CHAPTER SIX, big time crib

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"We call it the Ultimate Team Crib," The set designer said, setting a picture of the living room set for the boys upcoming EPK shoot. "Filled with amazing home electronics, arcade games..."

"A swirly slide!" Carlos exclaimed, excitedly pointing at the yellow swirly side and Andi chuckled at how excited he was.

"Cool, right?" Griffin asked the boys and each of them nodded.

Griffin looks at his assistants. "Put a swirly slide in my office." He smiled and one of the assistants nodded before left the room.

Gustavo points at the picture. "Griffin, I don't know what this is, but I need to work with the dogs on harmonies today."

Griffin smiles. "Change your plans. Our ancient Japanese founder, Mr. Fujizaki, wants to dump our music division," Andi's eyes grows wide at hearing that and then tilts her head to the side in confusion as Griffin looks at the boys with a smile. "But your boys are going to change his mind."

Kendall points at the picture. "And we get to live in there?"

"Yes." The boys grin at hearing that, but that grin fell off their faces at the next thing Griffin said. "For two hours, while you shoot a promotional video."

Griffin walks around the boys to stand beside where the picture of the cool living room was set up. "Surrounded by RCM/CBT/Global Net/Sanyoid Products, which will show Fujizaki why our future rock stars are perfect for selling his blenders, plasma tvs, and missile defense system."

Griffin takes a seat at the end of the table across from the boys, Andi, Gustavo, and Kelly. "Oh, and do some interviews. You know, why they love to sing, why they wear that helmet, and why they love RCM/CBT/Global Net/Sanyoid Products Arcade Games, industrial-strength playground slides, and the new xz5 Micro Laptop."

Griffin gets the laptop from his other assistant as he shows the boys. He smiles. "Look how tiny."

James hits the table excitedly. "And we could all wear bandanas." He looks back at his friends. "It could be our thing. Bandanas." Andi chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Griffin, you can't keep coming into my studio everyday and interrupting my training sessions." Gustavo told Griffin.

Griffin nods. "Yes, I can. And, do the interviews by the water. Fujizaki thinks water is lucky. It's weird."

"But you want a performance in the teen hangout crib thing?" Kelly said but it sounded more like a question.

"Exactly." Griffin nods once again. He stands up. "And I need it in two days, or the music division will be gone."

Andi looks at him with wide eyes, knowing that meant she and Gustavo only had two days to write a song. She hoped they could do it. The boys, Gustavo, and Kelly looks at Griffin with shock. Griffin smiles at the group. "But have fun with it."

As Griffin and his assistant leave the room, Kelly looks at Gustavo. "Okay, we'll build the teenage crib here in studio A. I'll find a nice beach location for the interviews and put in some calls for a hot director."

Gustavo stands up. "I'm a hot director. And we're doing everything here because it's easier, quicker, and cheaper." He points at the set designer. "You, I want to show you where you're gonna build this thing."


"No. No way." Logan comments after seeing the picture of the cool living room in front of the awful one they have. "It's impossible."

"Wow." Andi remarks, glancing around their apartment with a disgusted expression. "You guys weren't lying when you said you're apartment sucks."

"Yeah, but we're gonna make it better." Kendall shoves the picture to Logan and moves to stand in front of Andi and his friends. He looks at Carlos, Logan, and James with a determined expression. "A week ago we were a hockey team in Minnesota and today we're a band in LA. Anything is possible."

"Okay, you have a point." Logan points at the picture he held. "But how are we gonna get this in here?"

James holds out different colors of bandanas. "Take any color you want."

Kendall points at him. "We're not wearing bandanas in the video, okay?"

"You know what? You guys never support my risky fashion choices." James pointed out.

"Now, the first step is getting the set designer to build the ulrateen crib here and not Rocque Records." Kendall explained.

James puts on a dark blue colored bandana. He then looks at Andi, who stood beside him, offering her a bandana. She grinned and took the teal colored bandana, putting it on and wore it like a headband. Kendall sighed as he noticed James putting on a bandana, slightly annoyed, but his expression softened after seeing Andi doing the same. Andi looked really cute in the bandana. He shook his head and cleared his throat. He needed to stay focused.

Logan then asks Kendall, "And how are we gonna do that?"

Kendall smiles. "Logan, are you forgetting that the Palm Woods is the home of the future famous?"


