Ashton And Serenity

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Ryan here ^-^ you're probably wondering why White isn't the one writing this chapter :/ well you see I owed her two chapters for this book and I'm about to repay that debt xD

I hope you guys enjoy~

Serena stands up and runs up to Ash, but when she pats his shoulder the boy infront of her wasn't him.

"Ah, you're finally here Serenity" his voice was deeper and he looked more mature than the Ash she knows, just exactly what was  going on?

"I'm sorry, I just lost track of time" her eyes widened from the sound of her voice, but also from the fact she said it without her knowing.

The boy pats her head, from the contact Serena felt a warm feeling in her chest. As if it was melting her heart away, a small smile formed on her lips as she closes her eyes. She was being treated like a child, but she didn't care for some reason.

"There's no trouble from having fun and losing track of time" the boy who looks identically like Ash said, Serena examines his face, he still had those Auburn eyes she loves and the heartwarming smile.

But, there was no lightning bolt marks on both of his cheeks and that made her wonder.

Who is he exactly? A bit who just coincidentally look like Ash was talking to her, and she or maybe not her is casually talking to him.

"Yes, but I didn't want you to think I have left you for some cheap nuisance man. My heart belongs to you Ashton" she gasped, was she really saying that out loud?! She loves Ash not this Ashton!! She needed to get out of here, she wanted to go back!!

But she couldn't as Ashton hugs her from behind making it impossible for her to get out of his arms. It made her feel so warm and secure, but she didn't want to.

She wanted Ash..

She wanted him not this boy!!

But what she did made her mind break, she turns her head to meet his eyes and kissed him. Kissed him!! How is she going to explain this to Ash?!

She was just in another world and kisses someone she didn't know, yet felt so loving for him??? No!!

A part of her wanted to cry, but the rest was indeed happy from his presence. She tried to break away from his tender loving hug, but her heart forced her body to stay still.

She wanted to scream and yell Ash's name, but couldn't, because what if she opens her mouth and says something she didn't mean like earlier?

"I will never leave you Serenity, you are my goal" Ashton whispered in her ear as he caresses her cheek, Serena felt her heart skip a beat from the tone of his voice..

It was making her mind go light and her vision blurry. It's like she's....

She's inlove with him and not the boy Ash Ketchum.

"You too are my goal my dear Ashton, I love you just like how I love the night and bright stars" She said unintentionally, she wanted to rip her mouth into shreds, but her body stayed still feeling the warmth from the boy.

'Ash, please save me!! I want to go home!!' She cried in her mind, but then came a realization.

Was this hear origin?

Was this her real supposed life?

Yes, it could be!! But, why?

She glances back at the boy who was still hugging her. He showed love and care in his eyes as he pecks her right cheeks making the honey blonde blush.

It was so clear yet so blurry to her that she just wanted to just know the answer from someone.

But who?

She slowly opens her mouth to speak, but was cut off by an ear-splitting scream. The two looks to where the voice came from and saw fire.

A woman was there trapped, unable to break free. The fire started spreading and the woman cried for help.

Serena's heart shattered from the sight, but why? Could it be because she was witnessing a woman in danger? No, this feeling is not fear. The emotion she was feeling was despair.

She opened her mouth to try to call out to her, but as she did she blurt out "MOTHER!!" Her eyes widened, the woman who was trapped in a pile of wood was her mother.

She looks at Ashton who just stood there in denial. She grits her teeth and broke free from his hug and ran to her mother's aid.

She looked around as she ran, there was a pile of burnt wood and some broken glass. Why was there glass? She looks to her mother to see her trap on a pile of wood that shaped as of a roof, then she realized that this was a house that was blown up to pieces.

"Serenity no!!! You mustn't!! His doing this to get you!!" Serena stops from her mother's voice, it was a hint of desperation for her daughter not to come any closer and a tone of needing help.

She glances back at Ashton who just stood there frozen like tree. "What are you doing Ashton?! Help me!!" Finally she was able to say something she wanted to, Ashton shooks his head and ran up to her, but was soon cut of by a man who carried a sword.

"Well, well, well, it seems that Ashton Ketchum indeed has been a coward since the very start" the man smirked and slice both of his cheeks, Serena screams from seeing Ashton get sliced by both of his cheeks.

"Serenity run!!" She looks back at her mother and a tear ran down, she looks up and saw the stars she dearly loves.

The man turns and was laughing meniacly. "So, hand over that little ribbon of yours" she glances down to her outfit and saw a blue ribbon that was neatly tied on her collar. She grips on it and glares down at the man infront of her.

"I would never give it to you as long as I lived!!! I wish I was somewhere away from you and somewhere I cannot be human!! As long as I am away, you cannot harm the people I love!!" Serena said with anger, she showed no mercy on glaring at the man, but then the ribbon glowed bright and the stars started to glow brighter than usual.

She glances at her mother then at Ashton and she heard them say her name.

It was all so clear to her now, a small smile curved on her lips as a tea run down.

So this was the reason for her to become another creature?

The light surrounded her and the area around her exploded as the light flew really high up.

But after that everything was blank.


She slowly opens her eyes and saw two figures looking down at her, before she passes out again she muttered.

"Ashton, Mother...are you there?"

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