FOURTEEN. I drown it out like I always do

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XIV. I drown it out like I always do

Fred and George's seventeenth birthday party was still being talked about as time passed by. They talked about it in secret of course, as none of the professors had a clue about the night. Fred and Devore's relationship was growing stronger and stronger and the memories of her once relationship with Draco now never crossed her mind. She was happy. Truly happy.

The third task was coming in two months time. Harry was stressed beyond belief, his friends being the only things to keep his mind at peace. Him and Cedric grew closer because of the party.

George and Olivia were also in a really good place and it made Fred happy to see his brother happy with someone. It was also great for Devore and Olivia because they were already best friends. Dating twins made everything better.

May approached quickly and before Devore knew it, it was her birthday. May 24, 1980. A day that should've been exciting. But even now at fifteen, Devore hated her birthday. She also hated being woken up at seven in the morning. "Devore Lynn Taylor, wake up! It's your birthday!" Morgan screeched.

Devore groaned into her pillow. "I know, that's why I want you to leave me alone." Her voice muffled.

"Must you do this every year?"

She took her face out of her pillow and rolled over. "Morgan, do you remember the last time you woke me up to say happy birthday to me?"

Morgan shook her head. "No. Why?"

With a vicious smirk, she uttered "flipendo," and she flew backwards off her bed.

"Ow, Devore!"

One of the things Devore hated most in the world was being told happy birthday. For many different reasons, but she felt uncomfortable being told happy birthday. She wasn't great at taking compliments. She forced a smile every time a person told her happy birthday as she walked down the hallway to go to the Great Hall.

"Happy birthday, Devore!"

"Devore, happy birthday!"

She tried to keep her annoyance to a minimum because life for her was getting easier as the days went by. People were starting to accept her again. When she was with Fred and her friends, her happiness shined through and that's what people missed the most about Devore. She was always happy. Her happiness was contagious.

When she entered the Great Hall, she smiled lightly at those who continued to tell her happy birthday. Fred spotted her and immediately smiled as she came over. "There's the birthday girl!" He said loudly. She sat beside him. "Good morning, love. Happy—"

"If you finish that sentence, I'll stab you in the eye with this knife." She interrupted him and held up her steak knife, an evil look glistening in her eyes.

Everyone around her looked afraid. "Jesus, you're awfully cheery today." Muttered Ron.

"I'm getting deja vu." Said Lee.

Devore released a sigh. "I'm sorry. So sorry. I've just been getting told happy birthday all morning and I hate my birthday."

Harry narrowed his eyes. "Why do you hate your birthday?"

"Who enjoys getting older? Like, hello, wrinkles? I look way too good to have wrinkles." She dismissed and pushed her dark hair off her shoulders.

"You sure about that? I think I can see a grey hair right there." Atlas butted in from behind her. He plucked at a hair on the top of her head.

Devore spun around and elbowed him in the gut. Legend joined by his side. "You're gonna end up with a bruised face is you don't stop acting like a hyperactive spaz." He warned him.

"Thank you, Legend. I like you. Keep him, Atlas. He's better than all your old boyfriends."

Atlas smirked goofily. "I know right?" He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and squeezed her. "Happy birthday, Peaches."

She rolled her eyes but tried to smile. "Thanks, Las."

"Are you excited for your party, Dev?" George asked her.

Devore looked his way and narrowed her eyes. "Party? What party?"

"Your birthday party, fummy. You threw us a party,  it's only fair that we throw you one." Fred answered her question with a joyful look on his face. 

Hermione, whom was sitting in the seat across from her, noticed the way her face subtly dropped. "You don't have to do that, guys—"

"None sense!" George chimed.

"We were thinking Firewhiskey—" said Fred and he winked at her.



"And lots of—"

"No!" Devore snapped, causing them to stop talking and look at her with wide eyes, along with everyone else. "I don't want a party so just leave it alone!"

She grabbed her bag and fled the Great Hall, her long hair flying behind her. Fred turned sad at her outburst. Hermione glanced at Ginny, the girl being side her, and they shared a look. "Don't worry about it. She gets like this on her birthday." She told the twins.

"Why? What's her problem?" Ron asked bluntly.

"None of your business, Ronald. Just give her some time." Ginny snapped.

Devore's favorite memory of her birthday was her seventh birthday party. Chanel and Isaac always threw their daughter the most extravagant birthday parties and they got larger as she got older. Her mother dressed her in a pink and purple princess dress and a very large tiara. The guests were ball gowns and fancy suits. It was a lot for a little girl but that's how the Taylor family was. Chanel wanted everything to be perfect. Isaac wanted his daughter to have the best.

