Chapter 12: Armies

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Elarinya POV

"Elarinya, run!" Elladan says to me.

"Who are they?" I ask him.

Before he can answer, A bag is put over my head.


I am being carried by... well, I don't know who. To who knows where. This is just great, I can't believe this has happened. We have to get to Lady Galadriel. But how are we supposed to when we've been kidnapped.

I shudder. This reminds me of when Lithôniel kidnaped me. I shake my head. I should be thinking about how to escape, not Lithôniel. How can I escape though? Who ever has me must be surrounding me. And I can't see what going on or where we are going.

I give a small sigh. There is nothing I can think of. I am so frustrated with myself. If I had just done something before, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe Aerlinniel would be safe. Okay, stop thinking like that Elarinya, this is not your fault.

All of the sudden I am set down on the ground. They take the bag off of my head. I look around and see Elladan and Elrohir on the ground next to me. They are both looking at something, or someone. I look up, and just about gasp when I see who hey are looking at.

"Lady Galadriel?"

Lithôniel POV

I am almost ready to attack the Woodland-Realm. I just need to finish up a few more things and I'll be ready. No one knows what's coming. I have a weapon that will take out all of the Woodland-Realm and Rivendell armies.

I am giving each and everyone of my army specific orders. I've rounded up Elves, men, and orcs to fight for me. They think that it's just elves. They have no idea what they're up against. I will conquer them and I will take over all of Middle-earth it's only a matter of time before I do.

More orcs will soon come and no one will be able to defeat my armies, I will soon be the most powerful ellon in all of Middle-earth and no one can stop me. I give a sly smile.

"Morcion!" I call for one of my elves.

He walks up to me and bows, "Yes, my Lord."

"Bring Aerlinniel, I have much to discuss with her." I instruct him.

"Bringing Aerlinniel, My Lord." He gives another bow and walks off to get Aerlinniel.


Sorry that this chapter is so short. I feel bad that most of my chapters have been so short. But...after I finish this book, I will be able to make the chapters VERY long. :) So, I am going to write 2 more chapters (which I promise will be longer than this one). That will be 14 chapters in all. I hope that is alright with you guys. :) I will try to update again this week!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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