THIRTEEN. golden like daylight

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XIII.   golden like daylight 

Winter turned into Spring. The snow was replaced with flowers. Devore sat with Fred by the lake under a shaded tree, her back to his chest and between his legs, with his long arm wrapped around her. Her eyes were closed as she took in the peaceful atmosphere, and she felt his lips press to the side of her head. "I wish we could stay like this forever." She said with a sigh.

"Who says we can't?" He whispered in her ear.

She grinned. "Well, our professors would kill us. Our friends would worry. And George would be a lost soul wondering about without you."

Fred laughed. "He'd probably be too busy with Olivia."

Devore chuckled. "True. It's so funny to think about. We're best friends and we're dating a pair of twins."

"That's us Weasleys. Totally irresistible."

"Oh yeah. You're the total package." She kissed his cheek, and Fred turned his head, kissing her on the lips which made her smile. "I love you."

"I love you." Fred said back and kissed her on the side of the head.

April first came quickly and to anybody who knew the day, they treated it as a more than a national holiday. It was Fred and George's birthday. Devore bounced into the Great Hall and went up behind Fred, covering his eyes with her hands. "Guess who?"

Everyone around them rolled their eyes. Fred chuckled. "Uhhh, is it my favorite person in the world?"

"Well I feel offended." Said George while stuffing his face with french toast.

Devore sat beside him and they kissed, causing everyone to groan. "Do you two have to do this every morning?" Ron grumbled.

Fred pulled away from her. "Don't worry, Ronald. When you get a girlfriend, you'll be the same."

Devore grinned and put her hand on his back. "Happy birthday." She smiled at George. "Happy birthday, Georgie."

He bowed to her with his hand. "Thank you very much."

Olivia joined the conversation, sitting beside George, the twins sandwiched between them. "Devore and I are already planning your birthday party." She smiled.

George grinned. "You girls don't need to throw us a party,"

"But if you insist—" said Fred.

"We like Firewhisky."

"Gryffindor common room?" Asked Devore.

"Only the best place to throw a party." George answered and the twins smirked largely.

Fred kept on insisting that Devore didn't need to take him anywhere for his birthday, but if there was one thing she took seriously, it was her friend's birthdays. She always loved to go out of her way to celebrate them. The couple went on a date to Hogsmeade, Devore letting Fred go wherever he wanted to go, and she should've guessed that he wanted to spent most of his time at Zonko's Joke Shop.

He bounced around with excitement and dragged her around the store, bright eyes dancing around the various shelves of dungbombs, sugar quills, extendable ease, and inflatable tongues. "This is heaven, love. I'm telling you." He spoke astonishingly.

Devore laughed. "I'm glad, sweetheart."

"Do you know why I like coming here?" She shook her head. "Georgie and I have always wanted to own our own joke shop. We've been talking more about starting one, creating our own products."

"Really? Fred, that's wonderful."

"Sure, but, we also know it'll never happen."

She furrowed her brows and placed a hand on his arm. "Why do you say that?"

Fred looked around the shop in envy. "It costs a lot of money to start a business, let alone buying a building."

Devore didn't know what to say. She felt ashamed of herself for not being able to relate to him. She was born into a family full of money. Her father spoiled her to new heights. She was never seen wearing anything that wasn't labeled as expensive. She didn't have to worry about not having food on the table or having a bed to sleep in. "I could always help you with it, you know?" She suggested.

Fred suddenly laughed. "What do you mean?"

"Y'know, I can help you with the money."

Slowly, his smile dropped. "What? No, Devore, I could never ask that of you—"

She quickly shook her head. "You wouldn't be asking of me. It would be my choice." She insisted.

"What, you think I can't do it on my own? That I need someone to just hand me money?" He grew defensive and a little hurt.

Devore started to frown. "No, no! Fred, I would never think that. Never."

"Well that's what you said!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." Her heart rate increased as well as her breathing. She always did this. She always said the wrong thing.

Fred watched her eyes fill with tears and he backed down. He felt ashamed. In no way was he angry at her for suggesting to help, he was angry at the fact that he did need help. He wasn't born with money like she was. His clothes weren't new. His shoes were old and worn out.nHe barely had enough money to buy his school books for that year. His father worked for the Ministry of Magic but the fact that he was a "blood traitor" didn't sit well with the other wizards. They were looked down upon in the wizarding world. It brought out the big brother role within him to protect his siblings and his family from the shame and ugliness. But a teenage boy can only do so much.

