CHAPTER SEVEN, big time bad boy

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Andi was sitting in the studio with headphones on, listening to the boys sing the new song she and Gustavo wrote called 'This city is ours'. At the end of the song, Logan cheers, raising his arms up which made him accidentally hit Carlos in the face. Carlos wasn't expecting that to happen and ends up falling. Andi winced at the fall and takes the headphones off.

She follows Gustavo and Kelly inside the room the boys are at as Carlos got up. "You okay, Carlos?" She asked with concern.

He nods, looking at her with a smile. "Yep. I'm fine."

"Andi, Gustavo, yet again another great song." Kendall complimented, looking at Andi with a fond smile.

She returns the smile as she nods. "Thanks, Kendall."

"But the band isn't great." Gustavo chimes in and they each look at him with confusion. "What's missing is the secret rock and roll ingredient."

James points at him. "Hair mousse."

Carlos grins. "Chocolate mousse."

"Spandex?" Logan questions. He shakes his head, looking at Gustavo with a pleading expression. "Please don't say spandex."

Gustavo wraps his arm around Logan. "The bad boy." He moves over to stand between Carlos and Logan, putting his hands on both of their shoulders. "The ill-tempered rebel with a flair for synchronized dance." He moves to stand between Carlos and James. "One of you is it." He stands behind Kendall and James. He gestures to Kendall with a nod of his head. "I say it's Kendall."

"Gustavo," Kendall said, looking at Gustavo, who now stood beside Andi and Kelly again. "Why do we need a bad boy?"

Gustavo points at Kelly who shows a picture of Griffin and replays a message from Griffin on the phone she held. "Gustavo, it's Griffin. The band needs a bad boy. Now. Bye."

"He's driving me crazy!" Gustavo comments. "But he's also right, because the bad boy is a rock and roll tradition." Gustavo leads everyone to the hallway and over to the Boyquake poster on the wall. He points to the boy standing who had his arms crossed with his back to the others. "Notice the back turned to the rest of the band. Bad boy." He moves over to the Boyblast poster, pointing at the boy who was in the same position as the other one from Boyquake. "Notice the back turned, the dark clothing, and the scowl. Bad boy."

Kelly points at the boys. "But there can only be one bad boy of the group as learned from the bad boys experiment of '95." She turned around, taking the Boyblast poster off the wall, revealing the Bad Boyz poster where each member weren't facing the front and they were all wearing dark clothing.

Gustavo sighs. "Didn't sell a single CD."

"But we're best friends." Kendall pointed out. "We never turn our backs on each other." The other three chimed in, agreeing with him.



"Not gonna happen."

"Then let me let you in on another rock and roll secret." Gustavo said. "The bad boy is also the most popular member of the band, makes the most money, and dates the hottest models."

Carlos, Logan, and James immediately started saying that they can be bad. Andi grimaced as she looked at the guys. She knew this wasn't going to end well.


"You really think having a bad boy is a good idea?" Kelly asked Gustavo the next day. Both of them and Andi sat at a table at the end of the hallway, waiting for the boys to show up and see just how bad they can be.

Andi shakes her head. "I think it's a terrible idea."

Gustavo looks at her with a glare. "Nobody asked you. Quiet. Here they come." He said as the boys start walking down the hallway with Carlos, Logan, and James in the front. Carlos, Logan, and James all had dark clothing on and Carlos even carried a board of wood with him which made Andi confused. Kendall was the only one who looked normal.

"See? I told you." Andi said to Gustavo, glancing at the three boys in dark clothing as she grimaces. "Terrible idea." She repeated. She didn't like the idea of one of them being a bad boy and thought this wasn't going to work.

Kendall sits on the edge of a chair nearby as Carlos stands between Logan and James. Carlos holds the board of wood in front of his head and then breaks it by using his head. Andi and Kelly looked at him with wide eyes when he fell down.

"Next!" Gustavo yelled.

James stands in front of them, and takes the hood of the jacket he's wearing off of his head dramatically. "'B' to the 'A' to the 'D' that's me. A bad boy-ee." When he finished singing, he waved his hands in front of his face, and smiled widely, showing off the fake grillz he wore.