Andi follows the boys down to the lobby, immediately stopping when Kendall puts his arms out in front of her and the others. "Wait for it." Andi's heart fluttered as his arm brushed against her stomach. She tried not to think about that. Instead, she watched as Camille walked over to them and cringed when she slapped Kendall.

Kendall winces and holds his cheek that Camille just slapped. "Trevor, I trusted you with my heart, my soul, my money." Camille dramatically spoke.

"Camille!" Andi and the boys interrupted her dramatic acting.

Camille blinks and tilts her head to the side. "What?"

Andi points to the boys while they reply with, "We need to borrow your acting."

Camille shrugs. "Sure."


Andi and the boys knew things were going according to plan when Kendall got a phone call from the set designer. "Arthur Griffin's office." Kendall answers the phone in a different voice. "One moment, please."

Kendall hands Logan the phone. "Do your Griffin impression now."

Logan immediately shakes his head. When Kendall steps on his foot Logan raises the phone to his ear, doing his Griffin impression. "Hello? Uh-huh. Yes. Move that set to the Palm Woods now. Okay, I need to touch my llama now, bye."

Logan quickly hangs up the phone while Carlos and James high five each other. Andi glances beside her, just then realizing that Camille had walked up to them. Camille grins. "I owned them in there."

Logan furrows his eyebrows. "All you done is set us up for big-time trouble."

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Logan." Andi reassured him. She hoped that anyway. She didn't want them to get into any trouble.

"Oh, our little Logey," Kendall teases Logan, who sighs. "So pessimistic."

"So scared of everything." Carlos chimed in.

"And so hot." Camille added, staring at Logan dreamingly.

Andi and the boys, including Logan, looks at her with surprise. "Okay." Logan drags out the word, turning to face Carlos. He points at Carlos. "And I'm not scared." He looks at Kendall. "I'm realistic, as in, what are you gonna tell your mom about the crew that'll be invading your apartment tomorrow from eleven to three?"


Andi was at the Rocque Records, staring at the cheap beach set up for the boys which was in the hang out area. It was just beach wallpaper over apart of the wall with a fake seagull hung over it to make it look like it was flying. There was also camera in front of it next to Gustavo's director chair.

"Okay, this is awful." Andi commented.

Kelly nods in agreement and looks at Gustavo, pointing at the wallpaper. "You cannot shoot against this."

"Yes," Gustavo nods. "I can."

Kelly walks over to him. "Fujizaki is gonna know that water is fake."

Gustavo looks at her. "Fujizaki is two hundred years old. All he knows is what yogurt he like. Oh, yeah, and I say so!"

Andi sighs and shakes her head. "Hey, where'd you get the bandana?" Kelly asked, noticing the bandana her daughter wore like a headband.

Andi smiles a bit. "I got it from James." Kelly looks at her with confusion and the Puerto Rican teen girl shrugs. "You'll see what I mean when the boys get here." She told her mom. Kelly still looked confused but she nodded in response.

Andi glances over to her left when she heard footsteps, noticing the boys walking over. "Heel." Gustavo said to the boys as they stood beside Andi. "Stay." Gustavo points at the four boys. "Speak."

Kendall shows Gustavo some pictures they took. "We took some pictures of the pool at the Palm Woods, the greatest pool ever. Very lucky water."

James nods. "It's a great location for the interviews." He suggested as Kendall handed Kelly the picture's.

"Hot directors shoot there all the time." Carlos adds. He then suddenly exclaims, "Swirly slide!"

Andi looks at him with wide eyes and James hits Carlos' head. "Oh, the dogs are directing my video now. Well, let me tell you how it works here." Gustavo points at the boys. "You are the dogs," He points at himself. "And I am the trainer. Now sit."

When the boys didn't listen to him, he says the opposite. "Don't sit." At hearing that the boys sit down on the top of the couch behind them. Gustavo groans while Kelly shows him a picture of the boys at the pool. "This pool is great."

"It's also close enough to here that all of us can be back here by three." Andi pointed out and the boys pointed at her in a sign of agreement.

Kelly nods in agreement and moves to stand beside her daughter while looking at Gustavo. "We can be back here just in time to shoot the performance at the ultrateen hangout place." The boys chimed in with their words of agreement.


"So smart."

"Oh, yeah!"

"No, yeah!" Gustavo yells at the boys. "You do what I say, and I say no, no, no!" He jumped angrily, causing the backdrop to fall. That revealed the person who was making the fake seagull move and everything else just came falling down.

