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Steph's POV:

I wake up the next morning, my hair in tangles over my eyes and tasting my breath. And my breath tastes of stale alcohol. Yuk.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for a while before my eyes drift to the clock above my bedroom door. It takes my sleepy brain thirty second to register the time.



I am so late.

I scramble out of bed, tripping in my own duvet and landing with a hard thump on the ground. Groaning in pain, I pick myself up and rush into the bathroom for a quick shower before struggling into the school uniform which is in a crumpled heap in my wardrobe.

Just as I am brushing out the tangles from my red hair, I hear a loud hissing sound.

I stop brushing my hair as my eyes travel over the piles of clothes and duvet which is discarded on the floor, to the large snake on my desk.

Lion hisses again and I rush over to pick him up.

"Who's a good boy", I croon as I stroke his scaly belly and he hisses again in joy. Ball pythons don't normally like to be stroked but Lion loves it when I trace out the brown leopard like spots on him.

Gently, I pick him up and put him back in his large vivarium which is practically the cleanest object in my room, facing the window which provides just enough sunlight to keep him warm.

My phone starts ringing, and to my ears it sounds violent even thoguh it's just the Barbie life in a dreamhouse theme song. I scrabble through the pile of things on my desk - how in heavens name did my underwear get there - and dig out my phone and answer the call.

"Steph", Kayla's voice rings through the room. "Do you have any plans for today?"

Plans for today? Don't we all have the same plans for today at school? Is she planning to ditch school?

And then it dawns on me. The party was on a Friday. Which means today is... Saturday.

I curse out violently and Kayla giggles on the other end.

"Mind explaining what happened?", she asks once my stream of violent language finally ends.

"I thought it was a school day", I huff. "I got dressed and everything"

Kayla laughs even louder on the other end of the phone and I roll my eyes even though she cannot see me.

"Stop laughing", I say and of course, she laughs even louder like any best friend would, so I unleash a torrent of curses on her too.

I hear a voice in the background and a few mutters and mumbles before she comes back on the line.

"Ooh is that Aaron?", I perk up immediately. "What naughty things have you both been up to"

"Steph", Kayla gasps in mock outrage. "That was my dad and no we did not do anything naughty. Oh god I'm getting sick thinking about it now"

I burst out laughing even though now a part of me is also imagining that and... ew. I need to bleach my mind. Kayla's voice comes through my phone distracting me from some very icky thoughts.

"I've got to go right now. I have a thing with my dad"

"Sure", I reply immediately. "TTYL"

She hangs up and I glare at my reflection in the mirror, looking at the uniform, that I wore on a Saturday.

Yeah this needs to go off now.

I change out of my uniform, dumping it on the floor of my bedroom as I search around before finally coming up with a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that are somewhat clean.

Note to self: I need to do laundry. Later. Maybe. Definitely.

All that rush has gotten me hungry so I make my way out of my room and down the stairs with the intention of going to the kitchen. But I don't make it that far.

I run into Emmanuel, my father's bodyguard at the bottom of the steps. As usual, he is dressed in black, dark shades covering his eyes. He is African American, six foot three and his dark skin glistens in the morning light reflecting from the stained glass window.

"Miss Young, your father wishes to speak to you in his office". His voice is deep and grating, and I can imagine people cowering before him. He gives off such mafia boss energy.

I don't cower though. Instead I follow him as he leads the way to my father's office, standing at the door as he gestures for me to go in.

I knock gently at the door.

"Come in", I hear my father's voice, deep and calm at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and enter the room, closing it behind me.

I rarely ever enter my father's office, but it always looks the same. The room is wide with a clear glass window directly opposite the entrance door which offers the view of our lawn and the garden. On the right wall, he has a shelf with trophies – both his and Stephan's. And on the left wall are the huge drawers filled with all sorts of files.

Seated at the desk right in front of the window and facing me is my father, his eyes on mine as he gestures for me to come closer.

Nervously, I shuffle forward and clear my throat. Every time I get summoned to my father's office, it isn't for something good.

