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Keon's POV:

The two days weekend passes normally, practically uneventful, with exception of the meeting that I was required to attend with my dad who happened to pass though America briefly. Even though it is a rare occurrence for him to be in America, I still had my concerns about why my presence was required at any meeting with him. I don't make a habit of 'hanging out' with my father. Not ever since I heard him on the phone that day. The day I learned of his betrayal.

The school bell rings, symbolizing the start of the school say and startling me out of my reverie. As usual, I arrived in school early today in order to get a few minutes alone in the library. Usually, I stay here for most of the school day – the teachers already know that I have my own style of studying and they respect it since I am doing exceptionally brilliantly in my academic life. Also, my mother put in a good word for me with a promise that I would excel with my chosen style of learning.

So far, she has been correct.

I get up from the seat where I normally sit and return the advanced astrophysics book back in the exact location where I found it. Although the librarian Mrs Sarah has told me I don't need to, I still spend ten minutes every morning arranging the books in the physics section alphabetically. I cannot stand seeing them in any form of disarray.

I leave the library, and head to my locker to get some books out. Even though I study by myself, I still follow the school timetable and right now, the first period is calculus.

As I walk to the locker I spot Aaron coming out of the arts class with Kayla and walking towards me. Aaron gives me a quick grin while Kayla offers me a brighter smile.

"Hi Keon", Kayla waves and I give her a little nod before turning over to glare at Aaron.

"You were supposed to meet me in the library", I point out.

Immediately Aaron's expression turns from jovial to slightly ashamed, and I instantly recognize the look. He forgot.

"Keon... I know we were supposed to meet but...", he trails off as he searches for the right word.

"It's just that you forgot", I complete.

Aaron turns red, and I shake my head, and sigh.

"Aaron I do understand that you are not under as much pressure to study as you were before with your admission and your parents being more understanding but I do wish you found it necessary to inform me when you decide to miss out on our premade plans."

The thing is that I am not hurt, I am just being factual. While I do wish he had not decided to skip our study session, I understand that he now has someone else to devote his time to. I do enjoy spending time with him but I am not the only person who will be getting a portion of his time. And on the positive side, Kayla is much better than Aaron's last girlfriend, Alicia. At least Kayla has an interest to learn and is actually a compassionate human being, even though I do want to tell her to adjust her school uniform because it isn't tidy or organized. Alicia on the other hand was just a nightmare to be around, both for me and Aaron. I admit, I was a bit skeptical of Kayla at first because I wasn't eager to watch Aaron be in another toxic relationship, but Kayla proved that she in fact did care about him.

And that's enough for me.

I look to Aaron who is still looking apologetic and I shrug. "It's okay that you were unable to meet up with me in the library but it is understandable." I give Kayla a soft glance and she smiles and nods.

As long as Aaron is in good hands, I am okay, and I don't see Kayla letting him slip up, at least not academically. She has even asked him for extra tutoring and improved on her grades. However, she is still often getting into trouble but luckily, he is almost never involved.

Speaking of which...

"I have detention right about now", Kayla gives a huge sigh. "I said something during Mr Kebabs class and he totally flipped"

"And I have to make sure the last of the latecomers are in class", Aaron smiles at her and she giggles and gives him a light punch.

"Such a rulebook", she rolls her eyes, and he leans forward and places a peck on her cheek.

They are so different, that sometimes I wonder how their relationship works. Although no one can deny that they are in a state of bliss, it must be difficult for them, considering that they are nearly as different as the day and night. I turn away as they hug, remembering the books that I need to retrieve for my next class.

I am about to walk away when from the corner of my eye I catch a flash of crimson red hair and then Steph appears clearly into view, running towards the hugging couple and swinging her arms around Kayla's neck.

"Hey girl", Kayla squeals as she runs her hands through Steph's red tresses, before Steph gives Aaron a friendly hug.

I stand aside and watch her. If possible, she is even untidier than Kayla. Her hair is untidy, her bag open and spewing papers out with random books stuffed in. Her uniform is rumpled and she isn't wearing her blazer. My eyes narrow as I take in everything about her. As untidy as she is, it is undeniable how exceptionally gorgeous she is. Her eyes are shining and her cheeks are pink and flushed with happiness. I have no idea how long my eyes are on her, but I am brought out of my thoughts by the sound of Steph clearing her throat.