Her father walked her down through stairs in their home. His hand in hers. Chanel held a baby Bennet in her arms as she watched them. He gave her the first dance of the night. It was her favorite part and she looked forward to it every year on her birthday.

But her father was gone, and there was nobody else she wanted to give her her first dance.

Devore sat on a bench in the courtyard watching flower petals blow in the wind. The spring breeze stung her eyes but she couldn't tell if it was the weather or the tears she felt coming. She was tired of crying.

Bennet came outside and sat on the bench with her. They sat in silence for a few minutes. "Why are you sad? It's your birthday."

"I'm not sad, Ben. I promise."

"But you look it."

Devore looked at her brother and put on a smile. "See? I'm okay."

"If you say so. Happy birthday!" He told her with a happy smile.

There was a deep sadness inside of her because she knew she couldn't tell him why she disliked her birthday so much. She couldn't tell anyone. Bennet was too young. He was eleven-years-old. He had so much happiness in him.

He pulled something out of his robe pocket and placed it in her hand. "I got these for you."

Devore opened her palm. Two objects sat in her hand.  One was a threaded green bracelet with a silver snake charm dangling from it. The other one was a necklace with a simple silver heart shaped locket that had a picture of her and him on one side and a picture of their father on the other. She sucked in a deep breath when she felt more tears threaten to come. "Oh, Ben, it's beautiful. I love them."

"I made the bracelet with some thread and a charm I found in one of the stores in Hogsmeade. I used the money I had to buy the necklace, I just charmed the pictures." Bennet was looking for the perfect gift to give her but he was an eleven-year-old boy, he didn't know what girls liked. So he asked Olivia for advice.

She hugged her brother tightly in her arms like she was afraid he would disappear. She squeezed her eyes tightly and a tear came falling. "I love you." She choked.

"I love you, too."

When Devore opened her eyes, Fred stood in front of them sit his hands in his pockets. He looked guilty, which made her feel worse. Bennet pulled out of the hug. "Bennet, can I have a moment with your sister?" He asked the boy.

Bennet looked at his sister. Devore smiled slightly and nodded. She kissed his head and he got up from the bench. Fred took his spot. He rubbed his hands nervously on his pant legs. "Those are beautiful." He said, pointing to the jewelry in her hands.

She looked at them and smiled. "He's the sweetest. Totally going to be a ladies man when he's older."

"Oh, no doubt about that." They laughed. Fred looked her way to see her still staring at the jewelry. She twisted the chain around her fingers. "You used to love your birthday. Remembering the cake my mum made for you that one year?"

Devore grew a soft smile. It was her twelfth birthday. She'd gone over to the Burrow and Molly made her favorite cake, chocolate and raspberry. It was one of the best cakes she'd ever eaten. "Of course I remember. I loved that cake." She spoke and her voice held a touch of sadness.

The corner of Fred's lips turned downward. "I love you. You know that, yeah?" He spoke gently.

Devore looked at him. His eyes were so kind, so heartfelt. It was his way of telling her that she didn't have to be afraid to tell him things. That he would always listen. "I'm so sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap at you—"

"Don't be sorry, Dev. It's my fault." He grabbed one of her hands and gently held it in his own. "I know things have been really hard for you. Some I might not ever understand. But I'm here to listen if you want to talk."

Her hand toyed with the locket while the other stayed in his hand. Talking about her father was the hardest thing to do. Even with it being two years since he passed, Devore felt like it was yesterday. And days like her birthday weighed heavy on her heart.

She could still feel his presence. Smell his scent which was always firewood and very rich cologne. His laugh still rang in her ears like the doorbell of their home. But his touch is what she missed the most. Her father's hugs were always warm and so inviting. He loved her. Oh, how he loved his children so much.

Devore didn't realize she was crying until Fred wiped away her tears. She sniffled. "Ever since I was a kid, my mum and dad would throw me these grand birthday parties, and my mum would dress me in gowns and tiaras. And my father would walk me down the stairs and he'd give me my first dance. We always danced together, anywhere, all the time. And every day that passes, every birthday from here on, I'm reminded that I don't get to dance with him anymore."

Fred hugged her tightly and Devore buried her face into his neck, releasing her tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered to her.

"I really don't want a party, Fred. I'm sorry." She cried again and held him just as tight.

"We can do whatever you want, love. Party or no party. But I'll give you the greatest day of your life. I promise."

For once in his life, Fred Weasley was desperate for advice. He couldn't figure out what to do for Devore's birthday. In all the years he'd known her, she was larger than life, and he didn't want to settle for something mediocre. The first person that came to mind was the person who knew her the longest: Olivia.