Fred held his hand out to her and smiled. "Come on, I fancy a butterbeer."

Hogsmeade was beautiful in the spring time. The trees were bright green and covered with beautiful flowers.  The sun shined brighter in the sky casting a shining light on the many store buildings. The couple walked into The Three Broomsticks and grabbed a table for two. Fred ordered two butterbeers. Devore had barely spoken a word since their misunderstanding. She got like that when she felt like people were mad at her. It was almost always her fault. 

Fred noticed her jittery state. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Nervous? Why do you think I'm nervous?"

"You're moving around a lot. You only do that when you're nervous." He pointed out.

Devore scoffed. "Observant, are you?"

He simply shrugged. "I just notice things about someone when I spend so much time looking at them."

She bit back a smile.

"You blush at everything I say to you, you know?" He teased her.

"I have one of those complexions, I guess." 

"You're blushing right now."

"I'm aware of that." Devore replied and inhaled a breath

Fred laughed at her with the most beautiful look on his face and she felt her heart quicken.

"I don't want to get into a fight with you, Fred."

"We're not fighting, Dev." He said with another laugh.

"I know, but–I didn't mean to upset you back there. I wasn't thinking. Of course you don't need my help. You're so independent and clever. How you weren't put in Slytherin, I'll forever wonder, but I have no doubt in my mind you can do anything. You probably hate me."

When she was dating Draco, everyone around them knew how toxic their relationship was. They fought every day. Often, people would think it was her fault for starting the fights between them. They only saw her lash out, only saw her get in his face for something he said to her, or they would only see her push him because he did something to get back at her. Nobody knew the real story. Devore didn't realize the long term effects the abuse left on her.

But Fred wasn't like that. He put others before himself and valued his place as a Gryffindor. He didn't care what anyone thought about him and he loved his life like any day could be his last. Fred brought out a side of Devore she never knew she had. She was able to breathe around him, to relax and think clearly. She smiled more and laughed more. He took away the aching in her bones and made them feel like velvet.

Fred reached across the table and held his hand out. She placed her palm in his. "I could never hate you, Devore. I think it's impossible, actually."

"You hated me before." She insisted.

It took him a minute to respond. "Maybe I did. I hated the girl you tried to be. Someone remote and unkind because I know that's not who you are, Dev. You're so good. The girl I bumped into that day in the hall, the girl who laughed at the pranks I would pull, that's the girl who I knew would be apart of my life forever. You're a part of me, Devore, whether you want to be or not."

There it was. That feeling of pure love she'd dreamt of having. The love her father showered her in. Her heart felt whole again. Devore squeezed his hand. "Believe me, Freddie, you're everything I've ever wanted."

The rest of the day, Devore and Olivia had been going mad. They forced Ron and Harry along with a few others boys to help them set up the decorations in the Gryffindor common room. Olivia had Atlas and Legend distract the twins the rest of the night to keep them away.

The girls gathered in Olivia's dorm room to get ready for the party. "Do you guys plan on drinking? Is there even going to be drinking?" Questioned Morgan.

"Of course there will be. Seamus said he could get the good stuff." Answered Devore. She carefully did her eyeliner in the mirror. "I probably won't get too messed up but I'll definitely be having fun."

"Someone's got to make sure the birthday boys don't drown in liquor." Said Olivia and they laughed.

When they arrived at the Gryffindor common room, gaining access by the password Fred gave her, they were greeted by multiple cheers from the people that were already there. Loud music was playing on a speaker that Hermione had let them use. She was one of three only ones who knew good Muggle music. Seamus and Dean came running to them. "There they are, party planners!" Seamus exclaimed and picked Devore up by her waist, spinning her around.

Devore laughed. "Hey, Seamus."

Dean grabbed the girl's hands and pulled them to the middle of the common room. "Listen up, ya lot! Give it up for the girls who made this party happen!" He yelled.

"LET'S GO!" Lee shouted into his hands and everyone cheered again.