Andi cringes and shakes her head at seeing the fake grillz. "Really, a grill." Gustavo shakes his head and James walks off to the side with an upset expression. "Logan!"

Logan walks up to them, throwing his sunglasses off to the side. Andi furrows her eyebrows when Logan starts doing some weird dance moves and kept saying 'you like that?'. At the end, he wrapped his arms around himself like the typical bad boy does, but his hat ends up falling off, and he stumbled a bit to get it back on while still trying to look bad.

Gustavo slams his hands on the table. "No." Gustavo stands up and walks over to the seating area the boys are at. "Okay. So Kendall is the bad boy."

Andi and Kelly get up and go over to stand beside Gustavo. Andi notices that Kendall didn't look happy when Gustavo said that. Gustavo points at Kendall. "You're gonna need to start wearing black clothing and talking deeper and slower."

Kendall raises his eyebrows at Gustavo. "You mean be fake." He shakes his head. "I can't." He glances at James, who sat on the other edge of the chair he sat on, before looking back at Gustavo. "Besides, I'm terrible at faking."

"No, Kelly is terrible at faking." Gustavo said.

Andi nods in agreement. "Yeah, that's true."

Kelly looks at them with shock. "I can always tell when she lies to me." Gustavo added.

Kelly nervously laughs. "I have never...Lied...To you."

Gustavo points at Kelly. "See?"

"Gustavo, we just don't want anything fake about our band." Kendall said, standing up. Andi chuckles a bit when she saw James was copying the movements Kendall did.

Gustavo takes a step forward. "Your band? Your band? This is my band. Are you telling me that you're gonna ignore me and Griffin and the record company and not be our bad boy?"

Kendall nods. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Bad boy." Gustavo told Kendall and Kendall stomps his foot angrily. Gustavo looks at Kelly. "Get Griffin over here."


"Why isn't his back turned to the rest of them?" Griffin asked.

Gustavo angrily points at Kendall. "Because he won't do as I say!" He looks at Griffin. "Which makes him the bad boy."

Kendall shrugs. "And I don't turn my back on my friends."

"That's good. I respect that." Griffin walks over to Kendall and stands in front of him. "But I said I wanted bad."

Almost immediately Carlos, James, and Logan chimed in with saying they wanted to be bad. Carlos even brought out another board of wood and broke it with his head again. Andi sighed and shook her head when he fell on the floor. She hated how they were doing that.

Griffin takes a step back, standing in front of the boys. "A bad boy is someone parents would never let their daughters date, and I would let my daughter date any of these boys," He turns to Andi, Gustavo, and Kelly. "Which is bad. Do something about this or I will."

"Wait. I already did." Griffin smiles, gesturing to someone behind the three. "Say hello to Waynewayne."

A boy wearing a lot of black and gold and bling walks over to them and pushes his way to stand in front of the boys. "What what? Yo, yo, I'm Waynewayne. From the mean streets of Detroit. I'm bad-bad as my bling-bling and it's rapping grooves I exploit."

"Give him the contract." Andi's eyes grow wide at hearing that and she watched one of Griffin's assistants hand Gustavo a contract. This wasn't good at all.

Griffin wraps his arm around Waynewayne, turning to face Andi, Gustavo, and Kelly with a smile. "Isn't he bad?"

A disgusted expression forms on Andi's face as she looks at Waynewayne. She nods. "Very bad."

"But great." Kelly quickly added. She nervously chuckles. "She meant very bad, but like in a good way." Andi shook her head in disagreement, but didn't say anything.

Gustavo waves a hand in front of her, his way of telling her to stop, and Kelly was quick to shut up. Griffin turns to Waynewayne, raising his fist to him. "Waynewayne, blow it up."

"Later later, Griff-Griff." Waynewayne said, fist bumping Griffin.

Griffin and his assistants leave as Waynewayne turns to the boys. James then speaks up. "Yo, Waynewayne, I'm-"

Waynewayne slaps James' hand away since James had it up to fist bump him. James lets out a small yelp at how hard the slap was and yanked his hand away from Waynewayne. "Wasting your time-time."