Gustavo looks back at them with a embarrassed expression. "Hey, let's do the interview at the Palm Woods."


After Kelly pays Bitters for letting them shoot the interview at the pool, Bitters goes to his office where the Jennifers are sitting at a nearby table wearing sunglasses. The Jennifers were only helping Andi and the boys out since the boys told them they would be in the video. One of them texts Katie who appears by where her brother is sitting at.

"'The bird is in the cage'." Katie read the text she got from one of the Jennifers to Kendall.

Andi stands up from hiding behind the boys, standing between where James and Logan sat. "They're also in the right place." She informed the boys, referring to the Jennifers.

Kendall looks at his friends. "Okay, team. Remember your missions." He stands up along with them, pointing at Andi and James. "Andi, James, you two stall Gustavo."

Andi nods as James gives him a thumbs up. Kendall points at Carlos, Katie, and then Camille who just walks up to them. "Carlos, Katie, Camille, you head to Rocque Records and fake build the ultrateen crib." He points at Logan and himself. "While Logan and I install the swirly slide and all those other electronics goodies."

"Okay," The group looks over when Gustavo speaks. "James is up first. I'll shoot the rest of you dogs later."

Kendall puts on some black paint under his eyes, making a short line under his eyes, and looks back at the others with a determined expression. "Move out."


"Okay, I'm heading to Rocque Records. They should be putting up the crib now." Kelly said to Gustavo. "And be nice to the boys. and stop calling them dogs."

"Don't worry." Andi walks over to them, looking at her mom with a reassuring smile. "I'll make sure he behaves."

"Kelly," Gustavo looks at her. "Here's a secret you need to learn: all talent are dogs! And dogs need to know who's in charge or they will not listen to commands and poop on your carpet.

Kelly nods and looks at Andi. "Make sure you guys are back at the studio at three."

Andi salutes. "Will do."

"James, sit." James does as he told, sitting on the chair in front of where the interview was set up. Gustavo points at the bandana he wore. "Take off that bandana."

James smiles and takes it off, revealing another one underneath. Gustavo furrows his eyebrows. "Take off that bandana."

James nods and takes it off. Andi cringes when Gustavo yells after James shown he was wearing another bandana. James eventually takes off his last bandana and soon the interview starts. James smiles at the camera. "I love being apart of the RCM/CBT/Global Net/Sanyoid family. But I hate their hair dryers."

"Cut!" Gustavo shouts. He points at the cue cards. "Just say what's on the card!"

James furrows his eyebrows. "Why? They completely ignored ionized technology."

Gustavo threw the card down angrily. "You have said nothing that I can use in the last two hours! And you!" Gustavo points at Andi. The Puerto Rican girl smiles innocently at him. "Why do you keep randomly falling? Stop it." Gustavo demanded, looking annoyed.

Andi did her best to grin, knowing that the plan with stalling Gustavo was working. She shrugs. "I can't stop being clumsy, Gustavo."

"Well try." Gustavo commanded, crossing his arms.

Andi nods, trying to hide her amusement. "I'll do my best."

"Yeah." James nods. "And in no way are we purposely stalling you."

Andi internally groans, hoping that Gustavo didn't realize that's what they're doing. Gustavo looks at James, realizing he had put on a bandana. "Where'd you get that bandana?"

"A waffle?" James laughs nervously. "No, thanks. I already ate."

Gustavo yells and runs at James. James' eyes widen, quickly gets up, and takes off running. "Gustavo, don't kill him!" Andi yelled and ran after the two.


Andi eventually stops Gustavo from chasing James and was now standing beside him near the entrance of the building. Andi furrows her eyebrows when Gustavo walked outside, dragging Kendall and Logan with him. Kendall grabs onto Andi's arm, looking at her and James with wide eyes. "Bitters. Code red. Code red."

Gustavo yanks Kendall back and continues dragging him and Logan over to where the interview was set up. Andi and James look at each other with a worried expression. Then James grins. "You know what this means?" He asked her.

A grin tugs on Andi's lips, taking out the bandana she took off earlier, and puts it on on like headband again. "Bandana time."

"Bandana time." James nodded.

Andi watches with raised eyebrows as James ties a purple bandana on his ankles, his wrists. He then put one on like a belt, wore one like a cap, and put a bandana that looked like a mask on. James put his hands on his hips, looking at Andi with a proud smile.

