CHAPTER EIGHT, big time love song

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Andi had noticed a new girl had moved to the Palm Woods and decided to introduce herself to her. She seemed nice so she hoped they'd become friends. She had been walking in the lobby when she spotted the blonde sitting at one of the chairs, reading over what looked like a script. She figured the blonde must be an actress. "Hi," She greets after getting the courage to walk over to her. "I'm Andi Wainwright."

The blonde-haired girl looks up from her script and smiles at her. "I'm Jo. Jo Taylor."

"Nice to meet you." Andi replies with a friendly smile. "I just noticed you were new here so I wanted to come over and say hi."

Jo nods, tucking her script under her arm. "Yeah, I just moved in. It's all a bit overwhelming, to be honest."

Andi nods sympathetically. "Yeah, it can be a lot at first, but you'll get used to it. The Palm Woods is full of interesting people." She added with a small smile. 

Jo chuckles. "That's what I've heard. So, what do you do around here, Andi?"

Andi smiles, feeling a bit proud to talk about her role in Big Time Rush. "Well, I'm a songwriter, and I'm part of a band called Big Time Rush. We're working on making it big in the music industry."

Jo's eyes light up with interest. "Wow, that sounds amazing! I'm actually an actress. I'm hoping to find some work while I'm staying at the Palm Woods." She gestures to the script she held. "And I'm hoping I'll get this role I'm looking over."

"Well, I'm sure you will." Andi said reassuringly. "LA has a lot of opportunities for those in the entertainment industry. I'm sure you'll find something." She hoped so anyway. "Oh, and if you need any help or just someone to talk to, feel free to come and find me. Like, if you want a tour of the place I'd be happy to show you around." She offered. She didn't have many friends her age who were girls so she was hoping that Jo and her would be able to be friends.

Andi's friendly demeanor and offer to help immediately put Jo at ease. She smiles warmly at Andi's offer and nods appreciatively. "Thanks, Andi, that's really kind of you," Jo says, genuinely touched by the gesture. "I would love it if you could show me around sometime 'cause this is way different than from where I'm from. But I actually have a bit of unpacking left to do...Maybe you can help with that?" She tilts her head to the side, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "I mean, we could get to know each other and maybe even become friends?"

Andi's face lights up with a smile at Jo's suggestion. "Of course! I'd love to help you unpack and get settled in. It'll be a great chance for us to get to know each other better." She genuinely felt excited about the prospect of making a new friend, especially since Jo was a girl and around her age. Don't get her wrong, she loves hanging out with the boys, but it would be nice to have a friend her age that's a girl. The only one she had was Camille and she was busy most of the time which was understandable considering she was also an actress.

"Awesome, thank you! If you're not busy now, I could really use the help." Jo replied happily, thrilled that her and Andi are already hitting it off. She's always loved making new friends and Andi seems like a really cool person, so she's excited to get to know her better. She had been worried about moving to LA and not knowing anyone, so having a potential new friend in Andi already put her at ease.

"No, I'm not busy. I was just heading back to my apartment anyway." Andi admitted as she smiled at her. Jo nodded with a smile and got up, holding her script and they began to walk over to the elevators.

As they head towards Jo's room to assist with the unpacking, Andi continues the conversation. "So, where are you from originally? It must be quite a change coming to LA from there." She was genuinely curious about Jo's background and wanted to make her feel comfortable opening up.

Jo nods as they walk. "Yeah, it's definitely a big change. I'm from North Carolina and it's pretty different from LA, that's for sure. But I've always dreamed of pursuing a career in acting, so I knew I had to make the move eventually. What about you, Andi? Are you from LA?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, born and raised." Andi smiles, nodding in response. "Los Angeles has always been home for me. I've been around the entertainment industry for as long as I can remember. My mom works as a talent agent, so I've grown up seeing the ins and outs of the business." She shrugs. "It's definitely a unique lifestyle, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

Jo listens intently, nodding along with Andi's words. "Wow, that's really cool. It must be exciting to have such a close connection to the industry. I bet you've got some interesting stories to tell." She grinned, feeling even more excited about potentially becoming friends with Andi.

Andi chuckles. "Yeah, there have definitely been some interesting experiences along the way. But enough about me, I'm really curious to learn more about you. What's it like growing up in North Carolina?" She asked curiously while she had pressed the button for the elevator. The two girls continue to learn more about each other as they got into the elevator and waited to head to the floor Jo lived on.

