Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

       Agatha wasn't happy when we told her we got a spot on the talk show. It was really hard for me to hold back a smile but she had it coming.

       She should have been more professional and not take the call around five young adults who wanted her to quit.

       While we were backstage getting ready, I couldn't help but notice one of us was looking very nervous, which was odd because out of everyone, he was the one least likely to be nervous.

       "Are you okay, Ricky?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Ricky said. "Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?"

       "Because you look really nervous," I said. "And don't deny it. You're rarely nervous so when you are, it's really obvious."

       Ricky sighed. "I'm not nervous about the talk show and performing, if that's what you're thinking. I just... Nothing. It's not important."

       The tone of Ricky's voice made me know something was wrong. He just sounded very worried about whatever he was nervous about.

       "If you've got something to hide, you know you can trust me, right?" I asked. "Especially if it's something you don't want the rest of the band to know about. Or Agatha."

       "It's nothing, really," Ricky said. "But... Can you cover for me afterwards? I have to leave literally as soon as the talk show is over. Not even a minute later. Like right away."

       "Yeah, sure," I said, not wanting to question him about it anymore. I knew what it was like keeping a secret from the band and honestly, even though we were all the best of friends, it was sometimes best to keep things to ourselves.

       Especially with Agatha as our manager.

       I just hoped she would quit soon so we wouldn't have to deal with any of this any longer.

       The talk show was close to starting and while we were backstage, I felt Agatha glaring at me the whole time and honestly, I was enjoying it. She seemed so close to snapping and I couldn't wait.

       Ricky was still looking nervous up until it was time to for the interview portion of the talk show. He just wiped that look off of his face and went back to his normal expression. 

       All of us hadn't been on a talk show together for a while, and none since it was revealed that Aviva and I were dating. 

       In fact, the last time we were all on together was when I had to 'confirm' Chelsea and I were dating. At least now, all of that was over and it was publicly known about me and Aviva. 

       I had a feeling that was going to be one of the topics on the talk show, and that would definitely make Agatha mad.

       I couldn't wait.

       And I was right. The host Jenny did ask about me and Aviva, and I wanted to look backstage to see Agatha's fuming face but I didn't. 

       "So with my understanding, you five live together," Jenny said. "I can only imagine how close you all are. Has your closeness changed at all ever since two of you started dating?"

       "Oh, no, definitely not," Otis said. "We're still the best of friends, and Malachi and Aviva dating doesn't change that. None of us ever feel left out or anything, and we're still as close as can be."

       "And happier," I said. "Definitely happier."

       The audience awed at that and I swore I could hear scoff. She really needed to find a new hobby. And a new job. Preferably one that didn't involved working with people. Or even animals. Wouldn't want animals to be near someone as cruel as her.

       I could feel myself smiling a lot through the interview. It just felt great to be part of the band again without lying to everyone about something like dating Chelsea. We were finally allowed to be ourselves.

       It soon came the time to preform our brand new song that we just recorded not too long ago. Like Ricky's brother suggested, it was about Agatha and all the restraint she put on us and how we couldn't wait to be free from her.

       Unfortunately, she hadn't realized it yet. Or if she did, she wasn't saying anything.

       But my money was on the former because she was quite daft.

       Even though the song was about Agatha, she didn't come to mind at all while we were performing. Major Vocal performing together was one of the best feelings in the world and at times, it felt like it just made all of our problems wash away completely.

       Ricky wasn't lying when he told me he had to leave as soon as the talk show was over. As soon as the producer announced that it was a wrap, Ricky was gone. I did wonder why he did take off so fast and what was making him so nervous, but again, I wasn't going to question him.

       He obviously didn't want anyone to know.

       Agatha walked over to us, furrowing her eyebrows when she noticed Ricky wasn't there. "Where's Ricky?" she asked.

       "Family emergency," I said. "He got a call when we were waiting to go on so he told me he had to leave as soon as he could."

       "That's a bit unprofessional," Agatha said.

       "You mean like you not being the one who got us the spot on the show?" I asked.

       "That was your fault and you know it," Agatha said.

       "No, it's your fault for taking the call in our house," I said. "We can do whatever we want in there, and I wanted to play my guitar. You should have taken the call in your home."

       Surprisingly, she didn't even bother arguing back. She knew I was right.

       After we thanked Jenny for having us on the show, we left the studio to head home. Once I got into the van, I got a text message from Alistair; I got MV a gig at the annual Christmas charity concert in LA in two weeks. You're welcome.

       I smiled as I told my band mates what Alistair did for us.

       "You see? This is how a real manager works," Aviva said.

       "Okay, I'm not taking Agatha's side or anything, but she does get us gigs too," Otis pointed out. "Then again, she has been trying to get as a gig there for the past two years. How did Alistair do it?"

       "He's just a very charismatic person," I said. "He would be the perfect manager for us once Agatha quits. Speaking of, we need to up our game."

       "East," Otis said. "Tell her you got us the gig. No offense, but she hates you the most and that will really set her off."

       "No offense?" I repeated. "It's my life mission to be hated from her. That's a compliment. But you are right about that setting her off. I don't think it will be enough to push her off the edge, but we will be very close."


PSA: MAJOR VOCAL IS GETTING A THIRD BOOK! woo. anyone wanna guess that main character of that book??? (hint: it will be an all new POV so not aviva or malachi)

i might make it so each member gets a book. idk. we'll see if i can think of enough ideas for this series to get five books.

...i say as the protector series has 10+ books oof

buuuuut anyway, i'm updating this a lot more often now wooooooo. 

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