Andi chuckles lightly. "Okay, I think you went a little bit over the top." She commented.

"You can never go over the top when it comes to bandanas." James replied with a grin.

He handed Andi a teal colored bandana that looked like a mask.

Andi takes it from him, furrowing her eyebrows, but puts the bandana formed mask over her eyes. "When did you have time to make all of this?"

James shakes his head. "Never telling that secret." He puts his hands on his hips. "Okay, you're superhero name is Bandana Woman while mine is Bandana Man."

"Follow me, Bandana Woman!" He took off into the lobby.

Andi had no choice but to follow him as she calls out to him, "I didn't agree to that name!"

"You didn't disagree either!" James called back, grinning.

"You didn't give me time to disagree!" She argued.

"Oh, would you rather be known as Bandana Lady?" James questioned, looking back at her with a amused expression.

Andi makes a face. "Bandana Woman is better than that." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Thought so." James smirked, turning around and continuing to run into the lobby.

Andi follows James to the hallway, standing beside him with her hands on her hips. Half way down the hallway was Bitter and he froze when he saw them. They walk over to him and when James yells at him, Bitter yells and goes into the supply closet near him. Andi was quick to rush over and lock the door.

Andi looks at James with raised eyebrows when he puts a purple bandana on the lock. "Is that necessary?" She chuckled

"It is very much necessary, Bandana Woman." James grinned. He holds out his fist and Andi rolled her eyes despite the smile on her lips as she fist bumped him.


Andi and the boys were now back at the apartment that now looks like the ultrateen crib which was supposed to go to Rocque Records. Andi was playing the foosball hockey table with Kendall, Carlos and Katie were on the loft about to go on the swirly slide, James was jumping on the couch excitedly and Logan was twirling around on the stool at the counter.

"What?!" Gustavo yelled. He, Kelly, and the team who were going to shoot the performance were now at the apartment.

The set designer smiles. "Yeah, it came out really good, huh?"

Kendall looks Gustavo with a grin. "It came out amazing!"

"Ha! Another score for me!" Andi exclaimed after she scored when Kendall wasn't looking.

Kendall looks back at her, his lips forming into a pout. "Hey, you cheated!" Even though he was a bit upset, he had to admit she looked really cute when she was happy.

"Nuh-uh!" Andi shakes her head. She smirks. "You weren't paying attention so I used that to my advantage." She giggled and Kendall found himself smiling as he tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered at hearing her giggle.

"Swirly slide!" Carlos shouts, looking at Katie with a grin. "Whoo!"

The two then go down the swirly slide and Gustavo looks at Kelly with wide eyes. Kelly shakes her head. "There's no time to move the set back to the studio."

Gustavo looks at the apartment with an upset expression. He looks back at Kelly when she speaks. "And the video has to be great for Fujizaki or we are out of a job."

Andi makes the mistake of looking up from the foosball hockey table and over at Kelly and Gustavo which let Kendall score another point. "That includes me, doesn't it?"

Kelly looks at her with a sheepish smile and nods. "Yeah. Sorry."

"Score!" Kendall shouts, gaining her attention back to their air hockey game. He smirks at Andi, gesturing to his score. "Oh, and look at that. I win the game."

"No." Andi whines, dragging out the word 'no'. She points at him. "I call a do-over, cheater!"

"Not a cheater." Kendall shakes his head while crossing his arms. "You weren't paying attention so I used that to my advantage." He repeated what she said a few seconds ago, looking at her with a teasing smile.

Andi glares at him playfully. "Whatever." She grumbled, crossing her arms. Kendall couldn't help the smile on his face as he looked at her. She was so cute when she pouted. Andi sighs. "Fine, you win this time. But don't get use to it." She told him.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Kendall smirked, causing Andi to smile slightly.

Andi and Kendall looks over at Gustavo with wide eyes when he walks over to Kendall angrily, putting his hands on Kendall's shoulders. Kendall closes his eyes and Andi winces when Gustavo yells, "Light it and shoot it!"


"Cut! Print! And strike the set!" Gustavo exclaimed after the boys were done shooting the video. The smiles on the boys' faces fell as the construction team began taking everything down and everything out of the apartment. From her spot beside her mom, Andi frowned at seeing the boys being upset. Her gaze shifted over to the boys, biting her lip. She was really beginning to care about them and didn't like seeing them sad.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Gustavo apologizes to the boys, the apology not being a real one. "Did you dogs think that you were gonna keep this stuff?"

