Chapter 11: Scream

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Elarinya POV

After a short time to sleep and rest, we were on our way again before the sun had even begun to rise in the sky. I was tired, but I kept going, knowing that I was doing this to save Aerlinniel. I have no idea how long it's going to take to get there, but hopefully it won't take too long.

I look behind me at Elladan and Elrohir. They both are looking around, sometimes lifting up their weapons if they here a noise. It always just ends up being an animal. Or the wind making the leaves blow around. I give a sigh, I hope we get there soon.

~three days later~

After walking most of the day, we sit down to rest and get a drink. As I'm taking a drink, we here the sound of a branch breaking. I just guess its another animal and continue drinking my water. Elrohir tells his brother that he is going to go check it out.

About a minute after he goes, we hear him scream.

"Elrohir!" I yell for him, "Where are you?"

"Get them!" I hear an unfamiliar voice shout in the distance.

"Elarinya, run!" Elladan says to me.

"Who are they?" I ask him.

Before he can answer, A bag is put over my head.

Legolas POV

Tauriel and I have set off back to the Woodland-Realm. I am worried about Elarinya, but I know that Elladan and Elrohir will watch out for her. Hopefully they will get to Lady Galadriel in time to save Aerlinniel, and maybe prevent the war from happening.

We have just reached Mirkwood and we have seen no sign of Lithôniel, or for that matter, Aerlinniel. I don't know why I thought we might run into them. It's not like he's going to be out in the open. He's most likely somewhere hidden, maybe underground.

Even though, I would have liked to go with Elarinya to inform Lady Galadriel, I think it is better that I am going back to the Woodland-Realm. Because, just in case Lithôniel decides to start the war, I can be there to save Aerlinniel.

If anything does happen to Aerlinniel, I will personally kill Lithôniel myself. I can't be thinking like that. Nothing will happen to Aerlinniel. She will be fine, she can take care of herself.


Sorry guys I tried to make this longer, its hard to think what to write if you can understand. Once I can get to the end of this book, the chapter will be longer. I already know how I want to end the book. I am just anxious to get to the end of the book. :) Do you guys mind if this book is shorter thank the others? Also, what do you think is going on with Aerlinniel? I really hope that you do understand! :)

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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