He found her in the library with Hermione and his sister. "Hello ladies." He announced himself.

Ginny raised her brows. "You're in the library?"

"He's been here a lot actually. Wonder why?" Said Hermione and she smirked at him.

Fred rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, I only come here for my girlfriend. It's not that strange." He pulled out the empty seat by Olivia and quickly sat down. "Liv, I need some advice."

Olivia looked shocked. "Fred Weasley's coming to me for advice?" She questioned.

"Am I that egregious that I can't do the things that everyone else does?"

"Of course not! We're just a little surprised." Said Hermione.

"I'm just shocked you know what egregious means." Ginny said

Fred quietly mocked her. "Anyways, I'm here about Devore. I don't know what to do for her birthday."

The girls looked at each other. "So everything's okay after this morning?" Hermione asked him.

Olivia sat up in her seat. "Wait, what happened this morning?" She asked, looking over at Fred.

"George and I said we'd throw her a party since you and her threw us a party, but, she kinda blew up at us."

The Hufflepuff groaned to herself. "I'm so sorry. I should've told you how she is on her birthdays. She misses her father—"

He held up his hand. "I-It's okay, Liv. I know. She and I had a talk. I'm not throwing her a party, but, I still want to make today great for her. She deserves it."

Ginny awed. "Look at you being all soft and mushy."

He flipped her off.

Hermione laughed. "So you have no ideas at all?"

Fred threw his hands up. "None! I'm not good at these things. But I love her. So please help me out."

One again, the three girls looked at each other, seemingly having a conversation in their minds. Olivia looked to Fred and nodded. "Okay, here's what I'm thinking."

Fred took Ginny and Hermione's advice and took Devore out to dinner at Hogsmeade. They had a wonderful evening with each other and Devore would've been perfectly happy to end her birthday on that note. But now she was being dragged by Atlas and Legend through the halls with her eyes covered by Atlas's hands. "Where are you guys taking me?" She laughed.

"Just a little further now, Peaches. Stop asking questions." Atlas answered while winking at his boyfriend. 

"How was your dinner, Dev?" Legend asked kindly.

"It was wonderful, thank you for asking. We went to The Three Broomsticks and spend the day together.  Way better than a party in my opinion." 

"I don't know I was kind of looking forward to getting drunk again—Ow!" Atlas groaned after being hit in the head by Legend, who gave him a really stare.

Devore chuckled. "Maybe next year. How much farther?" She proceeded to ask.

"Anddd. . . we are here!"

When he removed his hands from her eyes, Devore saw that they were standing in the middle of the outside walkway of the castle. All her Gryffindor friends, including Morgan and Olivia, as well as her brother, were all there waiting. She grew a smile. "What's this?"

Hermione walked up to her. "You'll see." She stood by her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

The students waited for a few more minutes as they watched the birthday girl look around anxiously, not knowing what to expect. They were all informed on what the surprise was and couldn't be more excited to see her reaction. After a little while longer, Devore could see sparks of fireworks appear in front of her. She jumped. "What the hell?"

Fireworks started to fly toward them, flying and circling around her. They flew above her head and bursted into tons of different colors. Devore could hear a zooming sound coming from behind her causing her to turn around, only to encountered by two read head boys on brooms.

The twins flew past their friends and Devore watched with admiration as they flew up to the sky. They threw large fireworks into the air that formed the words  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVORE! in the sky.

"That's what i'm talking about!" Atlas cheered with his arms wrapped around the neck of his best friend, who was overjoyed by the surprise her friends gave her.  Devore felt nothing but pure happiness as she watched the sky. Then, the message in the sky shifted as the fireworks formed another message, and the words I LOVE YOU appeared. Her eyes filled with tears and Fred smiled at her from the sky.

Her girl friends all squealed and surrounded her. "So gross." Said Ron, standing by Harry's side.

Harry hit his arm. "Oh, be quiet. It's her birthday."

The letters in the sky bursted into large fireworks as the twins came flying back to the group of students.  Cheers erupted from them all. Devore looked at Fred and smiled widely. "That was amazing!"

Fred shrugged with a half smirk. "I figured you would like it."

"I loved it." She corrected and grabbed his shoulder s, pulling him down for a kiss. "And I love you."

"I love you." He said back with a loving smile.

George stood behind his brother and threw his hands up. "Hey, what about me over here?" He said loudly.

They laughed and Devore pulled away from Fred. She smiled widely and went to go hug the twin, along with Olivia who was exceptionally happy that the plan went accordingly.

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