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Keon's POV:

I keep my eyes trained on Stephanie as she walks out of the library and take a deep breath. Being so close to someone so perfect, yet so insufferable might not be as simple as I thought and for a moment I consider cancelling our sessions and putting us both out of our misery. I toy with the idea for a while before shaking my head.

I know that I can't quit tutoring Steph, not now, not when I stand to lose.

I pick up the advanced physics book by my side and quickly open up to the chapter where I last stopped, skimming through it and repeating the words to myself, but all I can think of is flaming red hair, and brown eyes with the slight glimpse of a neck tattoo.

I shut the book in exasperation. There is no chance of me getting anymore work done, not here at least. I get up, placing the book back on the shelf before making the last rounds to ensure that the books are arranged properly and in alphabetical order, ready for the next day. Then I pack my bag, my hand lingering on the book that Stephanie was using.

What exactly is wrong with me?

I walk out of the library, locking the door with my key before going to the parking lot. Our car is gone, as I expected... Quinn took it to go home because I told her that I would be staying late and I don't like her taking the bus. I don't like taking the bus either – too much dirt and I do not trust the lack of organization of the bus timetables.I prefer to walk - it is scientifically proven to be the healthiest way to get anywhere. Besides I had put into consideration that I might need to clear my head after my tutoring session with Stephanie.


It comes as an unpleasant surprise as I approach the house to see two cars parked in the driveway. The first one is obviously Stephanie's so the second one is probably for Kayla.

Which means that at this very moment, they are in our house.

I groan as I fish out my key to unlock the door, before entering into the empty sitting room. They must not have spent very much time here as everything is in place, not a thing out of order – trust me, I would have noticed.

Which means that they must be upstairs, probably in Quinn's room.

Quickly, I scan the room one more time, adjusting a cushion which my mom must have dislodged before she left for work, before I move on satisfied, heading up the rug covered stairs with slow heavy steps. As I reach the top of the balcony, the aroma of a pizza steals its way towards me. I feel my stomach clench. I've never really been a fan of pizza, preferring to go for meals that have a higher nutritional value and do not require you to eat with your hands. It can be quite unhygienic.

Laughter comes from Quinn's room, and I can hear Stephanie's voice ringing out clearly as she begins to launch into some sort of conversation. I can't hear her words exactly, but I can tell from the tone of her voice that she is frustrated.

I make my way closer to the door, intending to check up on Quinn, but I pause as I hear my name. Now I know a lot of people would consider it poor manners to listen to eavesdrop on someone's conversation, but try being in a position where you get to hear what one of the hottest girls at school thinks about you and trust me you'll do the same thing I did.

"Surely Keon wasn't that bad", I hear Kayla's voice.

"Oh please you don't know the half of it. Keon's horrible and so damn judgmental too. He's got some stick up his posterior or something", she adds in a mock British accent, a supposed impersonation of my voice.

Kayla bursts into laughter. Quin says something in her quiet voice which I can't catch to which Stephanie responds, "Well yeah, but being smart or hot isn't as excuse to act like a jerk"

"Ah, so you think Keon's hot?", I hear Kayla ask in a slightly teasing tone.

There is silence on the other end of the door and I am shock to find that I am holding my breath, my heart hammering.

"Of course I don't", Stephanie's words cut through the air and I can hear a certain coldness in her voice, can almost see her rolling her eyes. "I was simply using an inference or one of those literary terms y'know"

"Actually there are no literary terms in your sentence", I say as I push open the door to Quinn's room, unable to listen anymore. "You simply made a comparison".

In retrospect I should have knocked first before entering but luckily they were all decent. Kayla and Stephanie are seated on the floor by Quinn's bed while Quinn is on the bed. There is a box of pizza by Kayla and my first reaction is to scan the room for crumbs. Quinn has a slice of untouched pizza on a plate beside her while Kayla has been careful enough to get her crumbs in the pizza box. Of course, the only place covered in crumbs and even a piece of pepperoni is where Stephanie is seated. It looks like she tried to feed the carpet.

Kayla is staring at me in shock and Quinn is glancing at me with disapproval, but Stephanie doesn't even have the decency to look embarrassed.

"Ever heard of knocking?", she asks, glancing at me without the slightest hint of shame, as if she wasn't just talking about me.

