A Familiar Face Of A Forgotten Past

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Hey, Ryan here :) Sorry for not updating, I got busy and you know. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Serena's POV

Ash and I wandered around the neighbourhood abit, I was kinda getting bored actually, after all we have been walking around for almost an hour now.

I don't mean it as a bad way, but I kinda am getting tired and I just want some place to rest for a bit.

But everytime we stop walking I would always feel like someone is watching me from somewhere far, yet in a close range where I could see them..

It's making my heart skip a beat actually, but I don't know why though..

"Hey Sere, you wanna go back home? Mom is kinda worried about you leaving the house early in the morning, and if we don't get going she might have a panic attack" I nod in reply and we then turn back to head back home, but as we move on forward the feeling of being watch grew more and more stronger than before.

It was very annoying if I say so myself, as we walk back I would glance from left to right, trying to find that mysterious figure or something that was either watching me.

There is no way I'm imagining it, there is no way this uneasy feeling in my chest is just me being insecure. I grit my teeth and grip my shirt, I closed my eyes as I continued on walking forward.

It was making my heart pound so hard, I didn't know what to do.

"SERENA WATCH OUT!!!" I glance at Ash who was trying to reach out to me, but then I felt my whole world turned blank as I get hit by something big and hard.



???'s POV

I watched it happen right before my eyes, my heart shattered as the truck run her over. The boy quickly goes to her side trying to wake her up, but it was no use, she was out like a candle from that hit.

The world around me disappeared as I look at her covered in blood, I girt my teeth and ran to her side. I didn't care if I'm some nobody to her, nor care if she sees me anymore.

It was time for her to know the truth..

I kneeled down to her side looking at her injuries, the boy looks at me with widened eyes.

"You're that woman who helped us save her from Giovanni!!" He exclaimed, I glance at him not saying a word, he was indeed the boy from 19 years ago.

"We need to go to the nearest light source of nature" I said as I picked the girl up, the boy had a confused look. "Light source from nature? What is that and why?" He asked, I didn't have the time to answer him, Serena was first and answering questions is second.

I ran on ahead looking for an opened area where the moon could be seen clearly and would reflect light brightly. I look behind me to see the boy just inches away from me, I smiled, he really did care for her.

Finally, after looking for an opening for a couple of minutes, we found one. I placed the girl down on the grass, I pulled out a flute and wait for the moon to fully glow.

"What are you doing?! This isn't a time to play some music!! Serena needs help!! We need to get her to the hos-" I cut him off by covering his mouth with my hand, I looked at him with my cold serious eyes.

"If she were to be taken to that medical place of yours, she will reveal her true self by forming a large amount of stardust surrounding her body. She doesn't need this treatment from you humans, she needs treatment from the same kind of creature she is." The boy was taken aback, I shook my head and looked down at Serena.

She was in pain and her body was covered in bruises, I couldn't look at that face without being far away from her, but now I can and she looks so much like him..

19 years ago..

I close my eyes and played the unholy flute, the moon started to glow down on us and I could hear gasps from the boy.

'Please, whatever you do, don't take her life from me' I pleaded as I play.

Serena's POV

The feeling of being trapped in a room with no light other than the moon, was it really like that? Was it really my origin?

No, it couldn't be from the fact I was human before. But, how exactly? What turned me into a creature from pure on stardust and the heart of gold?

So many questions but no one would be there to answer it for me, and clearly Arceus would not answer it for me judging from the fact he wants me back to my so called "home".

Home huh? Where do I truly belong? I don't belong up there and that's for certain, but do I belong here? Do I belong or deserve to be in this place filled with people that can convey emotions and have their own free will?

Just the thought of it makes me tremble, but then again I can't. I was in a darkened room where there are nothing but whispers of my regret.

It was so boring here, I wanted to leave but couldn't. It was like I was back to that lonely chamber of mine.

But in the distance I could hear something, soemthing that needs air to be played. What was it called again? Ah yes, a flute.

I try to find where that is coming from, but I couldn't move for some reason. I tried reaching out to it, but like not being able to move I couldn't reach out my hand just even a tiny bit.

Is it useless? Is there no hope for me?

No, I can't think like that, I don't want him to worry..

Who was he again?

Oh right, Ash.

What's going on with this mind of mine right now? Why am I forgetting someone so important to me? It must be from how much I've been thinking.

I look up and saw a black void, a void that seemed to take away your energy to move or to even speak.

But I can't lose hope! I need to wake up! I need to be in his arms and dearly hugs him, but again who is he?

It's so clear, yet so blurry for me to recall. Was that boy I'm talking about Ash? Or someone else?

"You wish for an answer?"

I look back up again and saw a shadow, a shadow that looked familiar.

"You wish to know who you really are? Who you were years ago?"

I couldn't nod, but I get the feeling that figure knew that I wanted to know more.

And just like I thought, it knew and went beside me.

"First, you need to wake up"

But how exactly?

"Think about him"


"The boy you loved, his name was Ashton"

Ashton? Who is that guy? Why is my heart beating so fast from hearing his name?

"Think about him and you will remember, I guarantee you, you will either regret it or not"

I thought about his name, and it made my head light. What was going on? The black void and darkened area was getting replaced by a forest, and the next thing I knew I saw a man who looked like..


And that's it ^-^ I know cliffhangers are the worst xD But I needed to make sure this book is filled with tension from time to time :3

So, I hope you guys enjoyed and see you guys in the next chapter.

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