"Look, I ain't here to make friends, okay?" Waynewayne said to the boys. "I'm here to take Big Time Rush to the next level. The Waynewayne express is leaving the station. So you fools step on...Or step off. Waynewayne out-out." He turned to leave, his gaze lingering on Andi for a second longer than the others which made her uncomfortable. But she quickly shook it off and was relieved he left.

"We don't like him." Kendall, James, and Logan told Gustavo.

"Yeah, I don't like him either." Andi chimed in.

Gustavo nods, closing the contract he finished reading. "Yes, you do. You all do. He's the bad boy." Carlos stands back up and Andi raises her eyebrows at him. "You okay?" She mouths to him and he nods. Gustavo then continues to speak. "And he's staying at the Palm Woods. So be good boys and make friends-friends with Waynewayne."

Gustavo points at Andi. "You gotta be good and make friends-friends with Waynewayne too."

Andi groans at hearing that. Carlos looks at each of them with confusion. "Who's Waynewayne?"


Andi and the boys are now at the pool area, watching Waynewayne lift a chair that had the Jennifers on it.

James leans over to them. "First he joins our band without our permission."

"Now he steals our girls-"

"Technically they weren't ever your girls. And it's obvious they have no interest in you guys." Andi interrupted Carlos from her spot besides Kendall. She looked at Carlos with a sheepish smile when he looked at her with a small glare.

"It's still not fair." Carlos sighed, glaring at Waynewayne, who now sat on the chair between the Jennifers.

Logan nods. "And that's why we're gonna get rid of him?"

"Okay, I wanna get rid of him as much as you guys," Andi said, looking at them with furrowed eyebrows. "But how are gonna do that?"

"It's simple." Logan replies. He leans over to Kendall as he says, "Kendall, get rid of him."

Kendall looks at him with wide eyes. "Why me?"

"Because he scares us." James responded, gesturing to himself, Carlos, and Logan.

Kendall stands up, facing the four of them. "We are a band. And we're gonna do this together because we're not afraid of some loud mouth, backward-hatted, droopy pants wearing-" He stops in the middle of his sentence when he saw they looked at someone behind him with wide eyes. He sighs. "He's standing right behind me, isn't he?"

Andi sends him a sympathetic look and nods. "Yep."

Kendall turns around to face Waynewayne. Waynewayne nods. "You want trouble-trouble, Kendork? Bring it, bring it."

Kendall gestures to himself and his band who now stood behind him. "Yeah, we decided that there's only room for five members of Big Time Rush."

Waynewayne furrows his eyebrows, pointing at Andi. "What are you talking about? She's not in your band."

Logan nods. "Of course she is."

"Yeah," Kendall wraps an arm around Andi who now stood beside him and Andi tried ignoring the butterflies in her stomach at his touch. "She's our songwriter and an important member of our band just like the rest of us are."

Andi smiles brightly at him and the other boys when she saw they were smiling at her. She was glad that's how they thought of her because sometimes she just felt like she was in the background and wasn't noticed for her talent. She felt a lot better after that, especially since Kendall said that.

Waynewayne raises his eyebrows. "Songwriter?" He looks Andi up and down, his eyes lingering on her a little too long. "Oh, I get it." He laughs. "You're the groupie." He turns to Kendall, slapping him in the chest. "Nice pick, Kendork. She's a cutie."

Andi's smile fades and she crosses her arms, feeling uncomfortable under Waynewayne's gaze. Kendall clenches his jaw, looking ready to defend Andi, but before he can say anything, Andi speaks up. "I'm not a groupie," She says firmly, meeting Waynewayne's gaze head-on. "I'm part of this band just as much as any of these guys. And if you think you can just come in here and disrespect me like that, you've got another thing coming."

Waynewayne chuckles, shaking his head. "Feisty. I like that."

Andi rolls her eyes, not impressed. "Save your compliments. We're not interested."

Waynewayne's expression turns serious, and he steps closer to Andi, invading her personal space. "You should watch your tone, sweetheart. No one talks to Waynewayne like that." He glares at her, his eyes roaming over her body once more. "Not even a cutie like you."

