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Steph's POV:

Today just keeps getting worse and worse. First of all, I woke up late (again) and had to really rush to get to school on time and I couldn't make it in time for the bell. I would have gotten detention if not for Aaron who decided to let me go just this once.

Sometimes it helps when your best friend is dating the class captain

From there, my day just got worse. It turns out that I did not pack a single book, and in fact I had left them all on my desk at home. And explaining to teachers that you didn't bring your books is not really an easy thing to do, especially when you have the bad track record that I have. I've gotten so many Friday detentions that they had to be moved to next week.

Lunch time was a quick break where I could hang out with Kayla and Quinn alone since Aaron was having some last-minute classwork to finish. To be honest, I have to admit that I've missed being with them alone.

Once lunch is over, the world of school envelopes me again. By the time I stumble into Literature class, I am weak, pissed and totally not in the mood to be messed with. Unfortunately, Miss Kensigner seems to have other plans for me.

"Most of you did exceptionally well in your Literature test on Friday", she says as she walks around the class handing out the papers with red ink showing everyone their grades. She drops the paper on everyone's desk, offering a few compliments and words of advice as she goes.

"Good job, Sarah. I see you've been working hard"

"Amazing Jeff, but work on your punctuation"

"Your grammar has improved so much Jessie"

And on she goes until she reaches the back of the row where Kayla and I are seated.

Her face is blank as she hands Kayla her script, and I peek over to take a look at it.

"I got a B", Kayla whispers, her voice hushed and awed. She looks so happy and I am also very happy for her. For someone who normally gets Ds an improvement to a B is remarkable. I make a mental note in my head to thank Aaron because I know he is the one behind this amazing change.

"You Stephanie", Miss Kensigner says, turning towards me, her face pulled in the worst frown ever. Seriously I'm seeing all the cracks in her makeup right now. She might actually wrinkle because oh my lord the expression on her face is...

Focus Steph.

Miss Kensigner slaps down the script on my table to reveal the huge F that she has graded me.


In all my years of trying hard to pass, I have never gotten an actual F. I've gotten Cs earlier on in my life and does Cs eventually turned to Ds but never have I gotten an actual F.

"I do not know what we are going to do about you Stephanie", she says, dramatically flailing her arms around as she pats her hair. "You don't seem to want to work and I'm tired of trying with you."

Maybe you aren't trying hard enough, I think to myself.

"You think I'm not trying hard enough", she shrieks and I realize that I have, once again spoken my thoughts out loud. "No, you are the one not trying hard enough young lady. And do you know why? It's because you are stupid." By now, most of the class is staring at us and even though I don't normally get public embarrassment, I feel myself turning as red as my hair.

I don't say anything and Miss Kensigner seems to have gotten the anger out of her spirit because she just turns around and struts back to the board to start her class. At that moment, I wish I had not let Kayla talk me out of placing the motion sensitive stink bombs around her desk. Nothing would make me feel better than seeing our darling Miss Kensigner drenched in the smell of rotten eggs.

The class begins and as usual, I do not understand a single thing going on. This week we are supposed to be reading Jane Eyre, but as I reach into my bag, I realize that I left the novel on the top of my desk back at home with the rest of the books I forgot.

"No books as usual Stephanie", Miss Kensigner shakes her head with a tut, and I grit my teeth in the effort to keep back a few words that would have definitely gotten me suspended.

I open my bag, digging about and hoping I can find something useful, but my bag is empty save for a few random papers that I stuffed in my haste to get to school and a slightly soft snickers bar. I pull out the piece of chocolate and bite into it, immediately feeling a lot better. Nothing can make me happier than a bar of my favorite chocolate.

I moan slightly and take another bite, allowing myself to be enveloped in the chocolatey goodness.

"Thank you, Stephanie for your input on this lesson", Miss Kensigner's voice cuts into my chocolate-induced haze. I look up to find her eye hard and fixed on me. "Now, if you're done eating in class which is, as you know, against the rules, maybe you can focus on the lesson."

Let's just say that the class isn't a success.

