Unknown feeling

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Dhaksha's pov

The Yati pointed at Arjuna's painting.
"What's that painting?" he asked me.
I don't wanna embarrass myself by saying that I drew Arjuna because he was on my mind all the time and I was getting obsessed with him.

"It's a painting of our cows at Dwaraka." I came up with the lamest lie.
"Does a cow have a bow in his hands?" he chuckled.

"I'm going to embarrass myself more if I just kept lying to him. Should I just tell him that it's Arjuna's painting?"

"Dhaksha!!!" I heard Subadra's voice.
"The best way to escape from here."
"Excuse me for a while. I think it's an emergency." I walked away from the garden.

"What happened, Subhu? Why are you screaming my name?" I asked her.
She cried as soon as I asked her.
"What happened, my dear?" I asked.
"Our brothers have decided to marry me off to Duruyodhana. I can't marry him, Dhaksha." she sobbed.
"Okay, Calm down." I held her shoulders.

"This is where Subhadra elopes Arjuna. I guess Arjuna's at Lord Shiva's temple."
"Let's me talk about this to Kanha na. Don't worry about this, okay?" I consoled her.
"Okay," she replied.

I ran to Kanha's Chamber.

"Why do you have to run so fast, Dhaksha?" Rukmini Ka asked.
"Where's my brother? I wanna see him right now." I was out of breath from running.
"My Aarya's sleeping in the garden," she replied.
I walked to the garden to see Kanha asleep on the grass beside the tree.

"I wouldn't have imagined seeing our Divine Narayana asleep."

"What happened, my sister?" he asked me with his eyes closed.
"Why would you want to marry our Subhu to Rajkumar Duruyodhana?" I sat beside him.
"Do you think I'll leave my little sister to that Duruyan?" he opened his eyes.
"This is where Arjuna marries Subhadra?"
"Yeah. I've already planned things. Trust me, things are going to be fine." he got up.
"You do know what's in your sister's heart, right?" I asked him.
"I'll always know what's in my sister's heart." he smiled at me.

"He knows what's in my heart?"
"Of course, I know." he smiled.
"What?" I exclaimed.
"Come, let's eat something." he walked away.
"Don't read my mind without my permission, Bhaiya," I shouted at him.

Preparations for Subadra's wedding were going on. Soon people from Hastinapur arrived at Dwaraka.

"I want to admire my sister a little bit more in her wedding dress. I'll bring her there myself. You all can leave." Kanha instructed all the daasi there.
"Bhaiya, I can't marry Duruyodhana." Subhu sobbed.
"Calm down, my sister. I know everything. Dhaksha, come with me." Kanha said.

We both got his chariot and waited for Arjuna to arrive. I stood staring at the gate waiting for him to come. It's been long since we've met. I remember being all mean to him the last time.

"There, he comes." he pointed to the yati coming from the garden.
"Why would he want the Yati to marry our Subhu when she loves Arjuna."

"Partha," he called out.
"Wait. The Yati was Arjuna. The person I spent the last few months with was him. The person I grew closer and closer to was Arjuna?" Is that why my brother won't reveal his identity?"

"The Yati staying in our Garden house was Arjuna?" Subhadra's face grew brighter.
"Is that why he seemed familiar, Bhaiya?" I asked.
"Yeah, my sister." he smiled at me.

Arjuna walked straight to us staring at me. I couldn't take my eyes off him. It was true now. He had the single most exquisite eyes. I thought I was being drawn to the Yati. But in reality, I was being drawn to Arjuna. Only him.

"Pranam, Madhava," he greeted.
He nodded his head at me and I smiled back at him.
"What's the matter, Madhava?" he asked.
"Oh, my dear, Parth. I want you to marry my sister." he held Arjuna's hands.
"You want me to marry Dhaksha?" he looked at me.
"No, no. He wants you to marry my sister Subhadra." I said.
"What? But-" Arjuna looked at me.
"I want you to marry my sister. I can't marry her off to Duruyodha as my Brother planned." Kanha na said.
Arjuna looked at me again with a poker face.
"Can you marry my sister, Parth?" Kanha na asked him again.
"Yeah, Madhava. As you wish," he uttered those words looking at me.
"I've already planned everything. Subhadra's going to elope you in my chariot." Kanha pointed at the chariot.
"Yeah. We'll manage Bhishmapitamah," I said.
I broke eye contact and looked away while he held Subhadra's hands and took her to the chariot.

We got back to the people.

"Maharaj Balram, where is Subhadra? It's getting late." Pitamah asked.
"I can't believe what I saw with my own eyes, Bhaiya." we entered inside.
"What did you see, Krishna?" Balram Na asked.
"Subhadra left with Arjuna in our chariot, Bhaiya." Kanha faked to be sad.
"Yes. We saw it too, Maharaj Balram." Gandharaj said.
"What did you say? Arjuna took my sister. I'm going to kill him." Balram na shouted.
It was indeed good to see things that I've only read in books and seen on TV.
"We should attack Indraprastha. How dare he elope my sister from our Dwaraka in our chariot.

