Stage 2

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Ryan here :) How are you guys anyway? Hope you're having quite a fine day ;)

White: Gentleman much? XD

Haha whatevs 😒😒

White: Oh c'mon 😉😉

Don't give me that look, and why are you in this chapter anyway?

White: Hey, my account means my privileges 🙃🙃🙃

Well, I hope you guys enjoy~

Gary's POV

Dawn and I were heading towards Paul's house. Along the way, Dawn saw Ash and Serena walking inside their house while holding hands.

"Hmm, Ash has gotten more manly since she came" she murmured "Don't tell me you have a crush on him!" I laughed at her "As if! Why would I like an idiot like him!" She rolled her eyes and walked infront of me "Whatever, so you told him to stay away?" She nods in reply, but didn't bother to turn her head to look at me.

"Good, now all we have to do is stage two and we're all set to make Serena hate him" I said to myself and a smirk formed on my lips as I laugh evily under my breath.

That's what you get for messing with me Ashy boy! No one shall beat me! Because I am the best! And no one will ever stand in my glory!!

"Oi! Gary! You there?" My thoughts were interrupted when Paul stood infront of me glaring deep within my soul.

"What's the plan?" He asked, I looked around my surroundings, and I was actually inside his house.

"Ok this is how it will go tomorrow.."

Ash's POV

Day 5..

Yesterday we went on a date and today, Serena and I decided to just go to the park because it's a weekend. Well, Serena suggested going to the park while I suggested going to the mall. If I kmow Serena, she would instantly say yes when it comes to the mall, but she said no which disturbs me..

Well, we are at the park right now. Serena on the swings while I'm under a tree watching the girl having fun by herself, she truly acts like a kid in my point of view. But she is still new to the world, and yesterday during our date Serena pretty much was clueless about common things that people knew when they were kids.

A smile could be easily seen from her even how far I am from her, I can still see that smile of hers a mile away. She turned her gaze at me and her smile grew wider than ever, I returned the smile and she jumped out of the swing and ran up to me.

"Wanna play a game?" She asked in a child like tone "Sure wh-" "Tag your it!" Before I could even finish my sentence, she was already running away from me while giggling.

"Hey!" I chuckled to myself and started to chase her around the park. We continued to run and tag each other by then people and kids were watching us play tag. I could swear some were smirking at me while the others had smiles plastered on their faces.

"Tag!" I exclaimed and ran away from her, she turned around with a determined look on her eyes and bolted like lightning towards me, she then tagged me and ran away from me as fast she could.

"Hey! No fair! I just tagged you!" I whined "Too bad so sad Ashy!" She teased and continued to run, I smirked at her and didn't hold back anymore. I sprinted towards her and the next thing she knew I tagged her and I was running away from her.

I hid behind a tree catching my breath, I look around and saw no one was around me which means Serena is still trying to look from me. I sat down on the ground and relaxed while waiting for Serena to tag me.

Serena's POV

I look around for Ash, but there was no sign of him anywhere. I turned around and accidentally bumped into someone, I fell on my butt and yelped from the impact of the hard ground. I look up and saw Ash's friend Paul, he extend his hand and I happily accepted it and stood up.

I pat my clothes to remove the dirt and sand and Paul looked at me for a sec and walked away.

"Bye then..." I mumbled and continue to search for Ash, but once I stepped forward my heart beat got faster. Then whisper echoed in my mind telling me Ash was in danger, I began to ran everywhere but nothing.

Where is he? Ash where are you?

Ash's POV

I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings, I was inside a cell with chains attached to both of my wrist. At my right were Gary and Misty smirking evily at me.

"What did you do to Serena?!" I growled at them "Woah! Fiesty huh? We did nothing to Serena. This is just a friendly warning to not mess with us, or else Serena will get hurt!" Misty exclaimed, I glared at them only to be glared back which made me shrink.

"Look, if you ever tell what happened to Serena you will regret it. Why? Let's just say, Serena will not be having at good time when you do" Gary smirked once again at me and removed that chains from my wrists and let me out of their house.

I look around and I was still at the park, but I didn't know where I was though. I pulled out my phone to call Serena and ask where she is, but before I could dial her phone I was tackled by the girl who I was gonna call.

"Serena?!" Serena didn't say a word and just cried silently on my chest. I pat her back to comfort her and once she was comfortable, she look up to me and pouted.

"We'll never play tag ever again!" She exclaimed as she rub her tears out her off her eyes.

"Ok, ok"

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