"Weren't you raised to know that it's rude to stare, Google?", she says as her eyes skim me from head to toe.

Weren't you raised with the basic skills of time management and neatness?", I retort, taking off my glasses and cleaning them before setting them back on my nose. 

Of course, Steph ignores me completely but I don't care. I know she heard me

"I'll see you later Aaron, Kayla", I nod to both of them before I turn around and head to my locker, but not before I hear a few bits of the conversation behind me.

"Why did you leave the party early on Friday? You said that Quinn was sick?", Kayla asks in a hushed whisper.

"Trust me girl. You don't want to know. All I have to say is that it was best for me and Quinn that we left."

I do not hang around much as I am already getting late, but I mull over the words all the way to my locker. Quinn was not looking sick when she got home on Friday night. Yes, maybe she looked a bit more reserved, slightly quieter and in a rush to go to her room, but not sick. I know my sister well enough to tell when she is feeling ill.

Something happened at the party. Something that involved Stephanie,

As I retrieve my calculus book and start to walk back to my locker, I pass by the Literature class where Miss Kensigner is going through papers as she is seated at her desk. She looks up as I put my head through the door and spots me instantly.

"Keon Jacob", she says, looking startled for a moment. I don't blame her – I do not make a habit of meeting teachers and a lot of them do not tend to see me unless I am writing an exam and they are supervising.

"Good morning Miss Kensigner", I nod to her.

"Keon do you mind stepping in for a minute? I have a few minutes before I have to teach the Year 7s and I need to talk to you about something", she asks, and I step in without hesitation, leaving the door open behind me.

I make my way closer to the table, scrutinizing her carefully. She runs her hand through her hair which is dyed blond, though from this angle I cannot tell the original color. Her lips are thin and her nose is long and pinched. However, she is offering me a bright smile and is hastily applying lipgloss to her lips while batting her eyelashes at me.


The word springs to my mind unbidden.

"Keon, I was wondering if you would do me a huge favor by tutoring one of my students in your grade."

"Stephanie", I say immediately and then I nearly kick myself.

"How do you know?", she asks, her eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Frankly, it isn't astrophysics. Taking Stephanie's complaints last week Friday about her test into consideration as well as the snippets of conversation I've gotten from Quinn and the fact that a Literature teacher who has never spoken to me before is now talking to me, it actually would not be that hard to put two and two together.

Miss Kensigner shrugs and goes on. "She has been failing almost all of her subjects and in my opinion", she leans in closer and lowers her voice in a conspiratory whisper "in my opinion, she has absolutely no chance at all of passing or graduating."

She leans back to look at me, but I keep my face void of emotion. Disappointment flicks across her face at my impassiveness, but she quickly masks it. I do not know if or how she expects me to react to gossip about my fellow student to be quite frank.

"So you want me to tutor Stephanie", I ask for clarification.

She nods. "Only if you want to, of course"

I pause, carefully considering this. Tutoring Stephanie will not be easy, neither will it be fun. I do not want to deceive myself that it will be an easy task at all – if anything it will be one of the most difficult things I have ever done.

"What will I get out of this?", I ask, putting on my most business-like tone, something I learnt from my Dad.

"Umm, I mean...", she stammers, flustered.

"You see, I have everything I require right now. I do not really have any pressing needs at the moment unless..." I trail off, watching her hang on my every word.

"Unless what", she tries to snap but it comes out eager.

"Well, I need extra credit for gym class. I do not really like getting all sweaty."

"I'll speak to the gym teacher", she says, nodding anxiously. "So will you tutor her?"

I nod. Yes, I have finally made the decision, and I have decided that I will take on the task of tutoring Stephanie.

"Tell her to meet me in the library after school as we will be beginning our lessons immediately."

I do not wait for her response – staring at her untidy unevenly dyed hair is already sending me into a mini fit. I turn around and walk out of the classroom, turning back towards the library.

Tutoring Stephanie Young. Every situation has multiple possibilities, but the probability of this, me tutoring Stephanie, being successful isn't very high. But maybe I don't need it to be successful.

A/N: I am so so sorry for my infrequent posting loves. I had no idea that balancing school and writing would be so difficult. I'm still going to keep trying to post but it's very hard especially as I have been having a lot of writers block. But anyway, I hope you like this chapter. I'll try to update more regularly. 💋💋💋

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