Another ordinary day

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White here, I'm sorry for umm not updating. Something came up and I was literally forced to not use my phone, nor even wake up for like a day or so? I don't know...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy..

Ash's POV

We were already at school listening to the history teacher who's talking about the great War 1000 years ago.

It would be any ordinary day if it wasn't for Serena looking at everyone with caution. Why? Well, ever since she cried in my arms yesterday she has been cautious towards others. I don't know why's as if she knew, but judging from her actions towards Dawn and the others during lunch she didn't.

What might have made her a bit to careful around the others?

I look at Serena who was listening attentively at the teacher while from time to time looking at the students that were near me. She's starting to freak me out like some yandere or something..

"Ever since the war has passed the survivors became quite distant towards people, foreigners, and to their family as well. They believed that the war were caused by the ones they care the most, and they truly believed in it that they caused another war between survivors and people who weren't involved"

Everyone looks at each other with concern, I look at Serena who had fire in her eyes. Please don't tell me she actually believe what those survivors believes! I tap her shoulder which snap her out from what supposedly in a deep thought, she instantly look at me in confusion.

"You okay?" I asked she hesitated at first, but nods in reply and looked back at the teacher who was continuing the story.

"Many have died, and the survivors dominated the land that century. Until a shooting star fell on the land and supposedly said brought light to the world. Well, that is merely a legend. No one knows if it was true or not" Oh believe me teach that was true.

Serena raised her hand and the teacher allowed her to speak.

"What was it that made a shooting star fall? Was it a coincidence or from a wish?" Everyone turned their attention at Serena who stared blankly at the teacher, the teacher was also shock from how serious Serena is from the topic, but decided to explain.

"Well you see Ms. Yvonne, it was actually from a wish. They said that one person wished on a star and truly believed that it will come true. After he wished for peace the star fell on the land and brought peace. The survivors were all killed, because of their tainted hearts and corrupted minds. From that wish everything came to life once again" Serena sighed as if she was relieved, but why?

"Why do you ask anyway?" The teacher asked "You see, I know that legend. It was said the fairy like creatures would appear when a human being wishes upon a star and it would come true" She explained, I and the rest stared at Serena in awe. Of course I know she was referring to her kind, but just knowing from the fact those creatures have been here for thousands of years blew my mind.

"I see..then you are quite a genius" the teacher complimented Serena and the whole class applauded Serena from her knowledge.

Finally the school bell rang which means the next class is Sports once again.

While we were walking along the halls, Serena held onto my arm and dragged glared every girl who she sees. I sweatdropped from her protective nature, but this was getting weird.

"Serena, please stop this" I pleaded, she let go of my arm and raised an eyebrow at me "What do you mean?" She asked "I mean this whole act! I get it that you don't want me to go away, because I'm your boyfriend but the way you act towards others is giving me the chills!" I exclaimed, she looks at me then at everyone who she glared at.

A mix emotion of hate and sadness could be seen from her eyes, but she shook it off and replaced it with a smile.

"I guess I have been too clingy huh Ashy?" She giggled at herself and blushed from the embarrassment, I couldn't help but smile from her cuteness. She is truly a godsend from the stars, and I will never get tired saying it in my mind.

I grabbed her hand and she intertwined her fingers with mine, we both smiled at each other and then continued to walked towards the gym.

Once we arrived Gary and the others were already there smirking at me including Paul, but he's my friend! Did Dawn do something?! I glared at Paul and Dawn notice me glaring at her boyfriend glared at me. Serena notice our glaring contest and decided to leave my side to go to the changing room.

I was so concentrated at our glaring contest that I didn't notice Paul and Gary were beside me. The two pushed me on the ground and kicked me, Gary kneeled down and whispered in my ear "Remember, Serena can't know anything about this or else..." he made a sound of a person getting choked to death. Once again my body froze and they could clearly see fear of losing her in my eyes.

The two walked back to their group and I was still lying on the floor imagining Serena getting tortured, and it made me not notice that Serena was already beside me trying to snap me out of my thoughts.

My thoughts were interrupted by a whistle, I blinked a couple of times while the rest were listening to the coach who was announcing what game we would play today.

"Today you will play volleyball! Now, the team captains are Serena and Gary!" The two stood infront of the whole class, I could see Serena feeling uneasy by being stared at by countless guys who were drooling at her.

The two picked their teams and surprisingly I wasn't the last one to be picked! In fact, I was the first one to be called by Serena which is obvious.

The teams were..




The ball was given to Serena and she slowly made her way to the back and waited for the coach to say go.

He blew the whistle and Serena served the ball.

Gary passed the ball to Misty and Misty spiked it towards the very back, but Serena managed to hit it just before it touched the floor. Serena passed it on to Calem and Calem fired it straight at Gary, Gary quickly dodged it causing our team to get a point.

The game continued on until the school bell rang and everyone looked at the scores.

It was 15-00 (I don't know xD)

Everyone on our team cheered in victory while the other team went straight to the changing room.

Our team swarmed around Serena and smiled brightly at her.

"Your the new girl right? The one that stood up for Ash?" Calem asked "Yes, I'm the new girl" Serena said politely, Shauna squealed from Serena's attitude towards them and tackled her into a hug "YOUR SO KAWAIII!!!!" I and the rest sweatdropped from the sight of Serena getting hugged to death.

"So Serena you know them?" I asked "Probably not, she is still new" Clemont uttered "Well, let's introduce ourselves then!!" Miette exclaimed.

"Hi! I'm Calem"

"I'm Miette"

"I'm Shauna"

"I'm Clemont"

Serena looked at the one by one and smiled brightly at them.

"Nice to meet you all!" We all talked to each other until it was time to go home...

Day 5..finish..

Was this another ordinary day? For her?

See you guys after the next chapter :p

Peace out!

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