The elevator doors closed as Andi and Jo continued their conversation. Jo began to share stories about her hometown in North Carolina, describing the slower pace of life, the close-knit community, and the beautiful scenery. Andi listened intently, finding Jo's stories fascinating and feeling grateful for the chance to learn more about her new friend.

As they arrived on Jo's floor, they stepped out of the elevator and made their way to Jo's apartment. Jo unlocked the door and led Andi inside, where boxes were scattered around the living room and bedroom.

"Sorry for the mess," Jo said sheepishly, gesturing to the boxes. "I haven't had much time to unpack since I arrived."

"No worries," Andi replies with a smile. "Let's get started, shall we?"

Together, they began unpacking Jo's belongings, chatting and laughing as they worked. Andi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the budding friendship between them. She was grateful for the opportunity to make a new friend in Jo and looked forward to getting to know her better. As they worked, Andi knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and she couldn't wait to see where it would take them.


"Today we are gonna sing a love song." Gustavo tells the boys while Kelly hands each of them a lyric sheet. "It's a slow song, about love."

The boys stare at each other with confusion and a bit of intimidation when they each notice the tall buff guy standing in the back of the room. "The record company wants one of your demo songs to be a ballad." Kelly said, now standing beside her daughter and Gustavo again.

"Okay, does anybody else notice the huge guy in the corner?" Kendall asked, pointing to Freight Train and the other three boys nod.

Gustavo points at Freight Train. "That's Freight Train, my new executive in charge of making people do what I say."

The boys flinch and Logan even hides behind James when Freight Train punches a hole in the wall. "Hi, Freight Train." Andi smiled at the intimidating man, waving at him as well. Freight Train returned the smile and waved back at her, much to the shock of the boys.

"Andi, why are you acting so friendly with the scary big man?" Carlos gasped, looking at her with wide eyes. Andi couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

She rolls her eyes, playfully nudging his shoulder. "He's not scary, Carlos." She pauses before adding, "Well, sometimes. But he and I are friends. Right, Freight Train?" She asked, smiling at the dark-skinned man, reaching out a fist to fist bump him. He nodded, smiling slightly in response and fist bumped her back which caused her to grin.

The boys watched the exchange with wide eyes, still not fully comprehending how Andi was able to act so calm around Freight Train. They knew he was Gustavo's bodyguard and could be pretty intimidating, so they weren't sure how Andi had gotten close to him.

Logan moves back to his spot as Gustavo looks at him and the others. "Now, this is a song about when you see a girl for the first time and you know she's the one. Do you guys know what I'm talking about?"

The boys stare off into space, each one day dreaming about a certain girl. While Carlos, James, and Logan were daydreaming about the new girl, Kendall was daydreaming about Andi.

Andi and her mother glance at each other, confused when they notice the boys all staring off into space with smiles on their faces. "Have they officially gone crazy?" Her mother whispered to her, earning a small giggle from Andi.

"Maybe?" She whispered back, shrugging her shoulders.

In the boy's daydream, Jo was walking out to the pool area wearing a 'I heart hockey' jersey, carrying a hockey stick, and she even blew them a kiss. In Kendall's daydream, Andi was walking out of the Palm Woods dressed in her 'I heart hockey' jersey, carrying a hockey stick and she looked at him with a smile that made his heart skip a beat. He had walked over to her and took her hand in his and they leaned in to kiss. He wasn't even snapped out of his daze when his friends started wrestling with each other, shouting 'she's mine' repeatedly. He continued staring off into space with a dreamy smile on his face, thinking about how amazing his life would be if he and Andi were together.

Andi was surprised when the three boys started fighting over a girl and Kendall just stood there, staring off into space. "Guys," She calls, trying to break up the fight but the three boys didn't seem to hear her. "Kendall?" She tries to get the blonde's attention, but Kendall didn't respond either. She walks over to stand in front of him, waving her hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to Kendall, are you in there?"

Kendall's dream was broken when Andi stepped into his line of sight, waving her hand in front of his face. He blinks rapidly, snapping out of his daze and realizing where he was. "Huh? Oh, um, sorry, Andi," He stammers, feeling a flush of embarrassment color his cheeks. "I, uh, got lost in thought for a moment there."

Andi chuckles, giving him a playful nudge. "Clearly. What were you daydreaming about? You had this goofy smile plastered on your face."

