Part 2 : The realization

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Virat remained unsettled in his room not caring to come out for dinner too. His words replayed in his head but he was too angry to comprehend right or wrong at that time.

He wasn't a kid, was he? Then why should he be treated like one? He could be out for whole day without giving an explanation to anyone. He didn't need to be taken care of. Mahi Bhai doesn't need to interfere in everything he does!

But wasn't Mahi Bhai just being caring towards him? As he always is!

Virat didn't know whatever it was but he certainly wasn't feeling good. There was a nagging in his head that he went wrong but his confusion and mixed feelings subsided it.

He didn't do anything wrong. But was he really right to do it?

And the question remained unanswered in his head as he fell into an uneasy slumber on chair itself.

MS never overthinks about anything which is not of any great significance. And as always, he tried to brush off his thoughts but couldn't conceal the feeling that tugged his heart. He knew there must have been something which led his Cheeku talk to him this way. But how would he justify all that he said?

His Cheeku asked him to stay away from him? He asked to not interfere in his life? Was he just another senior player? The scolding were always for his own good. How could he even think that his Mahi bhai wanted to belittle him?

He couldn't help as his mind asked these questions. He couldn't answer so he did what he assumed was the best to do at the moment. He brushed it aside and deep down he knew what he will be doing.

"Shall I call Virat bhai for breakfast?", asked Kuldeep as everyone else except Virat and MS gathered.

"No, kul, I'll call him.", said Rohit and went to Virat's room.

"Mahi bhai!",  Jassi said happily as hmm MS came.

"Thankfully, Bhai came. I hope Vi will sort it out with Bhai today.", said Jinks.

"I'm sure he will. He always does that.", said Bhuvi assuringly.

"Good morning, Bhai.", said Kuldeep.

"Good morning, kiddo.", replied MS taking his seat.

MS noticed that Virat wasn't there and how unusually silent everyone was. And Ofcourse he knew the reason too.

"Where is Ro?", asked MS.

"He went to call Vi.", said Bhuvi.

Rohit entered the room and saw Virat playing with his phone.

"Kya piya tha kal tune?", he asked coming towards Virat.

"What?", asked Virat perfectly knowing what his best friend was talking about.

"Stop feigning. Why did you say all that?", snapped Rohit.

"Maine kya bola? I was..",

"Kya bola?! Do you even know what all you have said to Bhai yesterday? Pagal ho gya tha kya? Chal ab I know tujhe galti karne ke baad akal aati hai. Apologize to him now!", said Rohit expecting Virat to agree.

"Maine kuch galat nhi kaha. He should stop those teachings of him in everything.", said Virat defending himself. He wasn't angry anymore but he was merely trying to convince himself  that he wasn't wrong.

"What are you saying, Vi?", asked Rohit shocked by Virat's reply.

"I said exactly what you heard. And if this is what you want to talk about then I don't want to talk.", said Virat making it clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Ah.. Okay. I came to call you for breakfast. Let's go.", said Rohit trying to be calm.

Everyone was happy when they saw Virat with Rohit. As Virat saw MS, he instantly felt guilty for last night but he composed himself and went ahead. Virat always had his seat fixed beside MS and although everyone fought for that seat usually, they intentionally left that seat today. Rohit took his seat and Virat hesitantly sat beside MS.

MS looked at him for a fraction of second before turning to Hardik who was asking his useless questions. Virat hissed.

Is Mahi Bhai angry?

"Did you talk to Vi?", Jinks whispered to Rohit and Rohit told him everything in short.

"What?", shrieked Jinks before becoming calm, "I have an idea, Ro", exclaimed Jinks.

"I'm done, guys. I'll go as I have some work to do.", said MS and left.

"Vi, I think you were right. You didn't say anything wrong yesterday.", said Rohit out of nowhere shocking everyone including Virat too.

"Yeah, Ro. Even I feel he said nothing wrong.", agreed Jinks shocking Virat to core.

"Are... Are you guys okay?", asked Virat.

"Ofcourse, we are. Why?", replied Rohit casually.

"No.. Nothing. I'm done.", Virat said and left.

Rohit and Jinks gave a thumbs up to each other. They explained their plan to provoke Virat to make him realise his mistake to others too and everyone agreed to it.

Virat sat in his room thinking why did he feel so angry when Ro and Jinks agreed with him when he saw it's time for practice.

During practice, his mind was not able to concentrate and as result he was making mistakes in hitting the balls. He was about to leave the nets when he saw MS walking towards them and he felt very smug expecting MS to scold him or tell him where he was doing wrong. But MS walked to Bhuvi passing Virat, telling him something about his bowling line. Virat's face fell.

"I don't like this.", said Bhuvi to Virat.

"What?", said Virat coming out of his own thoughts.

"I don't like how he has to pick out the faults everytime. He isn't our coach to teach us.", said Bhuvi.

