand this anymore Shakuni Uncle, we have to do something to that Pandavas,First Arjuna married Subhathrae now I was about to marry Dhaksha the girl I admired, he again interrupted and married her,such a shame to me...."

"Wait my dear Duruyodhana , I have planned a great plan definitely they can't escape this time" Shakuni Uncle said.

"What is it Uncle this time they are should get what I endured, Pandavas should be embarrassed, Draupadi should be punished for getting our weapons in that Rajasuya Yogam and Dhaksha should endure the same pain, when she planned to marry Arjuna her own sister's husband and embarrassing me"

"Don't worry my dear Duruyodhana ,I have already told your father to call them here for giving proper welcoming to Hastinapuram, at that time I will do what I have planned..."Shakuni Uncle said.

" Welcoming for them for that Pandavas and for that Draupadi who have married 5 men,for that Dhaksha who have married her own sister's husband? ,their existence itself is an shame!!!"

"Calm down my son, I have just used welcoming the daughter-in-laws as an excuse but the main thing is to embarrass them,crush them like an ant,"Uncle smirked." I m planning to play game of dice with that Yudhistran and make them slave my dear"

"But what if they win Uncle?"

"Don't worry my son... Dice rolls to my command Hahahaa!!!"

"What if Karna tries to stop because Dhaksha is Karna's Sakhi?"

"That is for you to handle your mythra my son"

"Pandavas wait and watch
LONG LIVE PANDAVAS," Shakuni Uncle laughed.

"I m going to crush them all"

Dhaksha's pov

My life at Indraprastha was soo good,I didn't know how much years have passed.

"Aiyane,"Draupadi called.

"What happened Paanchali?," Bheem asked.

"What's the matter why are you shouting Draupadi,"Nakul asked.

" Where is Arjuna Naatha,"Draupadi asked.

"Well he is practicing Paanchali" I said.

"Aiyanae!," Draupadi called again.

"Yes Panchaali what's the matter?,"
Arjuna asked.

"Your dear Subhathrae is pregnant!," she said with huge smile.

Arjuna saw Subhathrae, Subhathrae was blushing .They both smiled.

Even though Arjuna fell for me,in the real history Arjuna and Subhathrae love story was so touching and pure love. Not like us ,my love towards him is nothing compare to hers.

"Good news comes with new recipe laddoos Dhaksha , Even your going to become Subhathrae's child's mother," Bheem said.

"I m soo happy to be your child's mother, we are definitely celebrating this occasion," I said to Subhathrae.

"It's not only my child, your child too my dear sister," Subhathrae said.

"Long live,Charkavathi Yudhistran,"I saw a old aged man approaching here.

It's Vidhura from Hastinapuram.

"Welcome, what's with the sudden visit of Indraprastha, " Yudhistran asked.

"Hastinapuram had planned give their in-laws a proper welcome, you have to come to Hastinapuram it's Charkavathi's Wish," Vidhura said.

"We are soo glad to hear this, my brothers and Draupadi will definitely visit Hastinapuram," Yudhistran said.

"He also planned to welcome Dhaksha and Subhathrae too," Vidhura added.

"Subhathrae can't visit, as she pregnant pita ji," Arjuna said.

"Good to hear My son, Let your child grow like his father!!," Vidhura praised.

"We will be soo happy to visit Hastinapuram," Yudhistran said.

No no no this is it the game of dice and disrobing of Draupadi.

I can't change the history too I have promised to Kanha Na..

No they have invitated me too??

Lord, How the story going to change this time....

To be continued...

Kunti and Karna

Bond I admire the most

Is the story is really gonno change?

What's going to happen next?

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