Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

       I didn't know how I was going to be able to make it through today. Major Vocal was heading on a talk show in New York to discuss our reunion and upcoming plans for the future, and Agatha told me if they asked about Chelsea, I had to confirm we were dating.

       I knew it was going to be hard for Aviva as well. She has to pretend she was happy for me when in reality, this business deal was tearing us apart. At least Chelsea knew about it, so she knew not to do anything that would push the boundaries.

       That, and whenever we had to hang out together, she would go on and on about Ricky. As much as I get annoyed by Ricky basically all the time, I was going to have to set him and Chelsea up when this whole deal ends. I honestly think they would be a good match, especially because she could probably calm him down and hopefully make him less annoying.

       "Remember," Agatha said to me backstage. "If they ask about Chelsea, you confirm it."

       "Or I can say we're just friends to build up the suspense," I said. "Or, even better, I can say she's actually dating Ricky."

       "Yes," Ricky piped up. "That would surprise everyone, like we said early. The fans think one thing, but another thing is actually going on."

       Agatha didn't look impressed that we brought this up again. I just wished she would stop forcing me into this deal. Both Chelsea and I didn't want it, and Chelsea told me she was even trying to talk her manager out of it, but like me she had no luck whatsoever.

       Some managers, as good as they, needed to understand that they didn't know what was best for their client all the time, and that they should let us live more loosely. We already had so much pressure constantly being in the spotlight, making fans happy, being snapped by paparazzi. Some times, we just wanted fun and to do things our way.

       That was never possible in Major Vocal with Agatha as our manager.

       She even once tried talking me and Aviva out of adopting our dog because it would be 'bad for business' and 'too much of a hassle'. I didn't know what she was drinking that day, because Aviva and I were doing perfectly fine taking care of Duke, even during our world tour.

       "Not happening," Agatha said. "I've told you all many times that it's only happening with you, Malachi, and it's too far into the deal to switch things around. Oh, and by the way, when you're on the set, you and Aviva aren't allowed to sit beside each other."

       I scoffed. "What are you going to do next? Ban us from being best friends? Kick me out of the penthouse so we can't live with each other? Or even worse, move in yourself so you can keep an eye on us?"

       "If it comes to that, I will."

       "Uh, Agatha, with all do respect, you can't just move into the penthouse, especially without our consent," Otis said. "We're the owners, not you."

       "I'm going to quickly talk to one of the cameramen," Agatha said, completely ignoring Otis before walking away.

       "We are so changing the lock on our penthouse and not giving her a spare key," Ricky said. "She's sickening me."

       "Yeah, me too," Otis said. "I definitely do not want her living with us, especially with us trying to find a way to get out of the contract. I seriously can't wait to be done with her."

       "Trust me, we all can't wait," Aviva said.

       It wasn't long before the host of Live Tonight, Desmond, called our band onto the stage. This was the second time we were going to be seen in front of an audience, the first time being during our comeback concert, and the audience did not disappoint. They cheered loudly as we walked onto the stage.

       I wanted to defy Agatha and sit down beside Aviva anyway, but I was the last one to walk on the stage, so the only available seat was the one on the end, which was on the other side of Junior.

       "It's really good for you all to be back on the show," Desmond said. "Especially since Major Vocal had reunited. Tell me, did you have any plans to reunite after splitting up?"

       "Honestly, no," Otis answered for us. "Malachi and Aviva were the only two who didn't agree with the band splitting up and they tried their best to get us back together, but the three of us were just too stubborn."

       "Yeah, it wasn't until the award show that we realized how much we missed performing together and being a band," Ricky said. "Otis and I weren't even planning on performing at the award show, but when I saw Malachi, Aviva, and Junior go backstage, I couldn't resist not performing."

       I was really glad Otis and Ricky decided to perform with us, otherwise we might not have gotten the band back together. It would have just been me, Aviva, and Junior.

       More and more questions came, and I was really happy Desmond didn't bring up Chelsea.

       Until the very end of our interview.

       "So, Malachi," Desmond said. "I'm sure you know of all the rumours being spread about you and Chelsea. I mean, it would seem pretty hard for any celebrity not to hear rumours about them. Are you willing to answer the biggest question to this day to avoid anymore speculation? Are you and Chelsea James dating?"

       It was easier to answer the question than I thought it would be.

       Mainly because I just pretended he asked if me and Aviva were dating.


      "Yes, we are dating," I said, still pretending that the question was about Aviva, only so it would seem more believable. "We've been dating for quite a while now, and honestly, I couldn't be happier."

       I actually could be happier.

      And that day would be when Aviva and I were finally allowed to announce that we were dating.

       Who knows when that will be?


lol short author's note cuz i is sick and just want to go to bed lol.

agatha can fall in a ditch shovlled by jerlan oops.

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