"He is trying to help you, Bhuvi", said Virat immediately defending his Mahi Bhai.

"Yeah but Virat, you only said that he should be knowing his role in team. He shouldn't interfere in everything.", said Bhuvi knowingly.

"Oh.. Yeah. I said that.", said Virat in a small voice and moved away.

He saw MS helping Rishab with his keeping and Hardik wailing how Mahi bhai didn't come to him when he asked and instead went to Rishab. It was now slowly sinking in him. He was beginning to understand how terribly wrong he was when he said those things.

"He shouldn't scold me like this.", said Jassi sitting beside Virat.

"Who scolded you, Jassi? Tell me?", asked Virat like a protective brother.

"Mahi Bhai! He always has to scold me about something or other. Can't he...", complained Jassi half heartedly.

"You shouldn't say this, Jas! You know he does that to make you better. His scolding are always beneficial.", said Virat in a angry tone.

"Why are saying all this to him, Virat?", said Rohit coming towards them with Jinks, "Wasn't it you who made us realise that Mahi Bhai should mind his own business? He is just a senior player. We don't have to listen to him always..",

"Just shut up!", shouted Virat interrupting Rohit, "Have you guys lost it too? How can you talk like that about Bhai? He loves us so much and that's why he is always concerned for us. He is not just a senior player. He is our elder brother. He is our Mahi Bhai! He is..."

He stopped midway as he noticed everyone giving him a delighted smile.

"So, finally you realized that you had lost it!", exclaimed Rohit happily while others were also delighted.

"What? What do you mean?", asked Virat confused.

"You still didn't get it?", asked Jinks.

"We planned it Virat Bhai", completed Jassi.

"Planned it? You guys agreeing with me, Bhuvi and Jas complaining and everything was planned?", asked Virat.

"Yes. We had to do that.", replied Jassi, " Though I hated to say something like that about Mahi Bhai.", he added quietly.

"So did I, Jassi.", said Bhuvi.

"And we had to do it just because of you.", said Rohit, "To make you realise your mistake. Such a dumb you are! Now, do you realize what your words were last night?"

"I'm sorry, Ro. I'm sorry, Jinks, Jassi, Bhuvi and everyone.", said Virat feeling terribly guilty, "I know I'm a jerk. I behaved so rudely with him. I spoke without acknowledging my words. And after that when I should have rushed to him to say sorry, I just ignored him and my guilt. What will I say to him now? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", he said looking down, unbearable guilt taking over him.

"Hey, Vi, it's okay. Just sort it out with Bhai.", said Jinks keeping an arm around his shoulder.

"Yes, Virat Bhai, we know you didn't do it intentionally. You can never do wrong.", said Kuldeep making Virat smile.

"Now, I will kill you if you keep overthinking instead of going and apologizing to Mahi Bhai.", said Rohit.

"Yeah, let's go.", said Virat as the practice time was over and everyone started walking out when Virat hugged Rohit.

"Thank you!", he said in the hug, "What will I do without you?!"

It was night time when everyone was in their rooms. Virat thought it would be the perfect time to talk to Mahi Bhai as he would be alone in his room right now.

He walked to Mahi's room and the door was open as always so he entered gaining attention.

"Bhai..", Virat said hesitantly.

"Yes, Virat?", said MS calmly sitting on the couch as he knew Virat would come soon. He knew his brother too well for it and he had decided how to deal with it too.

"Bhai.. I'm sorry, Bhai", Virat started in a thick voice with his head bowed, "I'm really very, very sorry, Bhai. It was childish of me to say all that and very stupid of me to not rush to you and apologize that very moment. I need... "

"It's okay, Virat. What are you sorry for?", interrupted MS.

"I know you are angry, Bhai. You should be. But please don't say like that. Please forgive me, Bhai.", said Virat in extremely small voice.

He had expected Mahi bhai to scold him or be upset with him but not this. Mahi bhai couldn't be like this with him.

"That's what I'm saying, Virat. As you said I'm just a senior player and you really need not to feel sorry for expressing yourself.", said MS standing up.

"No, Bhai! Please! Please, aisa mat kaho. Scold me, even punish me if you want to but...", said Virat close to tears now.

"That's what I'm doing, Virat. Now, will you please leave?", said MS coldly.

"Mahi bhai, please..",

"Leave.", said MS sternly.

Virat looked crestfallen but he couldn't disobey Mahi Bhai so he silently left the room.

Mahi bhai clutched his hands as he saw Virat leaving. It was really hard to be strict with Virat sometimes.

How much he wanted to hug his Cheeku and tell him that it's okay!
How difficult it was to talk to him in that tone when he was apologizing in such a small voice!
How tough it was to agree to his apologetic words when he was already regretting!

But it was MS! His ways are always different. He perfectly knew what he was doing.


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