4: Storm

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It was just them. Her, him and their little baby in a cradle. They stood in the vast whiteness outlined only by the storm circling them. Wild purples and reds dancing around them in a crazed nature; just like her emotions. 

She had her lips on his as they kissed passionately... and desperately. Their last kiss. As her tears fell, she thought about her little child who would grow motherless, but she had to do this. Soon his tears joined hers as he drew her closer, as the storm grows impatient. Her dress flowed around her slowly ignorant of the restless winds. Ignorant of the thousand emotions trapped in this space. This space that now seems too little. 






She finally pulled away, looking sideways; her baby. At her everything. The last time she'd see them. She smiled sadly before getting on her knees. She was highly aware of the other people. The people waiting on the other side of the storm. Waiting to kill them all. Reminding her that she had to. 

So taking his hand, she lifted it pointing his gun straight at her. His eyes widened. He would never. But she knew that, so as she slowly rested her hands on his, she gave him one last smile. "it'll be ok," she whispered right before pressing her finger... and pulling the trigger. 

Then, it all happened in slow motion. The winds slowed down, 


then veered

just as she started falling. It all collapsed, moving towards him and his child faster than light. He quickly let go of the gun as he took hold of his child, shielding it from the world. The one thing that will remind him of her. His everything. And just like that, they'd both disappeared, before her body could even hit the ground. Before her hands could grow cold and before her eyes became dead. 

Now they'd be safe. 

Safe from everyone. 

Everyone and everything.

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