Kendall's blush deepens, his mind racing for an excuse. He couldn't tell her the truth, that he had been fantasizing about her. "Uh, it was nothing," He finally says, avoiding eye contact. "Just, um, thinking about hockey." He wasn't fully lying. His daydream had involved his favorite sport.

Andi didn't buy it, but she decided not to push him any further. "Okay, if you say so." She replied with a shrug. She moved to stand by her mom again, glancing back at Kendall once more. He was still blushing and avoided her gaze, keeping his eyes focused on the floor. She couldn't help but feel a little confused and hopeful that she was the one who caused him to look so flustered.

"Freight Train!" Gustavo gestured to Freight Train to stop the boys. Freight Train walked over to the three boys wrestling and picks up James and Carlos by their shoulders. The two boys let out a surprised yelp before they land on their feet as Freight Train then pulled Logan away from them so they stood by each other.

"Woah!" Carlos smiles brightly. "That was kind of fun."

Gustavo furrows his eyebrows at suddenly smelling something weird. "What is that smell?" Andi then realized what he meant and was confused about it as well.

James pulls out a small bottle from his pocket. "It's Barracuda Man Spray."

Andi rolls her eyes. "Why do you have that?" She knew that James was obsessed with it and was always carrying a small bottle around with him, but she never understood why.

"Because it's awesome." James grins. "We're in love with a girl at the Palm Woods," James points to the Barracuda Man Spray in his hand. "And this is my edge."

Kendall scoffs. "You need an edge?" He didn't understand how a spray could help him get the girl of his dreams.

Carlos turns to James with annoyance and exclaims, "You always get the girl!"

"Yeah," Logan chimes in, looking annoyed as well. "Give us a chance for once."

James raises a finger up as he dramatically says, "She will be mine."

Andi grimaced while Carlos, Logan, and James began arguing with each other again. She loved her friends, but sometimes they were a bit too much. She couldn't understand why they were so obsessed with this girl and what made her so special. She couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy towards her. She hoped Kendall wasn't interested in her, it seemed like he wasn't interested in the same girl his friends were so maybe he was thinking of someone else? She hoped it was her, but she wasn't sure.

Freight Train pushes the boys who were still yelling and fighting over to the isolation booth. "He is really good." Gustavo commented and Andi nodded in agreement.

Once the boys were in the isolation booth they start singing the song called 'Any kind of guy you want'. In Andi's opinion, she thinks the song is too slow. If she wrote it she would've made it more upbeat. She couldn't help but glance over at Kendall every so often and notice how he kept sneaking glances at her. She wondered why he kept doing that, was it possible he liked her the same way she liked him? Every time she caught him stealing glances at her, her heart fluttered and her face grew warm. She hoped that it wasn't just a silly crush and that it was something more.

Kendall couldn't help but steal glances at Andi throughout the recording session. He knew it was wrong to check her out while she wasn't looking, but he couldn't help it. He was completely mesmerized by her and couldn't keep his eyes off her. He also noticed that she kept sneaking glances at him, and his heart skipped a beat every time their eyes met. He could feel a warm feeling in his chest, a feeling he hadn't felt before. Could this be the beginning of a new romance?

Andi thought that the boys started out singing good, but then James suddenly started sneezing throughout the song and she began to get worried for him. Gustavo finally had enough of James sneezing in the middle of the song and gets the boys to stop singing. He takes the headphones he had on off and presses the button that allows the boys to hear him while he leans towards the microphone in front of him. He put emphasis on the words 'love' and 'not sneezing'. "This is a song about love, not sneezing!"

The boys jump back whenever the microphone feedbacks after Gustavo yelled into the microphone. Kelly leans forward, putting an arm on Gustavo's shoulder. "But the pollen count is really high today."

Kelly stands up as Gustavo turns to her and Andi. "Then get him to a doctor and fix him while I fix the song because it's horrible."

Andi lets out a sing of relief. "I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's horrible." She mumbled to herself.

Gustavo turns back to the boys, pressing the button allowing them to hear him. "Freight Train, take the boys home."

Freight Train nods and walks over to the boys. James shakes his head when he saw Kelly walking over to him. "No, I don't want to go to the doctor. I'm in love." He sneezed just as he said that. Kelly grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the isolation booth.

"See you layer, James!" Carlos grins. "We gotta go back to the Palm Woods now!"

