Chapter - 32

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Sorry for late update.Nowadays I invested my time to write new story on current track.
Please check :
#An open letter and
#Who is to be blamed??

Don’t forget to votes and comments. You know what it works like a tonic for a writer.

Thank you.

The man again stabbed same place again and again.

Shivi gets numb.

Momo is about to collapse in the floor but shivi run to him and takes his head in her laps.

Those goons smiled victory smile.

They are coming to shivi and lust is clearly visible in their eyes.

Shivi Shouts in No and hugs momo tightly.

A nano second of time had passed and shivi heard a couple round of  gunshots.She thought it’s her last day.But she didn’t get frightened as her dear one beside her.

But she felt sorry for mendak.
"I wish I could safe you,mendak.Please forgive me"

She was waiting for her death but She could still feel that she is breathing."Am I alive?"

She opened her eyes and saw police had come.They arrested those goons along with crafty manager.

She smiled.She forsee rays of hope for her mendak.


Rishab comes and hugs shivi.
Are you alright?He started checking whether she hurt or not?

"Thanks God.I set tracker on your phone..aur na anything can be happened  today. "

Shivi comes out from her shocking state.
It’s okay.We don’t have any time to waste. Each and every second is precious for us.First call on a doctor and an ambulance .

"Ambulance? "
Rishab noticed kartik eka mohsin khan.
Oh my God!He is badly injured.

Shivi again placed his head in her laps and caressed his face softly.
"Don't worry mendak.I am with you".

Between consciousness and unconsciousness (semi- conscious)state momo can feel her words.

He smiled.But within a few second blood started oozing from his nose and mouth.

Shivi shouted in pain and cried.

Though he was hurt,she felt it.Her heart pinched seeing his bad condition.She hugged him more tightly to comfort him.

But he groaned in pain..

Shivi saw blood was oozing from the wounded place profusely.She divided her dupatta/stole and tied it securely.She ensured he didn’t get any pain.

They shifted him in ambulance.
Shivi took his hand and caressed it.
He coughed and more blood oozing.

"Ganga maiyaa you have to safe my mendak at any cost.You have to listen my word "

Shivi broke down and burst into cry

Rishab looked at her astonishingly.He consoled her.

Though momo was semi unconscious state,every time shivi's voice reached his ears.He wanted to take away all her pain.But in reality he was cause of her tears.It ached his heart.With a great difficulty he tried to open his eyes.He wanted to caressed her hand to ensure that he is fine.

But before losing his sense he saw rishab wiped her tears.

He smiled and his vision got blur.

Precap-Go with the flow.


Hope you like this tinny update.To get a big one you have to boost me and for that you have to do more votes and comments..

P.S-I started republishing "Power of love". Shower you love there.Waiting for your lovely reviews.

Thank you.

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