one. you grew your hair long

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chapter one!

season 2, episode 1 - love lost (pt. 1)!

Mia's look!

TODAY WAS KIARA'S GRADUATION and Mia was excited.  Her friend had worked so hard over the years and it paid off.  I mean, she would go on to study business economics at Harvard in the fall.  As she curled Olivia's hair, the said girl closed the book she was reading. "I still can't believe Kia's leaving us."

"She's not leaving us yet. She's staying for the summer and then she's heading for Massachusetts." Olivia sighed, "I know but it's going to be weird without her.  I mean, who are we going to gossip with at school? Who's going to give us awesome advice? Who are we going to do our annual movie marathon with?"

"Shit, I totally forgot about that. Maybe we could FaceTime her so we could watch them together?"

"That's a good idea but it still won't be the same. I'm gonna miss her making her special popcorn."

"We need to learn how to make it because it tastes really good. Plus, now that you mentioned it, it's making me hungry."  Mia was done curling Olivia's hair, turning off the curling iron.  "And now you're ready to go! I just need to put on my dress.  I'll be ready in a few minutes."

Mia, Alex, and Olivia had arrived at their school.  Entering the auditorium, Alan was in one of the rows.  "Guys! Over here!" The trio sat with him, talking amongst themselves. They eventually quieted down when their principal started speaking.  Name after name was announced as the four kids waited for their friend's to be called.  "Kiara Gutierrez."

The four kids cheered her on as Kiara, dressed in her cap and gown, received her award.  They couldn't be prouder of their friend yet sad that she would leave them.  But for now, she was on stage and she was graduating.  "Go Kia!"

A few hours later, the graduation ceremony was over as the four kids waited for Kiara to come outside.  They spotted her walking with her mom when she saw them.  "Guys! Hi!"  Engulfing her in a group hug, she wore a wide smile.  "Congrats, Kia! We knew you could do it!"

"Aw, guys.  Thank you.  But now that I'm out, we can officially party!" As they cheered and allowed Kiara to say goodbye to her mother, Mia couldn't help but laugh.  She had a feeling this summer was going to be a good one.

But how wrong she was.

THE NEXT DAY, THE SUN WAS SHINING THROUGH the windows of Alex's room.  "Alex, Alex? Alex!"  The boy sprung out of his sleep, staring at his sister's face.  "Mia? Do you know how early it is? What is it?"

"Kia has something she wants to show you."

"Can it wait? I want to sleep."

"No, it can't.  It'll be quick, please?"  The younger boy rolled his eyes, pulling the covers off of himself.  "Fine.  Let me get dressed."  Taking out some jorts and a t - shirt, he goes to the bathroom to shower.  Quickly putting on his clothes and brushing his teeth, he began making his way downstairs.  "Mia! I'm ready!"

"Finally.  Took you long enough."

"Hey! I don't complain when you take really long in the morning."

"Well, I'm older than you so I can complain."

"We're only a year apart."

"And? I'm still older than you, Alex.  Let's just go."  The two siblings got in the car as Mia drove off.  "What does Kia want to show me?"

"I don't really know.  She texted me earlier that she has something for you."

"Couldn't you have texted her that I'm sleeping and that we could go later?"

"Yes but it would be better if we got it earliest."

"So was ruining my sleep schedule really necessary?"

"You can take a nap when we get back.  Plus, you stayed up until twelve last night at Kia's party.  You're the one who is ruining your sleep schedule."

"You didn't have to do me like that."

"But I did."  Mia eventually parked her car in front of Kiara's house.  The two siblings emerged from the vehicle and walked towards the front door.  Kiara opened the door, wearing a smile.  "Hey, guys! Glad you could make it."

"I was forced to come here.  What did you even want to show me?" Alex and Mia stepped inside as Kiara closed the door. "It should be here soon. You guys can sit in the living room. I'll be right back." Furrowing his eyebrows, Alex sat on the couch, clearly confused. What in the world did Kiara have for him? The noise of the door opening could be heard, along with some laughter. "How are you that tall? And what happened to your hair?"

"I got a glow up.  That's what happened, Kiara."  Kiara walked in the living room, Sam following behind her.  Alex saw him and felt butterflies in his stomach.  He was even cuter than before, with his hair grown out and dimples that could be seen from a mile away.  "Sam? You're back!" he stated as he stood up and hugged him.  "Alex, hey! Oh, I have something for you." He rummaged through his bag, taking out a box wrapped in paper.  "I know that your birthday was a few days ago and I wanted to get you something but it didn't come until yesterday.  I hope you like it."

Alex took the box, removing the paper.  His jaw dropped in awe, "You got me a paint set? Thank you!" Alex gave him another hug, causing Sam's eyes to widen.  "You're welcome."

"But now that you're here, I think we should watch some movies together.  I'll call Alan and Liv."

"Yes! Wait, can I eat some breakfast first? I didn't eat yet."

"There's some waffles in the fridge.  You guys can have some."  As Mia and Kiara went upstairs, Alex smiled.  Sam was finally back in Cousins Beach and he was excited.  "You know the bet's still going, right?" he asked.

"I know.  And I'm going to win." Sam answered as he took out a plate of waffles.  "In your dreams, Delgado."

"Really? That's how you want to play? It's on, Knight."

Maya Speaks 💫:

I understand Alex for having a crush on him because DAMN HE LOOKS SO GOOD

Sam and Alex are back!! WOOOOO

Honestly, I'm super excited to write the rest of Act Two because we get more moments between Sam and Alex!! (No bc I gave you guys crumbs in Act One 🧍🏾‍♀️I'm sorry y'all 😭)

Also I decided to split the episodes into two chapters because I'm not writing everything happening in an episode in one chapter 🤗

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