Andi takes a step back when James rushes over to the microphone in front of Gustavo, pressing the button as he speaks to the boys. "You are not allowed to talk to her until I'm back." Kelly grabs his shoulder, trying to pull him away. "I mean it!" James shouted. He sneezed again and reluctantly left with Kelly.


While Carlos and Logan got the courage to speak to Jo, Andi and Kendall decided to hang out with each other and get to know each other a little better. As Andi and Kendall wandered around LA together, they found themselves chatting about various topics, from music to their favorite movies. As they walked, Andi couldn't help but notice how easy it was to talk to Kendall, and she found herself opening up to him more than she had with anyone else.

"So, what's your favorite thing about living here in LA?" Kendall asked, flashing her a smile as they strolled through the streets of LA. Their arms kept brushing up against each other when they walked, their hearts raced every time they touched.

"Definitely the weather." Andi said, returning his smile. "I'm definitely not a fan of the cold. Give me sunny days and warm weather any day." She chuckled, running a hand through her hair.

Kendall nods in agreement, his eyes sparkling as he looks at Andi. "Yeah, I totally get that. The weather here is pretty great. And there's always something exciting happening in LA, you know? It's like the city never sleeps."

Andi smiles, feeling a rush of excitement as she realizes how much she enjoys spending time with Kendall. "Yeah, there's always something new to discover and explore. It's never boring, that's for sure."

"So, tell me more about your songwriting," Kendall says, turning to Andi with genuine interest. "What inspires you to write music?"

Andi's eyes light up as she talks about her passion for songwriting. "Well, it's a mix of things, really. Sometimes it's personal experiences or emotions I want to express. Other times, it's just random ideas that pop into my head. I find inspiration everywhere, from everyday life to the people I meet." She pauses, glancing at Kendall and noticing how intently he's listening to her. It made her heart swell with happiness knowing that he genuinely cared about what she had to say. "I guess it's just a way for me to share my thoughts and feelings with the world, you know? Music has the power to connect us all, and I'm lucky enough to be able to create something that can make people feel something."

Kendall listens intently, hanging on her every word. He finds himself drawn to Andi's enthusiasm and creativity, feeling inspired by her love for music. "That's really cool," He says, genuinely impressed. "I've always admired songwriters and their ability to capture emotions and tell stories through music."

Andi blushed slightly at his compliment, feeling a warm glow of happiness spread through her. She's grateful for Kendall's support and encouragement, feeling a connection with him that she hadn't felt with anyone else before. She feels like she can be herself around him and she knows he feels the same way. Kendall can't help but notice the faint blush coloring Andi's cheeks and it makes his heart flutter. It makes him happy to know she's flustered because of him and he hopes he can make her feel that way more often. He loves spending time with her and getting to know her better, and he can't help but feel a growing attraction towards her. He knows he needs to be careful though, as he doesn't want to ruin their friendship by rushing into anything too soon. But he can't deny the butterflies he feels whenever he's around her, and he hopes that maybe, just maybe, there could be something more between them in the future.

As they continue to walk and talk, Andi and Kendall find themselves lost in conversation, enjoying each other's company more and more with each passing moment. Andi can't help but feel grateful for the chance to get to know Kendall better, and she finds herself growing more and more fond of him as they spend time together. Kendall feels the same way, feeling lucky to have met someone like Andi and hoping they can continue to grow closer as time goes on.

After a few hours of wandering around LA and chatting, Andi had gotten a text from her mom, saying they needed to come back to the studio so they headed that way. When they got there, they had noticed Kendall's little sister, Katie was there. When Andi asked her what she was doing there, Katie explained she was writing a report about someone she admired and that she chose Gustavo for it. Andi thought that was sweet of her.

Gustavo then had ordered Freight Train to go get the boys - Carlos, James, and Logan, who were still back at the Palm Woods, trying to get Jo's attention. Eventually Freight Train came back with the trio and along with Kendall they were put in the recording booth to sing. As they sang, Andi noticed some kind of mask on James' face and how his singing was muffled because of it. She furrowed her eyebrows, confused about why James was wearing a mask.

Gustavo stops playing piano, getting up to face the boys. "What was that? What was that?"

Kelly points at him. "You told me to get him to stop sneezing, and I did."

"But he can't sing!" Gustavo shouts. "And we have to sing this love song because the record company wants a love song, and I still hate this song!"

