5: Friends and Forever

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Friendships, am I right? They're such a complicated procedure. A (possibly) long (possibly) tiring journey of laughter, memory-making and growth. Some friendships have the rockiest path. From jeez, that they're so frustrating and arrogant, I honestly want to kill them to I'd love to travel around the world with them and experience the most childish stuff together. Other friendships just click and you find yourself talking to that person until 3 am. 

In both cases, you probably always wonder whether this friend of yours will stay forever or not. Maybe you're upset because you know that once you get into college, you'll never talk again. Or maybe they'll invite you to their wedding and then the responsibilities of life will stop you from seeing each other. The truth is, people are different. Yes, we should celebrate our differences. Yes, we should be friendly with all kinds of various people. In the end, however, friendships become weaker and people move apart. 

So, yes, maybe I don't see you in my future. Perhaps, knowing my dreams, I'd prefer surrounding my adult self with a different category of people. Maybe that makes me a bad person since you're so kind and nice and have always been there for me when I needed you. Or perhaps I'm two-faced since I always tell you that we're best friends even though, in my opinion, we're not. Maybe I just can't love you as much as you love me. Perhaps I really am a monster, who knows? But love is amorphous and nebulous. It has no distinct form, no defining boundaries. 

Our friendship might not be everlasting, but in the brief period that we are friends, I'll make sure you're loved. I'll do the smallest things to ensure your safety. I'll hail a cab from across the street for you, then walk you to it. I'll get two of that certain treat because I know you love it. I'll glare at that classmate who insulted you the other day. I'll stand on the outside when we're walking together on the street. 

In short, maybe I don't love you, but I can still make you feel loved.

Just 300+ words of me rambling. What'd you think of it? Also, I'm not saying these things apply to me or you, I just used first and second povs because it's easier to comprehend that way. Feel free to leave a comment telling me what your love language is! 

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