I don't reply, turning away from her. "Are you okay, Quinn?"

She nods quickly without saying a word, though I can't help but notice that while everyone is on their second slice of pizza, Quinn hasn't taken a single bite out of the piece on her plate. She notices the route of my gaze and meets my eyes briefly before looking away.

"She's good okay?", Stephanie's sharp voice interjects. "You can leave now"

"Isn't it bad enough that I have to hear your voice at school without hearing it in my own home?" I ask, facing her deliberately.

She rolls her eyes. "Out Google or else I might think that you're just here to gawk at me."

"Being smart or hot isn't as excuse to act like a jerk, Stephanie", I remind her as I begin to walk out of the room. I turn back to get a good look at her. "And no, I don't think you're hot"

With the obvious lie out, I shut Quinn's door and head to my room.

I enter, locking the door behind me. My room immediately calms me down, which is it's intended effect. Huge and spacious with white walls and gray furniture, a huge bookshelf in a corner with my books alphabetically arranged and a work desk near the window which overlooks the sky. It's absolutely perfect and spotless.

I start to take off my shirt, pants and glasses, folding them neatly into a laundry basket while keeping my glasses on my headboard. I enter the joint bathroom which is every bit as spotless as my bedroom and turn on the shower, waiting a bit for it to reach the perfect temperature before I get under the running lukewarm water.

I allow the water to run over my body for about fifteen minutes, permitting all the tension to be washed away. Then I dry myself with a towel and put on a robe. I make my way to the bookcase at the corner of my room and pick out a book on biochemistry. I take it to my desk where a pair of headphones are waiting. I put it on and relish the sound for a while – whale songs. Arguably one of the most enjoyable and efficient sound tracks to a study session.


I don't know how long the period of time that I spend studying is but I am suddenly aware of a presence at the entrance of my room. I whip around, expecting to maybe see Steph to find Quinn leaning against the door frame.

I take off my headphones and raise my brows quizzically.

"You know you had no right to come in and disturb me and my friends.", Quinn says, her quiet voice carrying a hint of irritation.

"I overheard someone make an incorrect statement and I came in to proffer the proper terminology"

She rolls her eyes and I can tell that she isn't fooled.

"I noticed your lack of interest for your food", I change the subject. What can I say? I have a way of avoiding topics that I have no interest in discussing. "I'm also certain that you have not eaten anything all day. Am I correct?"

Quinn glares at me. "That's none of your business"

My twin deflects the topic without any of the tact that I would normally have employed.

"I'm going downstairs to cook now Quinn", I say, slightly worried that she is going back down this path. "And when I am done, you are going to eat it"

I get up to go out by Quinn grabs my arm as I walk past her. "Stop Keon", she says. She forces a smile and I can see her brain trying to think of something to say.

"I actually ate today", she says and laughs again. "I just didn't want to tell you because I don't feel like its your business. You're overprotective you know"

"So what did you eat?", I inquire.

"What is this an interrogation?", she laughs again and I know now that she hasn't eaten today and maybe even yesterday, but I'll never get her to tell me.

I sigh wearily, taking off my glasses and wiping them with the edge of the robe before putting them back on. "When is mom coming back?"

Quinn looks relieved at the change in the direction of the conversation. "She said that she's still on set right now but she'll be back home in maybe an hour or two"

I sigh and Quinn reads my expression perfectly.

"Mom has spending more time on set than at home, and with Dad travelling everywhere it seems like the family is breaking apart. But don't worry K. We'll always have each other". She hugs me to try and even though I hate physical contact, I hug her back, more to comfort her than me.

Because I know something that Quinn doesn't. I know that our family is breaking apart. But I also know how to fix it.

Quinn is all I have and I will do anything for her to have a happy family.

I love her

A/N: I am done with my exams loves. Ugh I cannot tell you just how relieved I am to finally have them behind me. Physics is such a horrible subject btw, so if anyone here wants to go into physics major or engineering, I am warning you from experience - it is not the sweetest journey.

To celebrate I'm going to be doing a double update (in a few hours after I get some sleep) so stay tuned.

Also please tell me your opinions on this chapter. It's kind of like a filler chapter so there isn't much going on, but I still need to know your thoughts, so please vote and comment.

See you in the next chapter loves 💋💋💋

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