Devore laughed loud and hugged Hermione when she spotted her in the crowd. "I can assume you won't be drinking tonight, Granger?" She guessed.

"You assume right!" Hermione shouted back over the music. "I caught of whiff of Seamus's Irish whisky. Not my thing."

She laughed again and looked around at everyone who attended the party. She saw Harry and Ron with Seamus and Dean at the drink table, Olivia wondered around with Morgan saying hi to people, and Cedric stood in the corner with a few of his friends that were his age.

A few minutes later, Legend came running into the common room. "Guys, guys, Atlas and the twins are right down the hall!" He hollered to everyone.

"Everyone hide!" Devore shouted into her hands. "Music off!"

Hermione quickly went to turn the speaker off and everyone in the room quickly found a place to hide. Sarah cut off the lights.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia." Fred recited to the Fat Lady.

"Goodness gracious, how many more of you do I have to let in tonight?" The woman over exaggerated.

"Mimbo mimbleton, c'mon now!" Atlas exclaimed as in he was on a time crunch.

The twins gave him a weird look. "Close enough." George muttered. He looked back at the Fat Lady. "Mimbulus mimbletonia."

"Oh, alright." The door opened and the boys walked in. "Prepare yourself, boys." Atlas told them with a wide smirk as he led them through the dark walkway.

"We're really letting Atlas Kennedy control us?" Asked George.

"He's your future brother in law—"

He was quick to hit his brother on the arm.

Suddenly, the lights in the common room came on and twins were met with a very large crowd of people. "SURPRISE!" They belted out at once.

Fred spotted Devore in the crowd and smiled stretched across his face. She yelled out into her hands with the others and was practically bouncing on her feet. The twins looked at each other with large grins.

"Let's get this party started!" Atlas chanted.

The lights turned into a deep red that changed the whole room to red. Seamus and Hermione found a song and it blared throughout the common room. Olivia carefully pushed through everyone and found George, rushing into his arms. "Told you we'd throw you a great party!" She laughed.

"This is great, Liv. Really. Thank you." He told her and leaned down to kiss her.

Fred stood in front of Devore and narrowed his eyes. She narrowed them back and a tiny smell grew on her lips. He shook his head and she bursted into laughter. She walked closer and threw her arms around his neck, going up on her toes. "Are you surprised?"

"I'm more surprised Atlas and Legend kept us away for this long." He said over the loud music. She laughed again. "This is great, love. Thank you."

Devore kissed him on the lips. "Anything for you. Oh, Seamus and Dean brought Firewhisky and Irish whisky."

He quickly grabbed her hand. "Let's go before someone takes it all." He said and dragged her with him to the drink table.

By the time an hour passed, everyone at the party was either drunk or half way there. Hermione was doing a good job at having fun when it didn't involve keeping Harry or Ron from embarrassing themselves from how many shots they were handed. She already gave them the underage drinking lecture, which nobody followed. . .

It was a successful party which made Devore and Olivia happy. The red lights were now flashing multiple colors with a charm that Lee had used. One of the Hufflepuff boys passed around light up sunglasses purchased from a shop in Hogsmeade. Atlas and Legend were making out in a corner in the room, as well as Sarah and Angelina.

Devore stood in front of her boyfriend with her arm wrapped loosely around his neck, his long arms wrapped tightly around her. Cups of half empty Firewhisky were attached to their hands as they swayed to the loud music. Their faces were pressed together and he felt her long eyelashes flutter against his cheek. "Best birthday ever."

Devore smirked against his lips. "Only the best for you."

Their lips connected, the taste of alcohol consuming them. Multiple cheers and yells surrounded them as people saw them but they tuned them out. Their lips molded against each other and their bodies glued together. Fred broke apart from her and took her by the hand, leading her up the stairs to his dorm, leaving behind the crazed and drunk students. 

The two quickly shut the door of the room and reconnecting themselves with each other.  The red haired boy backed  her up to his bed,  her knees collapsing sending her toppling down.  The drunk teens laughed joyously and continued their display of affection.  Fred's large hands ran through her messy brown hair and breathed in her scent through his nose.  Love radiated in their souls and tangled them together. For the first time in her life, Devore felt happy to be alive with someone other than her brother.

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