Andi can't help but flinch slightly at the way he's looking at her, but she holds her ground, not wanting to back down. Kendall notices her discomfort and puts a hand on her arm, pulling her back gently. He immediately steps in front of her, his gaze fixed on Waynewayne. "Hey, back off," he says, his voice laced with anger. "I won't ask again."

Waynewayne chuckles, stepping back slightly, though his eyes are still locked with Kendall's. "Relax, Kendork. I'm just messing around. No need to get all worked up." He pauses, a smirk playing on his lips. "Unless, of course, you've got a thing for the cutie. In that case, maybe I'll have to keep my eye on her. You know, just to make sure she's safe."

Kendall's jaw clenches even tighter at Waynewayne's insinuation, but before he can respond, Andi speaks up again, her voice firm and defiant. "I don't need anyone to keep an eye on me. I can take care of myself just fine." She glanced at Kendall, giving him a reassuring nod, silently conveying that she appreciates his concern but she's capable of handling the situation.

Waynewayne raises an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Alright, tough girl. We'll see about that." Waynewayne nods, smiling as he looks at Kendall. "Great-great." He brings his phone out and calls someone, putting them on speaker. "Yo, Griff-Griff, the guys agree with me. Six in the band is too many."

"Sounds fresh, Waynewayne." Griffin comments. "I'll stop by the studio tomorrow to see which one goes."

Andi's eyes grew wide, fear grows within her at what he said and Kendall's arm even tightened around her shoulders which made her assume he was scared too. She glances at James when he lets out a small scream at hearing what Griffin said. "Griff-Griff out."

The call ends as Andi and the boys share a panicked expression before looking at Waynewayne when he holds a contract in front of him. "You see...My contract states that I'm guaranteed to front a band, and I picked this band."

Rolling his eyes, Kendall chuckles while he relaxes his arm around Andi's shoulder. Andi was surprised that he still had his arm around her, but she wasn't complaining. "Ooh, a contract. We're so scared."

"My contract also states that I get a posse." Waynewayne added.

Andi looks at him with wide eyes. Waynewayne snaps his fingers and three guys walk over wearing white and gold and a lot of bling similar to Waynewayne. They stand beside Waynewayne as Waynewayne gives the one next to his right side the contract.

"Scared now?"

Andi and the boys took a step back, immediately nodding. "Yeah. A little scared."


Andi and the boys are now out by the pool, peeking over some flowers they were hiding behind. They were watching Waynewayne who snapped his fingers, making his posse get the boy out of the chair that was beside Waynewayne so he could sit there. Waynewayne's posse gets the boy out of the chair by throwing him into the pool. Andi cringes along with the boys and they continue to watch Waynewayne sit down on the chair while his posse surrounds him, handing him a coconut drink and a magazine.

"Man, he even makes sipping out of a coconut look tough." Logan commented.

Carlos hits the back of his head. "Focus. One of us is gonna get kicked out of the band."

"My money's on Logan." James said, pointing at Logan.

Logan looks at him with offense. "Mean."

"Technically, I can't get kicked out of the band since I write the songs for the band." Andi shrugged.

"Well, Gustavo writes songs also so there's a possibility you could get kicked out of the band." Logan said sympathetically.

Andi looks at him with a pout on her lips. "No." She whines. "Don't say that."

Kendall wraps an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. "You're not getting kicked out of the band." He tells her firmly, and she nods, appreciating his comforting. "We won't let that happen." He reassured her and she smiled, relieved by that as she leaned into his warm embrace. Her heart was racing though. She wondered if he could feel it. She hoped not. It'd be really embarrassing.

Kendall shakes his head. "Nobody is breaking us up. We're a team. We're not afraid of Waynewayne or anybody else."

"Hey, guys." Camille stood in front of them, wearing a homemade wrestler outfit. Andi and the boys let out a small scream, not expecting her to show up unexpectedly.

"Oh, relax." Camille shakes her head. "I didn't get the part. Maybe throwing the casting director in a flying headlock is a bad idea."

Andi looks at her with wide eyes. "Yeah, that probably wasn't a good thing to do."

"Camille, we're in an urgent saving-our-band mission right now." Kendall said, pointing over at Waynewayne. Camille turns around and looks at Waynewayne before looking back at Andi and the boys. "Hey, when did Wally Dooley move to the Palm Woods?"