"You left the house yesterday", he says in his quiet voice. It isn't a question, so I don't answer. He could have found out very easily and lying would definitely not get me anywhere.

He looks at me for a moment and sighs. "What am I going to do with you?", he mutters to himself. "You skip classes, failing your exams, going out to parties all the time and only God knows what else."

I flinch at his words, but reply, my voice low and sarcastic. "I apologize dear Father. I know my lifestyle is affecting your campaign. I'm sure you're so ashamed to have a daughter whose public life isn't half as clean as yours."

My dad shakes his head. "I am not ashamed of you, but you need to understand that if you are going to take over the law firm one day, you need to have a clean slate. Unless you have changed your mind about wanting to take over". His tone is mocking and I dig my nails into my palms.

And that is my Father – lawyer and politician. I have always admired him, always wanted to be like him, and always fallen short of his expectations. Right from childhood, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer just like him.

It's a shame that he didn't support my decision.

"I am still interested in taking over the law firm", I say tightly.

"Well you need to start acting like it", he snaps. "Law isn't a career where you can play around. It requires a serious person, and so far, you haven't shown an ounce of seriousness."

And although he doesn't say it, I hear the words he is thinking.

Stephan would have made a better lawyer.

"I am serious", I blurt out at him.

"Then why are you failing?"

I feel like I have had a punch in the gut. Actually I have had a punch in the gut before and it hurt almost as much as this.

Back to the point.

"Failing?", I ask, unable to say anything else.

"I gave your teachers my number to call and I've been getting reports. Not only do you repeatedly skip classes and get detention, but your grades have also dropped considerably."

I don't say anything. I can't say anything. I can only just stare at my Father who is looking at me, his face cold and emotionless. He hasn't moved from his position behind the desk, and the morning sunlight is reflecting on him giving him the appearance of a cold cruel king. Or maybe it's just the way I choose to see him.

"You are supposed to graduate soon, but if your grades keep going like this, you'll be held back. And if you don't pass, I won't allow you take over the law firm"

Everything my father has said until this point hurts, but the knowledge that he won't let me take over the law firm douses me like cold water.

I once doused cold water on Aaron's head and he later on told me that he hated it because it was so uncomfortable and...

Back to the point, Steph.

I want to argue with my father, but I know it won't be of any use.

He never listens.

"I'll get my grades up dad", I choke out.

"That isn't the option anymore Stephanie. I don't want you to 'get your grades up'. I give you two options; you either get straight As or you get a new career focus. I am not letting a person with mediocre academic capabilities to take over my firm."

My eyes fill with tears. Mediocre academic capabilities? Is that what my father thinks of when he sees me.

"I'll do my best Father"

"I hope for your sake that your best is good enough"

He looks back down to his papers, dismissing me with a wave of his hand, not even bothering to say goodbye. I turn out of the room and rush out shutting the door quietly behind me.

It is a good thing that Emmanuel isn't there anymore since it gives me the opportunity to lean against the door and cry.

Only my father can make me cry.

I storm up to my room, determined not to let him get in the way of my weekend. As soon as I am settled on the bed, I grab my phone and scan through the contacts. Who would be available for a night out today? 

Kayla is busy.

I can't call Quinn, not after yesterday. Keon would never let her party two nights in a row and...

Oh shit Quinn

I quickly shoot her a text to make sure she is alright after all that happened yesterday. 

I keep scrolling through my contacts. Not Devin, he never wakes up the morning after a party. Too drunk or high, or in bed with some guy or girl - maybe both.

The thought of that makes my finger linger at Marcus' name. Marcus would be someone to spend the day with. His parents are hardly ever home and he can keep me distracted about this whole drug business, school issues and everything else wrong with my life right now.

I quickly scroll past his name. Marcus is a shitty person and I must be crazy for even considering hooking up with him again.

The next contact is my mom and I stop at it. How long has it been since I last called her? It seems like forever since we last spoke. Impulsively, I press the call button and I hear the dial tone. Holding my breath, I wait to hear her voice, but the dial tone keeps going on until it eventually fades, leaving me staring at her name on the phone.

I guess today will be for Netflix and chill.

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