zero. something there

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chapter zero!

sometime in season 2!

May 6, 2023!

TODAY WAS MIA'S BIRTHDAY AS THE SAID GIRL WAS STILL in her room, sleeping. What she didn't know was that her friends and family were planning a surprise party for her. "How is the cake going, Mom?" Alex asked as he grabbed some decorations. "It's going well, honey. It should be ready to frost in no time. Please remember that if your sister wakes up to distract her."

"I think I have someone that can help do that." he stated, whispering in her ear. "I like that idea. I'll give their mom a call in a bit."

Hours later, Mia awoke from her slumber. It was currently eleven in the morning yet the house was very quiet. The girl slowly crept downstairs, noticing that the kitchen was empty. "Mom? Dad? Alex?" she called out, only to be met with silence. A knock on the door could be heard, causing her to roll her eyes. Who could be coming at this hour?

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Knight."


"It's Cam." Mia opened the door, furrowing her eyebrows. "What are you doing here, Rodriguez?"

"First of all, happy birthday.  Secondly, I have something planned today."  Letting him inside, Mia shut the door.  "What exactly do you have in mind?"

"I can't tell you, Knight.  It's a surprise." Mia rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Fine, I'll get dressed. Can we stop and get some breakfast first? I'm kind of hungry and I don't know where my family went."

"My mom made you her famous pancakes actually. They're still hot if you want them."

"Thank God for your mom.  I'll be ready in a few minutes." Mia rushed upstairs and into her room. She quickly grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. She eventually came out, wearing a short white dress and black platform loafers. Her purse carried some extra lip gloss and lip liner as she walked down the stairs. "Let's get going, Rodriguez." Cam couldn't help but stare at her and boy was she gorgeous.

"Are you okay, Cam?" the girl asked, snapping the boy out of a trance. "Yeah, I'm good. I warmed up your food so you can eat in the car."

"You did that for me?"

"Yeah, I mean it is your birthday." The two stood in awkward silence until Mia walked past him, "We should get going. I'm starving."

"Whatever you say, birthday girl."

The two were in Cam's car as Mia ate her food. Cam was trying to focus on the road but stole a quick glance at Mia. He didn't exactly understand why he was acting like this, especially now. "Could you at least give me a hint of where we're going?"

"No, Knight. Like I told you, it's a surprise." The girl rolled her eyes, "You're no fun."

"Hey! I'm a very fun person."

"Keep telling yourself that.  But your mom's pancakes were amazing! Tell her I said thank you."

"I'll be sure to do that."

CAM COVERED HER EYES AS HE LED HER to what he had planned for her.  "Rodriguez, if you're leading me to my death or anything, I will kill you."  The curly haired boy rolled his eyes, "I'm not leading you to your death, Knight.  Please relax.  Plus you can't even reach up to my neck."

"I will one day."  Cam took his hands off her eyes, "You can open them."  Mia did what she was told, an excited gasp leaving her mouth.  "They're so cute!" she exclaimed as she picked up a puppy, causing them to lick her face.  As she played with the other puppies and kittens, Cam couldn't help but look at her.  The way her face lit up was the cutest thing ever and he was happy that he did this for her.  "Rodriguez? Are you gonna play with the animals? I think one of them really likes you."

Cam broke out of his thoughts, noticing a kitten nudging his leg. "Well, hello there." he said as he sat down on the floor, petting the kitten.  "This is the best surprise ever.  Thank you, Cameron."

"Anytime, Knight."  Mia picked up an orange kitten, playing with them.  "You are so cute! I wish I could take you home with me."  After a few hours, the two had to leave the pet shop.  "I'm gonna miss you so much." she said to the orange kitten as she gently placed them on the ground.  The two were now in Cam's car, driving back to her house.  "But again, thank you for all of this, Rodriguez."

"No problem, Knight."

"I wish I could've adopted that orange kitten.  They were so cute."

"Those puppies and kittens were so soft."

"They really were."  Cam pulled up to her house, parking his car.  The boy helped her, extending his hand out.  "Thanks."

"No problem, birthday girl."  Mia's cheeks felt warm at the sudden contact, not knowing what to do.  Once she got out of the car, he let go of her hand.  The two went inside, the girl still not seeing her parents and younger brother. "Where could they even be?"

"I'll help you look for them."  The two checked the living room, the kitchen, and upstairs, no sign of her family.  As Mia checked elsewhere, Cam checked his phone.


It's time

Please bring Mia to the backyard


Sure Mom

"I still can't find them.  It's very odd."  Cam wore a small smile, "Let's check the backyard.  Just... close your eyes."


"Just trust me, Knight.  Please?"  The girl sighed, "Fine."  Mia closed her eyes, allowing Cam to lead her to the backyard.  The boy moved away from her, "You can open them now."

Mia opened her eyes, seeing her friends and family.  There was a cake, tons of presents, and decorations.  "Happy birthday!" they exclaimed, causing the girl to smile.  "So this is what you were doing all this time? I was worried!" she stated as she hugged her parents.  Denise gave her a hug as well, "Happy birthday, Mia."

"Thank you, Mrs. Rodriguez."  As the party began, Mia opened multiple presents.  Cam left the backyard for a moment, returning with a box.  "Happy birthday, Knight."

"There isn't anything in here that'll poison me, right? Because if there is, I swear-"

"Knight, just open it."  Mia playfully rolled her eyes, opening the box.  The girl gasped, carrying the orange kitten she wanted.  "You bought them for me?"  Cam cleared his throat, crossing his arms.  "What? No... okay, fine.  I did."

"Thank you, Cam.  They're so cute." the girl gushed, causing the boy to smile.  Mia stood up, kissing him on the cheek.  "What was that for?"

"For everything today.  It was really nice of you to do all this for me."  Cam blushed, "No problem, Knight.  Does this mean if I do something nice for you, you'll give me a kiss?"

"Keep dreaming, Rodriguez.  This is only a one time thing so don't get used to it."  Kiara, Alan, and Olivia noticed the interaction, causing Kiara to gasp.  "Oh my God, Mia kissed Cam.  That's new."

"He got her a kitten? I need a man to do that for me." Olivia stated, earning a laugh from Kiara.  Alan looked at the duo, "It's weird not seeing them bicker.  Where's the daily enemies to lovers content I've been hoping for?"

"Right! But at least we don't have to hear them fighting... at least for now."

Little did they know the peace wouldn't last long because as soon as Monday hit, they were back to their old selves.

Maya Speaks 💫:

He's so PRETTYY Mia is so lucky omg 🤭 like pls share

The amount of edits I have saved of him is very concerning but he's so CUTE

The way I had a different plot for this prologue but changed it again to the og plot needs to be studied 😭 but all jokes aside, Mia and Cam are back!! Their so cute omg they NEED to get together already

Hopefully I get to write chapter one bc I'm looking forward to starting it 🤭 I can't spoil anything guys

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