Andi furrows her eyebrows. "Wally Dooley?"

Camille glances back at Waynewayne and nods. "Yeah, he must be up for a bad boy role. We worked together on The Magic Middle School. Yeah, he played towel boy."

Andi and the boys look at her with surprise and each ask, "What?"


After watching the video of Waynewayne who's actually Wally Dooley in The magic Middle School Logan furrowed his eyebrows. "So Waynewayne didn't grow up in the mean streets of Detriot."

Camille shakes her head. "He grew up in mansion in Dallas. His dad invented toast on a rope."

The group faces Kendall as he stands in front of them. "And he's gonna kick one of us out of the band? Well, we're gonna kick him out of the band."

Andi, Carlos, James, and Logan try their best to let Kendall know Wally just walked in and was standing behind Kendall with his posse.

"'Cause we don't need no fakey-fakey, poser-poser-" Kendall stops himself at seeing their gestures behind him. "He's behind me again, isn't he?"

Kendall turns around to face Wally while Camille walks over, waving at Wally. "Hey, Wally."

Wally nods at her. "Hey, Camille." He looks back at Andi and the boys. "Oh, and news flash: this town is full of phonies and nobody cares."

Wally smiles. "Hey, what do you guys think of the name Waynewayne Rush?"

Andi sweetly smiles at him. "I think I hate it." Wally glared at her while she and the boys laughed.

Carlos looks at Wally. "Dude, once Gustavo finds out you're a phoney-phoney..."

James points at Wally. "You are out-out."

"You guys, Gustavo is a joke, okay?" Wally chuckles. "Griffin has the power and he'll get rid of however I say, and I say..." He takes a step towards Kendall. "It's you."

Andi shares a panic expression with Kendall and the others before looking back at Wally. "And there's nothing you can do about it because you can't stop the Waynewayne Train."


"What?" Gustavo questioned, looking at Andi and the boys who now stood in his office.

"Waynewayne is a total fraud." Logan answered.

James points at Kendall. "He wants to kick Kendall out of the band."

Gustavo raises his eyebrows. "Really? I would've bet on Logan."

Logan fake laughs and then points at Gustavo. "Well, you would have lost."

"Wait." Kelly speaks up. "We can't let Waynewayne kick Kendall out of the band."

Andi nods. "I agree." She didn't want Kendall kicked out of the band. Sure, they had their problems, but they always seemed to make up. They were a good team and a good group of friends. Plus, she liked having him around. He was making her feel things she never felt before and she liked the feeling. She didn't want it to end. So she was definitely not going to let that happen.

Kelly looks at Gustavo. "Gustavo, what are you gonna do?"

Gustavo looks at each of them before he replies with, "Nothing."

Andi and the boys quickly follow Gustavo out of his office. "Gustavo, you can't let this poser tell you what to do with your band."

Gustavo turns around to face them while Kelly stands beside him. "It's not my band, okay? It's Griffin's. Look, I don't know if you noticed, but I haven't had a hit in a while. This band is my ticket back to the top, and until I get back there...What he says goes."

"We'll team up." Kendall quickly suggested.

"No." Gustavo shook his head.

"We'll need cool code names." James grins. "I'll be The Flacon."

Logan grins. "I'll be The Snowman."

"And you'll need a tree hat." Carlos added, putting a tree hat on Gustavo and then goes back to his place beside Andi.

Gustavo takes the tree hat off, throwing it on the ground. "No tree hat!"

Kendall nods. "No tree hat! Gustavo, we can come up with a plan."

Kelly smiles, looking at Gustavo. "Ooh, they're really good at plans."

Gustavo shakes his head. "No plan!" He points at the Andi and then the boys. "I don't want you and the hockey-heads pulling any of your schemes or shenanigans that are gonna get me in trouble with Griffin and the record company."

Gustavo gets some papers from Kelly. "Now, here are the lyric sheets for the song you're gonna sing for Griffin in one hour." He hands each of them a lyric sheet. "Study them. Learn them. Got it?"

"Got it." The boys replied in unison.


