Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

       Word was already getting around about me and Chelsea possibly dating, especially since after we walked around Vancouver she showed up to Major Vocal's comeback show which was honestly the worst one ever.

      We played extremely well and it was amazing to be performing again, but it was the worst one ever because I couldn't jokingly flirt with Aviva anymore on stage otherwise people either wouldn't believe the publicity stunt.

       I really hoped we would find a way to get out of the contract soon so I could go back to flirting with Aviva on stage, and so we could actually come out as dating.

       Agatha was over at the penthouse, and I was sprawled out on the couch as I ate food; what else was new?

       "Well, it looks like everything is going according to plan," Agatha said. "A lot of media outlets are talking about Malachi and Chelsea, and in just a short amount of time, they'll be able to confirm they're dating. All we have to do is figure a story on how they met and started dating."

       "Ooh, how does this sound?" I asked. "Through our managers. Pretty realistic, right?"

       "Will you ever be able to take anything seriously?" Agatha asked.

       "No," I said. "Especially not this publicity crap. It's rubbish. And you do know when Chelsea and I tell everyone we're 'dating', it's going to create a lot of backlash, right?"

       "From whom?" Agatha asked.

       "Uh, Avivachi shippers," I said. "Aka the biggest fanbase within Major Vocal's fanbase. They're going to be pretty pissed when they find out Aviva and I are not a thing, especially after all the teasing I've done."

       "Then here's an idea," Agatha said. "Next time, listen to me and don't tease them."

       My childish side ended up pulling through and I stuck my tongue out at her when she wasn't looking. Ricky noticed and muffled a laugh, and Agatha looked over at him. "May I ask what's so funny?"

       "Oh, nothing," Ricky said. "Except for the publicity deal. That's pretty funny."

       "I don't care what any of you say," Agatha said. "I'm not changing my mind about it. Now, I just noticed we're missing a member. Where's Aviva?"

       "You just noticed?" Ricky asked. "She hasn't been here the whole time."

       "You didn't answer my question," Agatha said.

       "You don't have to know our every single move," I said. "Aviva went out somewhere, and that's all I'm telling you." Aviva wasn't even out anywhere special. She just went to her family's house since it was her grandma's birthday.

       I just didn't say anything to annoy Agatha because she was always annoying me.

       I was supposed to go with Aviva, but I couldn't because Agatha told me I had to stay to discuss the publicity stunt and if I bailed, she was going to cut my paycheque.

       She was starting to get a bit too power hungry, and I didn't like it.

       I was starting to think it might be easier to fire her and when she sued us for breaking the contract, we would just pay the fine and be done with her.

       Too bad we didn't know how much money we would lose from breaking the contract.

       "I still don't get why Malachi had to be the one to do the deal," Ricky said. "It would have been a lot more effective if it was someone that wasn't from Avivachi, so their fanbase won't go crazy. Someone like, I don't know, me."

       "Because she probably wants to keep me away from Aviva," I said.

       "You two are getting too close, and I've send numerous of times that you're not allowed to date," Agatha said.

       "Of course we're close," I said. "She's my best friend, and there's nothing wrong to being close to her."

       "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure if they were going to date, they would have started by now," Junior said, trying to play along, which I really appreciated. "But they're not, so you have nothing to worry about."

       "Come on, it's going to happen eventually," Ricky said. "And let it happen. But in the meantime, I say we create a huge plot twist. Just think, everyone is talking about how Chelsea and Malachi are possible dating. Then, all of a sudden, it's actually me and Chelsea dating. Everyone's minds are blown, everyone's confused, and then everyone ships it. And as a plus, Avivachi shippers won't get mad."

       "Yes," I said, pointing at Ricky. "For once I agree with you. Avivachi who? All I know is of Rickelsea." It was a huge bonus that Chelsea was actually interested in Ricky, but I didn't tell him that.

       I wonder if I did, that would get Agatha to change her mind about the deal.

       Just kidding, she was too stubborn and she was never going to change it.

       "I finally like you now, British Boy," Ricky said.

       I gave him a weird look and mouthed, "British Boy?" as he continued talking.

       "Let's get Rickelsea trending," Ricky said.

       "Absolutely not," Agatha said. "The deal is happening with Agatha and Malachi, whether you all disagree with it or not. It's already in action and nothing you say or do will change it."

       "What if I accidentally am caught kissing another girl?" I asked.

       "Accidentally," Ricky emphasized. "Must be accident, or else you'll be a cheating cow."

       "Nothing you say or do is changing my mind, got it?" Agatha said sternly.

       "When you say nothing....?" I began just to bug her, but she only got even more mad.

       She gave me a sharp look. "I will cut your pay right now if you keep this up."

       "I will drop out of the band if you keep this up," I shot back.

       "Malachi...." Otis said.

       "What? She's annoying me," I said. "She's more strict on me than anyone else. Agatha, I'm already doing this stupid publicity stunt. I'm not going to be an idiot and find a way out of it. I'm going along with it, so actually appreciate it for once."

       She wasn't going to and I knew she was going to get a lot more strict on me, especially if I kept giving her attitude.

       I didn't care. I was going to keep giving her attitude. If we had to deal with her, she had to deal with me.


Malachi, my baby, I'm so proud. <3

Don't worry about Agatha. I have some plans for her. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

And now, I sleeps. 

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