"Well, he refuses to take an allergy shot, and I'm not a nurse!" Kelly yelled, waving her arms around dramatically. Andi's eyes widen slightly, surprised and impressed by her mom's yell. Her mother rarely yelled, but when she did, it was a sight to see.

Gustavo raises his eyebrows. "Your yelling has improved. But more like this:," He raises his voice. "Get him an allergy shot!"

"It's my fault, Gustavo." James speaks up, taking off the mask he wore. He sneezes. "I need to do this. I'll go get the shot."

Kelly points at him, gesturing him to follow her as she leaves the room. James followed her, but then turns around doing a small dance while showing his Barracuda Man Spray. Carlos, Kendall, and Logan looked at him with wide eyes and looked at Gustavo. They each make up some excuse as to why they aren't feeling well and try to leave the room, getting stopped by Freight Train.

Freight Train looks at Gustavo. "It's not that bad of a song." He looks at Carlos, Kendall, and Logan. "In fact, if I was a girl and someone sang it to me, I'd be really touched."

Kendall raises an eyebrow at him. "How touched?"

"Like go out with you touched?" Logan questioned.

"If we sang this song to you-If you were a girl." Carlos said to Freight Train.

Freight Train nods. "Yeah."

That was all it took for Carlos and Logan to begin arguing with each other as Kendall started daydreaming again. Andi sighed and shook her head at the boys' antics, but she was still amused by their argument. She glanced at Kendall and noticed he was staring at her with a dazed expression on his face, a soft smile playing on his lips. Andi felt her cheeks flush as she realized he was staring at her, and she couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, Kendall was starting to develop feelings for her too.


Andi was now helping Jo unpack and Camille even joined them. Camille had met Jo earlier and the two quickly became friends like how Andi and Jo had. Camille had offered to help unpack and the three girls have been busy with unpacking and talking. They were getting along quite well and Andi was happy that Jo was fitting in so well.

Andi raises her eyebrows when she heard the faint voice of Logan singing and the sound of a guitar. She then was quick to realize he was singing the song 'Any kind of guy you want'. Jo went out to her balcony to see what was going on, smiling at seeing Logan was singing to her.

Andi shares a shocked and worried expression with Camille when they hear a crash. Then they heard Carlos sing the next part of the song. Another crash is heard and then they hear Kendall singing. Andi steps out on the balcony with Camille to see what the commotion was about, her heart fluttering when she saw Kendall's eyes lit up at seeing her as he kept singing. The way he sang made it seem like he was singing directly to her, it made butterflies swarm in her stomach and she felt her heart beat faster.

Kendall was suddenly pushed to the side by Logan, who now held a flower and tried throwing it up to Jo, but was quickly pushed to the side by Carlos. The boys continue to try to sing the song, Carlos and Logan trying to get Jo's attention while Kendall was trying to get Andi's attention. Andi couldn't stop her heart from racing and the way her face kept growing warm. She didn't want to misread the signals, but she was sure Kendall was singing to her. She could be wrong, but deep down she hoped she wasn't. The song started to get faster as the boys continued to fight and sing more upbeat. Andi honestly thought this was much better than the slower version Gustavo had them sing.

The boys start fighting with each other until Jo stops them. "Hey! Guys! Great song." The three of them look up at her with a hopeful expression. "But you should probably know that I have a boyfriend back home."

"What?!" Carlos and Logan shouted with disbelief. Kendall looked surprised as well, but he didn't seem to care much since he was too focused on Andi.

"But we can still be friends, right?" Jo asked, sending the boys an apologetic look.

"Yeah." The trio spoke in unison and both Carlos and Logan had an upset expression on their face.

Jo gives them a thumbs up and goes back inside. Andi turns to face Jo as she chuckles. "That was interesting to watch."

Jo nods in agreement. "Yeah, I agree."

Jo gives them a thumbs up and goes back inside. Andi turns to face Jo as she chuckles. "That was interesting to watch."

Jo nods in agreement. "Yeah, I agree."

Jo went back to unpacking and Andi walks out onto the balcony when she heard the familiar yelling of Gustavo. She noticed Gustavo, Mrs. Knight, Katie, and Freight Train each had ice cream and Katie was even on Freight Train's shoulders.

Freight Train puts Katie down while Gustavo speaks. "I know what this song is. It's not a slow love song; it's a fast love song."