"What are we waiting for?" Griffin questioned. "I'm antsy."

Kelly leans over to him, saying, "We're missing Kendall."

Griffin looks at Gustavo with raised eyebrows. "So you got rid of Kendall." Looking at the boys, he presses a button that lets the boys listen to him speak. "My money was on Logan."

Logan takes the headphones off, outstretching his arms dramatically. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

Andi sent him a sympathetic expression while Griffin said, "Let's hear my new bad boy band."

"Yeah, let's hear it."

Andi looks over at hearing Kendall's voice, grinning when she sees Kendall wearing all black and that he was even wearing eyeliner. She hoped the plan she and the boys had came up with along with Gustavo would work. Though she couldn't help but let her gaze linger on Kendall. He looked really good in all black and with eyeliner. Her face grew warm and she quickly looked away, trying to focus on the moment at hand.

"Oh, no." Kelly muttered as Wally walks over to Kendall.

Carlos grins. "Ooh, it's a bad boy off."

While Kelly and Gustavo try to tell the boys to stop, Griffin smiles. "A bad boy off? That sounds interesting." He glances at Gustavo who looks nervous. "Doesn't that sound interesting?"

"You know, one thing I know about bad boys is..." Kendall takes the mic stand, walking over to the records plaque on the wall. "They like breaking stuff." He used the bottom of the mic stand to smash a record causing it to fall to the floor.

Andi's eyes grow wide not expecting him to actually do that. Standing up, Gustavo yells at seeing his broken record plaque. Everyone else looked at Kendall with surprise, even Wally. Griffin nods. "He's right. Bad boys do like breaking stuff."

Gustavo quickly goes into the room the boys are in followed by Andi and Kelly and everyone else. "What was that?" Gustavo yells at Kendall, walking over to the blonde haired boy who crosses his arms. "You smashed one of my platinum records!"

"Oh, yeah?" Wally challenging said to Kendall. "Well..." He picked up the mic stand, mashing the glass of each platinum record plaques that were in the bottom row. Andi cringed when it falls to the ground and Gustavo let out a small scream when each one were smashed. Her eyes grow wide when Gustavo went to go rush at Wally, but she was quick to stand in front of him with her arms outstretched in front of her, and her mom even jumped on Gustavo's back in an attempt to try to stop him from hurting anyone.

"Ooh, round one of the bad boy off goes to Waynewanye." Griffin announces. "Someone ring a bell." One of Griffin's assistant holds up a small wrestler bell and rings it. "What's next?"

Now they were listening to Wally rap and hte only ones that seemed to be enjoying his rap was his posse and himself. "I said I'm Waynewane on the mic-mic. I'm badder than bad. I said the city is ours, we're gonna take it like we're mad."

Kendall gets into the sound booth, pushing Wally out of the way harshly causing the boy to fall. "You're rhymes are weak. Mine fit like a glove, Gustavo's got a face only a mother could love." Andi stared at him with surprise, not expecting him to rap the last part. He smirked at her as he shrugged. Her heart was pounding as she tried her hardest not to blush. Why was he so charming and handsome? It wasn't fair.

Gustavo angrily stands up, but Andi and Kelly were quick to stop him from getting to Kendall. "Round two goes to Kendall." Griffin nodded and his assistant rang the small wrestling bell again. Griffin smiles and claps his hands together. "I can't wait for round three."


Andi winces at hearing things breaking from inside of Gustavo's office. Gustavo quickly rushes over at hearing the sound from his office, pushing past the group while looking at his office with wide eyes. Griffin shakes his head. "That does not sound good."

Gustavo goes over to the door and tries to opens it, but had no success. "He locked it." Kelly informed him.

"Yeah, yeah." Gustavo quickly took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Andi's eyes grow wide and her mouth forms into an 'o' shape at seeing his office completely destroyed. Gustavo walked in and they everyone heard him scream. Kendall walked out, throwing a hammer over his shoulder. Andi felt her heart fluttered when he glanced at her, giving her a smirk and a wink. She quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught blushing because of him. She was so embarrassed and her heart wouldn't calm down. She needed to get a hold of herself.