"You can't attack them, Maharaj. Because Arjuna didn't Elope your sister. Your sister eloped with Arjuna. Subhadra was driving the chariot," Shakuni said.
"What?" Balrama Na exclaimed.

Bhismapitamah and Chakravathi Dhritarashtra both stood up.
"What you did to us today was adharma. Dwaraka's going to face the consequences soon." Chakravathi said.
"I'm sorry for what happened today. It's a shame to Dwaraka. We are ready to do whatever you want for this." Kanha apologized.
"Let's leave from here, Pitashree," Duruyodha shouted staring at me with his evil eyes.

They left the place soon
"I think we should start the wedding now," Kanha Na said.
"You were the one who helped them right?" Balram na smiled. "Are you sure about this wedding?"
"Yes, Bhaiya. I'm sure about this wedding." Kanha na replied.

Soon the wedding rituals started. Arjuna and Subhadra sat next to each other. When I saw Subhu smiling wide, the thoughts I had about Arjuna felt wrong. But when I looked at Arjuna, I felt sad for some reason.

I closed my eyes and prayed to god for them to be happy. I want both of them to be happy.

They got blessings from all the elders and Subhu ran to me and hugged me so tight.
"She was indeed a sweet human being."
And then Arjuna walked towards me.

"I was shocked about the fact that you couldn't recognize me." he smiled at me.
"You had those mass of hair hung down."
"What about my eyes you gaze at all the time?" he chuckled.
"When did I do that?" I faked to laugh.
"When did he notice that? It's embarrassing for me."
"What about you? Why didn't you tell me that you were Arjuna? Instead, you spend time with me." I asked him.
"That's because it was satisfying for me to watch you wash my feet," he smirked.
"Dhaksha, I think you should also go to Indraprastha." Kanha na walked towards us.
"Why? To console Draupadi?" I asked him.
"Yes, Dhaksha," he nodded.
"I'm going to return as soon as possible after consoling her. Cause I can't stay there for a long time." I stared at Ajruna.
"Why? You can't survive around me?" Arjuna smiled at me.
"Bhaiya, I don't wanna go there and stay with this Arjuna." I pouted.
"Why do you both always argue? Where are your manners, Dhaksha?" Kanha asked.

As we entered the gates of the palace, the fire started to scorch the ground stopping Arjuna's chariot. I got down from my chariot and stood in front of the fire, closed my eyes and lifted my foot to cross as the fire stopped burning.

I walked to  Draupadi's room and saw her weeping inside her room.
"How did you get in?" Draupadi looked up.
"That doesn't matter, Sakhi. What happened?" I asked.
"Why would things like this happen to me? I asked for one thing to him. Not to bring any wife of his to our palace. I love him with all my heart, Sakhi. I can't watch him being with other women in my chamber." she burst into tears.

"That's when I started to feel the guilt of admiring Arjuna. It felt wrong to have those thoughts. Being her Sakhi I shouldn't do this to her."

"It's gonna be okay, Draupadi. Kanha na wanted this to happen. Balram Na ordered them that either both of them should stay in Dwarka or both of them should stay here. Arjuna had no other go. He can't stay far away from you too. So he chose to come here. I know you feel hurt, and you can also think why he can't keep this one promise but think from his perspective. You will understand, my sakhi." I sat beside her.

"I have decided to hide my feelings for Arjuna and wait for it to fade away. Cause it won't be the right thing to do."

She cried leaning on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Dhaksha. For being there for me. I wish I had a sister like you," she said.

Days passed as I stayed there at Indraprastha because Draupadi wanted me to stay with her.

"That's not how you hold a bow." Arjuna chuckled sitting at the seat in the garden.
"Nobody asked for your opinion, Mister." I pointed to the target.
"Why do you always argue with her, Arjuna?" Yudhistran na laughed.

I focused on the target and released my bow which hit the centre perfectly.
"Look, my Sakhi hit it perfectly," Draupadi said while plucking flowers.
"It was her luck." Bheem na said.
"No more laddoos for you, Bheem na." I placed the bow on the seat beside Arjuna.
Arjuna gave me a stare and turned to the other side.
"Don't you dare to say those words? Alright, Dhaksha is talented." Bheem na said.

"Sakha," Draupadi looked behind me.
"Pranam Madhava," Arjuna greeted him.
"Bhaiya." I hugged him.

He looked at me and smiled in a mischievous way.
"What have you planned for me this time?"
"What's with the surprise visit, Govindha?" Draupadi askedz

"So I'm Planning.."

To be continued...

Arjuna and Subhathrae

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