Making You Mine - 22

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The doctor walks into the room while I'm lying on Callum's bed. He looks at him and says. "Callum, can you step out of the room while I talk to our patient here?"

Callum kisses the top of my head. "I'll be waiting for you outside. If you need anything give me a yell." He stands up and walks to the door. Taking one last look at me he exits the room and closes the door gently.

The doctor has silver hair and blue eyes, he smiles kindly at me. "I'm Doctor Benson. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was swimming at the beach and I got hammered by the waves. During one of the dives, I hit my head against a rock."

"Show me whereabouts. I need to make sure you're not bleeding."

Moving my hair to the side I point at where it's tender. There's a small lump forming where I hit the rock.

"Did you blackout at all?"

Shaking my head. "No, I didn't have time to. All I could think about was getting out of the ocean and then a current pulled me to the side and I had to swim against that. Until it was safe for me to get out."

He nods. "I'm going to ask that someone keeps an eye on you for 48 hrs because you might have a concussion from hitting your head." Looking at the door he adds. "I supposed that young man is going to demand that he's the one to look after you."

Of course, he would. Callum wouldn't trust me in the hands of anyone. This show is going to be a bit awkward when we return to the house. They're all going to know something is up.

A smile spreads across my face. "Of course he will. I bet he'd walk up to the producer of the show and tell them that he can't leave my side. As for the girls in there he'll make up something and they will believe him."

"I've been told that I can't say anything about what's happening here. However, I'm rooting for you and him to being together. I used to be like that boy out there and the best thing that happened to me was my wife who was also my best friend before we got together. I knew you two were best friends before I walked into the room. Seeing you together him brings back all the memories I had of that age with my wife."

"I would love to meet her someday."

He gives me a piece of paper. "When this show is over give me a call and I'll arrange for you to meet my wife and kids."

Taking the paper from him I slip it into my pocket. "Thanks."

Writing some notes down he gives me another slip of paper that's for some painkillers that will help with my head if I need.

I have to get someone from the production team to get it for me.

The doctor says. "Goodbye," before walking out of the room and letting Callum back in.

He moves quickly to the bed and climbs in beside me. "You should rest."

"I'm not tired..." he cuts me off by placing his lips on mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepen the kiss before pulling away. "Fine, you win." Closing my eyes I let sleep take me away.


When I wake a couple of hours later there's a glass of water and tablets sitting on the nightstand with a note next to it.


Please take these. If you're feeling better join us in the dining room for dinner.

Ps If you're not awake before dinner's served I'll bring it to you.



The door to the room opens and Callum steps inside with a tray of food. He moves over to the bed and places it on my lap. "I was hoping you wouldn't wake up before dinner." Kissing my cheek he adds. "I hope you're feeling a little better."

"Yeah," picking up the roll I put it in my mouth and chew. Eating in front of Callum has never been a problem. "What did you tell Kaylee and the girls?"

"I told them that you're resting and that they can't see you until the doctor gives you the all-clear."

"Where do they think I'm resting?"

A smile spreads across his face. "The spare room that's across the hall from this one. The girls aren't allowed near this side of the house. So, they won't know which room you're in." Grabbing the remote off the table. "What do you want to watch?"

"Something that has either motocross or NASCAR in it. I miss being out on the track."

Callum shakes his head. "You were on the track this morning. Wasn't that good enough for you?"

"No, spending ten minutes on the track going fast isn't enough. I need to spend hours on the track, being stuck in a house like this isn't something I'm used."

He moves over to the bed and sits next to me. "Let's watch Bennett's War."

"Okay, first are you going to tell me what it's about?"

Shaking his head he replied. "You'll find out soon."

Bennett's War title comes up on the screen and there's a picture of a bike on it.

I think I might enjoy this movie.

After the movie, I look over at Callum and find him fast asleep on the bed next to me. Nudging him with my elbow I say. "Cal, can you turn the lights off?"

He opens his eyes and looks at me. "I'm tired."

Pointing to my head I add. "I'm the one with the head injury. Are you sure that it's a good idea for me to get out of bed."

He grumbles a few words that make it hard for me to hear the words coming out of his. "How was the movie?"

"Good, I can't believe you slept through it."

"I was totally wiped from the day we had and eating dinner with those girls. I have to take two more on a date tomorrow."

"If you're going to kiss them and kiss me you'll have to wash your mouth out. I don't want to have there scent on my lips."

He has a serious look on his face. "I have no intentions of kissing either of them tomorrow. Well, not while I have you in bed with me." Turning the light off he walks over to the bed and pulls the blankets back. He climbs into the bed and pulls me against his side. "I want to hold you tonight, Cas."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'd like that Cal." I place my head on his chest and wrap my other hand around him. "Goodnight, Cal."

Callum kisses the top of my head. "Sleep tight, Cas. I'll check on you in a couple of hours. I need to make sure you're okay during the night."

"I hate you," I mumble, closing my eyes.

"No, you don't. We both know you love me and that me checking on you is to make sure that I have a future with you after the show."

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