Gustavo stands at his doorway with a look of shock on his face "He destroyed my office, my music awards," He angrily points at Kendall who smirks. "And he used my drawer as a bathroom."

Kendall shrugs. "Bad boys go where they want."

Griffin raises his eyebrows and looks impressed. "That's a new one. Original. And very, very bad."

"No, no, no!" Wally rushes forward, standing in front of the group with a panicked expression on his face. He points at himself. "I'm the bad boy! Me!"

Andi grimaces as he became more whiney and dramatic. She didn't like him at all. The guy was a total loser and a phoney. And a creep. Andi shakes her head. "There's a new bad boy in town."

"Yeah, dude," Carlos speaks up, looking at Wally. "He went in his desk."

Wally points at him. "I'll show you." He points at Kendall. "I'll show you." He then points at Gustavo. "And I'll show you," He also points at everyone else. "And I'll show all of you."

"I'll-I'll." Wally then kicks Griffin causing Griffin to fall to the floor. From the floor, Griffin points at Wally. His two assistants walk over and grab Wally's arms. "Too far?" He asked nervously as his posse ran out of the room. Andi watched with surprise along with the others, not expecting him to do that.

Griffin stands back up, fixing his tie. "You're right, Waynewayne. Big Time Rush should be only five."

"You can't fire me." Wally tells him. "You know why? 'Cause I have...A contract." He gets the contract out of his pocket, showing it to Griffin. "You have to put me in the band."

Griffin smiles. "I have to put you in a band, just not this one." Andi smiles at hearing that, glad that Wally wouldn't be in their band. Griffin looks at Kendall. "They already have a bad boy."

Kendall smirks and points at himself while Wally looks at him with shock as he's being dragged away by Griffin's assistants. Kendall sighs, his shoulder's slumping as he looks at Griffin. "But I don't want to wear these clothes all the time," He points at Griffin. "And I won't turn my back on my friends."

"Fine." Griffin nods, taking a step towards Kendall. "And you can still date my daughter, but I want you nowhere near my desk. Griff-Griff out." He fist bumped Kendall before he left along with his assistants, who drag Wally down the hallway.

Andi, Kelly, and the boys wave back at Wally as he complains while being dragged away. "You!" Everyone glances at Gustavo nervously, worried for his response. "Nice work." They were all relieved that Gustavo wasn't mad.

Andi grins along with the boys and they each high five each other. Kelly looks at them with surprise and then looks at Gustavo with wide eyes. "What? But he-he smashed, and you-" As she stumbles over her words, she stands by the doorway, pointing at Gustavo's desk. "And he went in-"

"I teamed up with Andi and the hockey heads, 'cause they do have good plans." Gustavo said, smiling at Andi and the boys.

Andi and the boys smile while they shrug. Kelly furrows her eyebrows. "I was here the whole time. When did you plan this?"

The boys take out the lyric sheet Gustavo gave them earlier and together the lyric sheets read 'Let's get rid of Waynewayne'. "Okay, and how did you know about it?" Kelly asked her daughter.

"I didn't honestly." Andi replies. "I just wanted to get of him too and figured out what they were doing so I went along with it." She shrugged. She really didn't know that they were planning to get rid of Wally. But she was glad they did. She was getting really annoyed by him. She didn't like the guy and was glad he wouldn't be in their band.

"Hey, I could've helped." Kelly said, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm part of this team too, you know?"

"Yes, you are." Gustavo nods. "But you're still a horrible faker liar actress."

Andi and the boys agree with Gustavo and then Kelly starts fake crying. Andi chuckles lightly and shakes her head. "Mom, stop fake crying. It's so bad."

"Yeah," Kelly sighs. "You're right."

Andi chuckles and sends her a sympathetic smile. She smiles when Kendall wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She leans into his side, her arm going around his waist. She loved being close to him. It felt natural and perfect. Andi felt her cheeks burn when she catches Kendall's gaze. The smile on his face makes her stomach flutter and she couldn't help but smile as well. She was happy that no one had to be kicked out of the band and that they all managed to stick together. And she was glad that her and the boys came up with a plan and managed to make it work. 

A/N honestly this was one of my favorite episodes in season 1 & plus kendall looked hot as a bad boy

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