He starts laughing while a part of the swirly slide was being taken down. Carlos reaches towards the swirly slide with a frown on his face. "Swirly!"

"Oh, that's really really good." Gustavo chuckles. "The little dogs thought that they outsmarted the big dog." Gustavo then barked loudly at the boys a few times. Andi glanced around at the apartment that was being returned to what it originally looked like and she frowned. She felt bad for the boys and she wished she could do something to help.

The apartment was now like it originally was and when the boys sat down on the old couch the small pieces of wood holding up the couch fell along with the couch. Andi stood in front of the boys next to Kelly and Gustavo, looking at them with a sympathetic expression.

"But I do have to admit," Gustavo said. "We did get some pretty great stuff today. Let's just hope Fujizaki thinks so tomorrow."


When the video was done, everyone looks at Mr. Fujizaki through the tv screen with a hopeful expression. "I like the boys." Mr. Fujizaki commented.

Andi and the boys start cheering along with the others. Griffin looks at Gustavo. "I've never seen Fujizaki so excited. Frankly, I think it's the first time I've seen him move." He puts a hand on Gustavo's shoulder. "You were a good boy today, Gustavo. Good boy."

Andi moves to stand beside her mom as Griffin and his team leaves and Gustavo stands in front of the boys. "So we learned a lot here today, didn't we?" Kendall smiles. "You did some things. We did some things."

"Ten hours of harmonies!" Gustavo shouts. "No breaks! Move out!"


Later that night Andi was at the boys' apartment, waiting for them to get their. She, Gustavo, and Kelly decided on surprising the boys with making the apartment look like the ultrateen crib permanently. Andi was looking forward to seeing the boys reaction. She smiled when the front door opens and the boys walked in, looking a bit exhausted. Kendall was the first one to notice her. "Andi?" He asks. "What are you doing here? Not that we mind." He added quickly, but then he paused and his eyes widened as he realized the apartment looked different. Andi grinned at him and the boys.

"Welcome to your new crib." She gestures around. "It's the ultrateen crib. For good. We wanted to surprise you." Andi explained, her grin not leaving her lips.

After sliding down the swirly slide, Katie waves at them. "Hey."

Andi slides down the swirly slide after her, waving at the boys as well. The boys looks at Jennifer, Kendall's and Katie's mom, with wide eyes. Jennifer smiles at them. "Hey, boys. I love what you did with the place."

The four boys cheer and immediately rush over to the foosball hockey table. "Uh..." The boys look over when they hear Gustavo walk in. Kelly follows him inside and Gustavo looks like he didn't like saying what he said next. "Good job today."

Kendall smiles. "This is awesome."

"This is a bone." Gustavo voiced.

Logan furrows his eyebrows. "Come again?"

"I realized today, sort of, that if you really want to train dogs properly, you need to throw them a treat every now and then." Gustavo sighs. He shakes his head. "So enjoy your treat. You're not getting anymore."

"And we lost a day of rehearsal because of the shoot, so it's at the studio, seven-thirty am." Kelly voiced, pointing at the boys.

"We'll be there." Kendall reassured her.

"We promise, no more surprises." Carlos smiled.

Everyone looks over with wide eyes when Bitters suddenly breaks through the wall by the kitchen. Andi's eyes grow wide and she shared a slightly panicked look with James. They forgot to let Bitters out of the storage closet.

Bitters looks around with wide eyes. "You've altered this room. You've completely devastated this apartment."

Logan looks at Andi and James with raised eyebrows. "You two locked him in the supply closet?"

"No." James replies in a high pitched voice. He then holds up his bandana the same time Andi held up her bandana. "Bandana Man and Bandana Woman did."

"Okay, I'm starting to like that name." Andi admitted with a small smile on her face.

James grins at her. "I knew you would."

"This is a total lease violation." Bitters continues. He looks at the swirly slid and nods. "Man, cool swirly slide." He looks back at the boys. "I want you all out of here tomorrow."

"What if I add another grand to your 'Making it happen' fee?" Kelly questioned, handing Bitters another check.

Bitters takes the check with a smile on his face. "Have a Palm Woods day, everyone. Enjoy your stay."

A/N the gif is horrible but i couldnt find a better one for this episode :( but i love the duo of andi & james so much tbh. plus andi & kendall are so freakin cute

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