I can't focus on the class – to be honest books never had much of an appeal to me – and by the time the class is over, I am totally bored and anxious to leave. I start packing five minutes before class ends, ignoring Miss Kensigner's evil eyes, and I have to restrain myself from jumping out of my chair when the bell finally rings symbolizing the end of the school day.

Kayla starts to pack her bag as the rest of the students get up to leave, and when she is done, we head towards the door.

"Stephanie, stay back will you?", I hear Miss Kensigner say from behind me. I grit my teeth. Part of me wants to just ignore her and keep on walking. Instead, against my better judgement, I nod to Kayla to keep on going while I wait behind.

"Stephanie, for a while now, you've been slipping in your grades. There was a time that you actually seemed to be focusing on your academic life, but now all you do is play around, you don't put in any attention in class and play pranks with that friend of yours, Kayla Barnes..."

"Do you have a purpose for rambling or are you just wasting my time by giving me my life history", I say, faking a yawn.

Miss Kensigner does not scowl like I expect her to. Instead, she gives an ugly smirk.

Lady who are you smiling at? Your face is getting wrinkled like omg. Is that a piece of lettuce in your teeth? How long has that been in there?

"... and your father and I spoke and decided you will be getting a tutor for the rest of the term. Since you think my teaching style is poor, we'll see if someone can't better them."

Excuse me? A tutor? And what right does she have to go talking to my Father? Just because she is a teacher, she thinks that she can mess around with people's lives?

"... and you'll be meeting with him in the library in the morning before school and after school. Immediately after school so do not be late." She looks at her watch. "Well, would you look at that. School is over."

I roll my eyes. "Are we done here?"

"Yes. Run along now Stephanie."

I grab my bag and turn out of the classroom, slamming the door behind me.

Kayla is waiting for me right outside.

"What did she want?", she asks

"Something about me needing a tutor", I shrug, like I don't care. Because I don't. I've gotten tutors before and its no big deal.

Kayla groans as she pops a bubble with her gum. "I'm sure your dad put her up to it."

It's odd she knows just how I feel even when I haven't said anything yet. Almost as is she hears my soul

That's why she's my best friend.

"Come on with me", she says, her green gaze piercing into me. "I think you need some good company before this tutoring session"

She flashes me a smile, and I gratefully return it, thanking my lucky stars that I have such an amazing bestie.

As we run down the hallway, we bump into Marcus and Devin.

"Hey Steph", they both say simultaneously. "Hey Kayla"

"What's up Devin?", I high five him, ignoring Marcus. Kayla ignores him too. She knows all about our previous relationship as well as his role in tormenting Quinn, and hates him way more than I do.

"Why weren't you at the party last night?", Devin asks.

In all honesty, I had been grounded last night, and my father had taken me out to some fancy old people dinner party. But I can't tell them that obviously. I'm the bad girl not the rich prissy one.

"I had a date", I say simply, winking at Devin. "A hot one"

Marcus laughs and rolls his eyes. "Not likely babe"

"Think it was hard for me to find a replacement for your somewhat average sex?", I scoff and fold my arms, ignoring the fact that he called me babe.

"That's not why", Marcus says, his beautiful features forming a smirk. "It's because I know that you don't date", he leans in closer to me. "You just fuck and run"

"Watch your mouth", Kayla starts, but I stop her. 

Marcus keeps on going, oblivious to the fact that I'm already annoyed. "You were probably hanging out with the orphan girl again. I swear you hang out with the most pathetic company. Current company excluded of course"

"Um... I don't think that's a compliment", Devin says, cocking his head to one side.

"Maybe", Marcus keeps on going, "maybe you were hanging out with her weirdo freak brother. Is that the type of freak you hang out..."

That's as far as he gets before I lift my foot and knee him hard in the groin

"Fuck", he yells, slumping against a wall, his hands going to his private area as he begins to whimper in pain.

"You bitch", he yells at me as I turn to walk away.

"Please Marcus, even if I did something, it doesn't make a difference to your bedroom performances anyway"

Kayla laughs loudly and even Devin giggles as I lean closer towards him. "Don't you dare talk about any of friends again. And stay away from Quinn"

And with that, Kayla, Devin and I sashay away from Marcus' moaning body.

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