"Katie." Gustavo points at Katie. "Do not finish that report until I finish this song." Katie nods and Gustavo points at Freight Train. "Freight Train, to the studio." He goes to jump into Freight Train's arms, but falls since Freight Train didn't catch him. Andi winced at the fall, watching Carlos, Kendall, and Logan rush over to help Gustavo up with a small smile on her lips.

Jo and Camille walk onto the balcony, standing on each side of Andi as they look down at the scene happening. Camille laughed at the boys' attempt to try and get Gustavo up.

Camille looks at Jo, gesturing to herself and Andi. "Uh, you told us that you didn't have a boyfriend."

"Uh, I don't, but I can't deal with that every day." Jo said, gesturing to the boys.

"They're actually not that bad when you get to know them." Andi reassures her. She shakes her head. "No, scratch that. They're crazy, but they're also really great guys." She said softly, her gaze landing on the boys, her gaze lingering on Kendall and she couldn't help the smile that tugged on her lips at seeing him stealing glances at her. When they locked eyes, they both blushed and smiled shyly at each other before they had looked away quickly.

Jo smiles a bit, glancing back at the boys. "Yeah, they seem like it."

"Boys are stupid." Camille chuckles. She looks at Jo with a threatening expression. "Remember, Logan's mine."

Jo raises her hands up in defense. "Got it." She looks at Andi. "Anyone else off limits?" She asked jokingly.

Andi didn't hear her since she had looked back at Kendall and her heart did a flip in her chest when she saw the smile he sent her. She didn't even notice Jo's question since she was so lost in Kendall's eyes. It seemed like they were the only two people in the world at the moment and nothing else mattered. Jo nudges her with a smirk, causing Andi to snap out of her daze and look at her. "Huh?"

"I was asking if anyone else was off limits." Jo repeats, smirking more when Andi's cheeks flushed. "And I think I answered my own question. Kendall, right?" She teased, nudging her friend with a chuckle.

Andi's blush grew darker. "N-No! We're just friends!" She denies, looking away from Kendall and clearing her throat. Jo and Camille gave her a look that clearly showed they didn't believe her. Andi laughs nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed by her obvious crush on Kendall. "Okay, maybe I like him a little bit," She admits, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "But it's not like he feels the same way about me."

Camille and Jo share a look, silently communicating before looking back at Andi. "Are you kidding?" Camille asks incredulously. "Have you seen the way he looks at you? That boy is head over heels for you."

"Yeah," Jo agrees, nodding in agreement. "I know I just moved here and I don't really know you guys that well yet, but even I can see that Kendall is crazy about you."

Andi's eyes widen slightly, surprised by her friend's words. She looks back at Kendall and notices the way he's looking at her, his expression full of adoration and affection. It makes her heart flutter and she can't help but smile softly at him. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that he liked her too.

Jo and Camille grin at the blushing girl, glad to see she was finally realizing her feelings for Kendall. "We'll let you get back to your staring contest with Kendall." Camille says, winking at her. "Come on, Jo. Let's go back inside."

Jo and Camille both giggle, heading back into the apartment as Andi and Kendall continue to gaze at each other. Neither one of them can deny the sparks that fly between them and it makes their hearts race with anticipation. They can't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, something more could develop between them. Andi couldn't help but feel excited and nervous about what the future may hold for her and Kendall. She knew it was early on in their friendship, but she had a good feeling about him and she couldn't wait to see where things went.


After the boys preform the song 'Any kind of guy you want' to Griffin, Griffin turns around to Andi, Gustavo, and Kelly. He stands up and Andi nervously bites her lower lip. "I tell you I want a slow love song," Griffin said to Gustavo. "And instead you ignore me and give me...A hit."

Andi lets out a sigh of relief at hearing that, happy that Griffin liked the song. Andi high fives her mom and Katie fist bumps the air. Griffin smiles and then grew serious. "But I still want a slow love song, and put the word baby in it. Yeah, that's good." He pats the side of Gustavo's face before he walks over to Freight Train. "And what's your name?"

"Freight Train." Freight Train replied.

Griffin nods. "Of course it is." He then left with his assistants and Gustavo turned to the boys with a thumbs up which made the boys jump up and cheer.

Gustavo sits down next to Katie. "Well?"

Katie takes her notebook and reads to Gustavo what she wrote. "'So, like all great artists, Gustavo finds his music in life, and that's why I admire Gustavo Rocque'."

Gustavo smiles. "Amazing." He points at her. "You forgot to write, 'I'm amazing'."

A/N i love kendall & andi so much

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